Cali-chan here. First of all, thanks to all you ppl who commented on 'Breaking all the Rules'! Cali luvs you all and will try to find time to reply. But my life is hectic at the moment cuz my parents plan to ship me to San Diego for 4th year. I don't want to leave my nice little asian archipelago but my parents rule me. -_-* This is an old fic I revived and added a lemon scene to. My first lemon scene so be kind. O.o Gah. I'm nervous... ^,^ Author: Cali-chan E-mial: Title: ~Shattered~ Rating: NC17 Type: One-shot Warnings: Sex, rape, Cali's pathetic first attempt at lemon. ^.^* Archive: Ask me, then I'll say yes ofcourse but I wanna know first where my fics go. ^___~ Disclaimer: I don't own any of them. Thus saying that I can mess their lives anyway I want. That's better than owning them. ~___~-fufufufufu Note: {} is for telepathy ~*~*~*~* is for scene changes --------------- ~Shattered~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I don't want to be a white china figure For the rest of my life so please smash me into a million pieces and let me fall fall fall and you can put me back together any way you want to any way at all ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Omi gazed over at his lover's sleeping form. Perfect was the word that described such beauty. His hands traveled on their own accord, tracing the milky white skin, then lightly over the lips that were perpetually fixed into a frown; atleast until they would suddenly tilt up into something altogether beautiful. A smile. Something Omi has learned to cherish from him and keep locked up in his heart where noone could take it away. Funny how the smaller things proved to be the most important. Asleep Aya-san finally attained peace. He looked almost innocent, although Omi doubted the adjective would suit any of them. He loved doing this when he got the chance. Just watch. Every minute detail captivated him. The way the slim chest would rise and fall with every breath, how the red strands would fall upon his cheeks. Aya-san was _beautiful_. Omi couldn't believe that such a person could come to love him... tainted and broken, Aya-san had cleansed and mended him. Now he was whole, and Aya-san held him together. If anything happened to Aya-san... He wouldn't even think about _that_! Omi snuggled closer to Aya's chest and tucked his head beneath his lovers chin. Then long fine brows furrowed as Aya's eyelids slipped open, purple iris' fixing their gaze ontu the young boy snuggled in the nest of his arms. Omi's large longlashed blue eyes gazed sheepishly up at him, the soft timber of the youth's voice muffled on his chest, "Aya-san gomen ne. I didn't meant to wake you up." Aya nuzzled the soft golden brown hair. Omi smelled like cinnamon, chocolate and sex. It was an altogether arousing smell, "Daijoubu Omi.", Then he shifted himself so that he lay ontop of the young boy, their faces inches apart. Omi smiled, then his mouth was busy doing other things. ~*~*~*~*~* , Ken's fist slammed into the wall. Long chestnut locks tumbled into his face as he slumped to the ground. Today he had prepared dinner for the two of them, knowing that Youji had a date planned and Omi had a school overnight trip. Everything had been perfect. Aya loved the food, Ken could tell by the way his eyes had lit up. He had even agreed to watching a movie with him... until Omi had come home claiming the sleepover had been canceled. Then Omi became his world. And Gods... the smile Aya had flashed when he came in. How often had he wished that smile had been because of something he did. Cooking dinner for him hadn't earned him a smile. All Omi had to do was be there. Then they had left, Aya holding Omi's hand tight in his. Then Ken had escaped downstairs into the mission room to keep the sounds from behind the shut door at bay. He hid his face in his hands, "Why? ... Why Omi and not me?", he was so immersed in his misery that he didn't hear footsteps ring as they decended the steel stairs. "Ken?" The soccer player stumbled to his feet, eyes panicked, "Youji?", Damn... had Youji heard him?!, "Yo-You're home early." The older man lit a ciggarette, puffing it slowly, "I didn't feel like getting laid tonight." Startled, Ken merely stared dumbfounded at the playboy. Youji? Not want to get laid?! The older man walked towards him and leaned close, "What about Omi?" Ken panicked. He _had_ heard him!, "Eto... what about him?" "I heard you say his name." Ken paled. Youji took this in with a smirk but plowed on, "It's about him and Aya hmmm?" Ken tried to move away but Youji's hand came up and grabbed his arm, "I-I don't know what you mean..." Youji put his face close, "Don't fuck with me Hidaka. The brat's been feeding off Aya's affection for the past few months now and you're not the only one who's pissed off." "Youji!", Ken's jaw fell open, "Ho-how could you say that?!" "Because...", Youji felt the pain of rejection throb in his chest. _He_ had been Omi's first. _He_ had been the one Omi ran too when he needed comfort. Omi had said he loved him then. Betrayed... And when Aya came into the team, Omi started to grow distant. He pretended not to see when Omi's gaze would rest on the red head. Because Omi was still with him. He played ignorant when Omi would obviously prefer to stay with Aya than him. Because Omi said he still loved him. Then after that little Takatori incident he knew he had lost. The boy had leaped into Aya's arm's without a backwards glance. Whore... It was time to put a stop to it. "Ken... Aya could be yours if Omi was gone." "What!!!", Ken's surprise quickly turned into fury, "How could you even think of killing him?!" "I never said 'kill' did I? What kind of person do you think I am?", Ken's anger shifted into surprise once more. Youji hadn't been thinking of killing Omi off. As much as he tried to hate the boy... he couldn't forget that he had been happy then, when Omi loved him. He had other plans. Ken looked doubtful, "Then what..." Youji turned to walk away, "I know someone who could help us." "Who?" Youji ignored him. He hoped the _favors_ he had been doing for the man would be enough. ~*~*~*~*~* Omi peered up from his textbook as Youji lumbered into the room, "Ara? Youji-kun!", Omi tumbled off the bed then jumped upright, "What are you doing here?" Youji ruffled the youth's silky hair, lingering for a moment before grinning widely, "Oi. Is Aya home?" Omi shook his head, "I-iya! Aya-kun said Ken-kun asked him for help delivering a bunch of arrangements!" "So," Youji glanced around, "We've got the whole house to ourselves hmmm?" Omi nodded then blushed slightly as the line brought back memories. He and Youji-kun had been together before he had met Aya-san. The older man had taught him pleasure, and Omi had given him his virginity in return. He would always be a special friend. Youji suddenly grabbed his arm and proceeded to drag him out the door, "Yo-Youji-kun?!" "C'mon Omi! You thought I'd let you fry your brains infront of the computer again?! This time I'm taking you out!" "O-out to where?" Youji's smile widened, "You'll see." ~*~*~*~*~* "Ken." "Ah?" "How much farther is this place?" Aya frowned as Ken fidgeted nervously, "Eh... a couple of streets down." Aya sighed. What was he doing out at night when he could be... he hid a smile as he turned his head to the side. Ken in the passenger's seat busy holding the fragile arrangements didn't catch it. Omi would probably be on his computer when he would arrive home, knowing the youth. The he would flash his sunny smile and rush towards him. Then they would hold each other. Then merely love. Love with heart, body, mind. Aya never through he could love anyone else besides his imouto. When Ran died to give birth to the Aya he was now, his heart closed off, only the love for Aya-chan remaining because Ran had loved her. Then Omi had come along. The boy had merely been his friend at first. Then his enemy when he had found out his lineage. Then when Omi rejected his family, they became soulmates. Bonded by their hate. Aya hated Takatori for killing his family. Omi hated Takatori for being his family. Together the broken pieces that had been their selves had fit together perfectly. Ironic... how hate had brought about love. When Omi had come home, his brother's blood heavy on his hands, Aya had gathered him up, kissed those fingers that had hurt Takatori. Then those lips that had rejected his accursed family. Then he kissed those eyes that had seen horrors as he had seen. Then finally, clothing gone he had kissed the bruises, physical signs of maltreatment of that cursed name. Ken would never understand him. Youji _could_ never understand him. Omi could and _did_. It was about family. He wanted Omi to be by his side forever. Someone who loved and understood him. A portion of his heart had come alive once more. "Aya?" He broke out of his reverie, "Nani." "We're here!", then Ken looked pleadingly at him. Aya blinked, "What?" "Can you open the door?", Ken's eyes turned big and quivery, "I don't wanna hurt the flowers!" "...hnn." ~*~*~*~*~*~* Youji's eyes once more drifted to the young boy fast asleep in the backseat of his car. Golden bangs tumbled down his face framing cheeks flushed with drink. Two beers and already knocked out! Well... one had been drugged but Omi was an assasin for gods sake! The sight of a drunken flushed Omi reminded him of the first time he had taken the boy. Drunk, Omi was so sweet, willing to please. Youji tried to stifle the bit of unease that had begun to rise up. Omi had been nervous when he had brought him to the place which had preceded their first night together. He probably thought that Youji wanted to bring their relationship back again. Well... he was slightly right, but not quite. If this went as planned, Omi would be the one who would beg to come back, not him. Omi let out a muffled sigh and plopped down from his seating postion to curl up on himself. Youji felt a pang of guilt. /Youji...kun./ /Hai?/ /I feel sick.../ /Really? Want me to take you home?/ /O..negai..?/ /Sure kid./ Then he had snuggled into his arms and fallen fast asleep. Did Omi trust him that much? He remembered the times before Aya had come. Everything was normal then. Perfect. /Youji-kun! Stop smoking! You're going to die early!/ /Maa, let me be Omittchi./ /If you don't stop smoking now I won't kiss you! You'll taste like an ashtray!/ /Hey!/ His taking over his shifts: /Youji-kun! I have to study for a test tommorow. You wouldn't mind taking over?/ /Fine./ /Arigatou!/ /But you have to buy me ice cream./ /Hai!/ /And let me use you as a plate./ /*Laugh* Youji-kun!/ Youji cursed and slammed his fists into the steering wheel. How could Omi have thrown such days away! {No need to worry Kudou. After this he'll be all yours.} Shulderich? A nasal laugh, {Who else! I'm in the next building. Pull over.} ~*~*~*~*~* "So Kudou, this is how it'll go. You just stand there and frown like the redheaded cold fish while I fuck him.", Shulderich trailed a finger down Omi's cheek, "I'll fiddle with his little mind so he'll think you're Aya, heartlessly watching an enemy rape him. Afterwards I'll cause a momentary blackout and you pick him up and you'll be his beloved savior." Youji's fists clenched, "Why should you be the one to fuck him. Can't you stand there, look like Aya, and make me look like you?" "Too much work, doing two people. Besides, I won't do this unless I get something out of it. You're getting this little boy Kudou, so why not let me have one go?" "But-" {Fuck the _favors_ you gave me Kudou. You enjoyed my cock up your ass as much as I did.} "You bastard..." "Nagi!", Shulderich half-turned as his younger teamate walked into the room, "Watch the doors got it?" "Hai.", Nagi's eyes widened as he caught sight of Omi, "What's this..." "None of your damn buisness brat. Brought you along to gaurd, not to watch.", Then Shulderich turned to Youji, "Time to start. Are you ready?" ~*~*~*~*~*~* Nani...? Omi slowly rose out of the murky darkness of sleep, then screamed as his mind was assaulted, another conscience melding into his. He found he couldn't move, couldn't breath unless this being allowed him too. His mind wasn't his. Then he felt his head being turned and he saw... Youji-kun? He tried to speak, tried to cry for help but the being in his mind controlled him utterly. {Don't bother asking for help little Omittchi.} What? {Your here because your friends wanted you to be taught a lesson.} This voice. {Betrayer, bastard, whore. You're all of these things.} Wh-why? {You're a betrayer in Youji's eyes. A bastard in Ken's for stealing the person he loved. In Aya's eyes you're a whore.} That's a lie! {Is it? Did you think your beloved Aya would love you? A Takatori?} He... he said I wasn't a Takatori any longer! {Sweet words to get a fuck. How else was he going to get you in his bed? How else was he going to taint the Takatori name by making the only heir left his little bitch.} I- {You what?} You-... You're lying. {Not too sure there are you? Why else would Youji be standing here? Ken and Aya _happening_ to be out?} ... They're my friends. {Would friends give you over to the enemy?} Who are you?! Omi felt his head being turned and finally caught sight of his assaulter. Long red hair tumbled down to tickle his cheeks, {Hello liebeschoen.} Shulderich?! {Now before Youji gets impatient, I might as well fuck you and get this over with hmmm? The floors cold so I don't want to prolong this.} Omi panicked as he felt himself thrown ontu his stomach, his pants and boxers tugged off roughly and cast aside. Then a hand parted his buttcheeks, questing fingers slipping roughly inside of him then thrusting deep inside, causing Omi to cry out in pain-pleasure. Stop... ONEGAI! {What? Why, I haven't had my fun yet!} Then Omi felt the fingers slide slowly out, crying helplessly as he felt the german's large member press against his hole. In one smooth jerk of his hips the German impaled him. Stop... please... Shulderich pressed his stomach to the boy's back, his arms going around the assasin's chest. {Relax and enjoy the ride little one.} Omi felt the redhead's pubic hair scratch at his opening as Shulderich buried his cock to the hilt once more. Shulderich pull almost out of him before pushing back deeper in the boys ass. Omi's eyes shut tightly as the man's dick brushed against his prostate. His cock throbbed between his legs. Shame filled him as he reliezed his body was reacting to what his own enemy was doing to him. {That's it liebe. Just enjoy it.} Shulderich nibbled his ear and Omi found his body, still in Shulderich's control, pressing back to grind his butt on the dick inside him. He moaned softly as Shulderich aimed for his prostate, sending waves of hot pleasure rushing through him. His cheeks flushed pink and his lips fell open, breath coming out in pants. Shulderich's strong fingers pinched Omi's nipples roughly as he kissed the boy's long neck, tongue tasting the salty sweet skin. Shame filled the young Weiß member. He was so helpless beneath Shulderich's control. He looked to Youji for compassion, for help. Then gave up hope. Youji stood leaning against a rail hands buried inside his pants, jerking himself off. Omi felt himself break. Love, friendship, a team... everything was a lie. Was this world a place where one used and was used, merely to survive? Everything that made him himself was an illusion. What was he really? A Betrayer. Bastard. Whore. Shulderich pounded into Omi's ass harder and faster. Omi pressed back to meet him with every thrust of hips. Shulderich reached out and caught Omi's chin, turning it so his could snake his tongue into the boy's sweet mouth. He tasted alcohol and bubblegum. Omi felt the German's thrusts grow shorter. Shulderich's large hands fisted over the boy's cock, pumping it roughly until he felt the boy's seed spill into his hands. Omi's walls contracted at the pleasure, tightening over Shulderich's dick. Finally, the German plunged into him, burying his cock deep within Omi's bowel, hands grabbing Omi's waist to keep himself deep inside as he emptied himself. Shulderich's dick throbbed and pulsed as his semen filled and coated Omi's ass. "That was good. Sooo damn good love.", Shulderich whispered huskily. Omi was barely concious but jerked as he felt a gun pressed into his hand, {Kill him little love, the man who betrayed you. And join those of your kind.} He felt Shulderich pull away, the man's limp cock popping out of his hole, "Done Kudou. Wait a few seconds before approaching him, we want him to see you running to help him when the blackout wears off.", the nasal voice rang out in his ears as he kept his cerulean eyes closed. /Youji-kun. Betrayer. What you accused me of being you are one yourself./ {Open your eyes.} He did. And saw Youji rushing towards him. "Omi!", he was gathered up into long gangly arms, "Are you allright?" "No.", then as Youji pulled away to look at him, Omi aimed the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger. The gun echoed around the hollow room as Youji slumped back, dumb surprise on his features as he watched crimson blossom on his chest. Youji coughed, blood spilling over his lips as he struggled to sit up. Omi pinned him down and licked the bloodstained lips, moving down to suck at where the shirt was absorbing the blood. The he felt Youji's heart falter... then die. "Good work liebe.", Shulderich smirked and walked forward, "We don't have a vacant spot in Schwarz but I'm sure I can find you a place." Omi looked up, pupils dilated, "No thank you." Shulderich's expression was one of pure surprise. Omi shot him in the head. It was beautiful, how the blood spurted out of that one tiny perfect hole. Omi crawled to the still corpse on his knees, blood and semen trickling down his legs, and stuck his finger into the opening in the middle of the man's forehead. There was something soft inside. A sudden urge caused Omi to lean down to suck it out but he suddenly found himself held immobile. The gun flew out of his hands. Nagi walked up the stairs and caught the gun, taking in the gory scene with evident amusement lighting his features, "_Now_ there's a vacancy in Schwarz." Omi smiled. The younger boy walked towards him then knelt, ignoring the blood that stained his immaculately clean uniform, "It's fine enough that you like the taste of brains but I don't.", light fingers traced his cheeks, "And you're mine now." Omi took hold of the fingers and kissed them, humoring his captor, "Why?" "Because I could kill you now and I won't.", Nagi's fingers pressed insistently on Omi's lips so he allowed them to slip in, sucking on them softly, "And you -could- useful." Use and be used. "And we're alike." Are you a Betrayer? A Bastard? A whore? "The rest of Schwarz were old geezer's with no dreams. I have dreams." Omi grew interested. "I could use you." Omi pressed his body close, "I've always been used." Nagi smiled and stroked his hair, "Once my dream comes true, you'll no longer be used by anyone. We'll be the ones using. That is... if you prove yourself worthy to be my partner." Omi kissed him. Then Omi pushed him down, fingers moving to uzip the boy's fly and pull down his boxer's. Omi giggled as the boy's hard dick was exposed to the night air. He sat up, his hand moving the telekenetic's cock to his opening. The swiftly he sat down, impaling himself. Nagi moaned, buried deep inside Omi's ass, thrusting up swiftly into the creamy warmth. Omi ignored the corpses and the fact that he was torn and sore. He allowed himself a small smile as Nagi writhed beneath him. You could use me Nagi, but I could use you too. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Aya sighed with relief as he and Ken finally returned home. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he immidietly made his way to Omi's room. He was always uncomfortable leaving Omi with Youji. He didn't like the looks he caught the older man giving the boy nor the fact that he suspected that they had been less than platonic in the past. He was suprised to find Youji's room empty and the door ajar as he dropped his jacket off in his room. Aya berated himself, he had underestimate Youji. The man had probably left after he and Ken had drove off to make the deliveries. Unless... He rushed to Omi's room fearing the worst, slamming the door open, "Om-", he started before he silenced himself and breathed a sigh of relief. Kawaii... Omi lay fast asleep curled beneath his blankets, a sweet smile on his face. Aya walked to the edge and leaned close, kissing him softly on the forehead. Wide fathomless blue eyes fluttered open, "Aya-san?", Omi's arms reached out and pulled him under the covers. They snuggled close, lips meshing together as Omi wrapped his legs around the older man. Aya's tongue ravished Omi's sweet mouth, he tasted like the strawberry toothpaste he so loved. Once they pulled away and merely held each other, he gazed straight into his lover's eyes, "I love you Omi." Something flashed then, an expression so fast that Aya counld't catch what emotion it was. But then Omi smiled brightly and kissed him on the nose and he forgot it in the wave of love he felt for the fragile young man, "Me too Aya-san." Hidden in the shadows, Nagi smiled. ~Owari???~