Title: Tenshi no Uta (Angel's song) Author: Cali-chan! You are pleased to meet me. ^-^ E-mail: silver_elf@edsamail.com.ph Rating: PG for now Pairing: I'm not sure yet. O_O ... either NagixOmi or AyaxOmi Keywords: Omi, Aya, Nagi, castrati, composers, Rome, 17th century Gah. Another fic spouted by me-self. It's still a rough draft so if anyone has an opinion or idea go ahead and throw it at me so I can make it decent... I haven't even decided on a pairing yet. O_O ... NagixOmi or AyaxOmi... that is the question. Saa~h! *shrugs* We'll just have to see ne? This is an entirely different world k? So I took liberty with the characters. Aya seems a bit OOC. ^.^ I changed the ages of some of the peeps: Omi:15 Nagi:14 Botan: 24 Oh yeah, I don't own Weiß. I'm just playing with them and messing their lives. This story is based on one of Anne Rice's books: 'Cry to Heaven'. If you see something familiar it's because I'm reading the book while writing this. I love Anne Rice. I love this book. It's got yaoi. ^O^-kyaa~aaaa!! Neway, onto the fiction! Prologue: Omi was six years of age when then took him. He remembered clearly his past, that life of hunger and cruelty he had endured before the finely dressed men came and took him to study with the finest master's of music in Naples. Vague blurry memories best forgotten revealed he was the youngest of three boys in a family born to poverty. Of no use and showing signs of gaining feminine features, it was only natural to expect he would be sold. He remembered numb silence when the perfumed hands took him and brought him to a room where he was asked to sing. Then pleased voices ringing out, men taking him far away. Till now he never knew where his 'home' was. From that tiny hut that had been his world he was taken to the city of Naples and into the one of the finest schools of music. Then came the perfumed baths, the same soft hands washing him clean. Where he had only before known hunger and cruelty, everyone here treated him like something marvelous and important. Soon, as gentle hands massage his neck and the warm water washed over him, he fell fast asleep. When he awoke he was strapped down on a table. Then hands reached and stroked him, sinful pleasure rising as they touched his hair and cupped the sacks beneath his manhood. He was barely prepared for the first cut. A scream was torn from his throat before one of the hands covered it, a soft voice whispering against his ear, "Shhh... young one. A sacrifice for your voice." When he awoke, settled among white sheets that smelled of flowers, he sat up as ignoring the slight pain between his legs gazed into the mirror beside his bed. He saw honey gold hair, large blue eyes as he touched his face all over, marveling at the image before him. It was the first time he had seen his own reflection. A man soon came and fed him with silver spoons and forks, sweet juice touching his lips instead of water when he was thirsty. He was given soft white clothing, little shiny leather shoes and a tiny kitten he was to call his own. Yet they never let him out of the room again. It was to be his cage till the time came for his voice to be heard. He didn't know what he was then. A castrati. Boys with the voices of angels. Half-men. All that mattered was his voice. ~*~*~*~* Tenshi no Uta Chapter 1: ~A Song from a Gilded Cage~ It was the year 1715, Louis XIV, le roi soliel of France, had just died. Peter the great was czar of Russia. Gentlemen covered their heads with great white wigs when they went out; they carried swords, pinched snuff from small jeweled boxes. They wore breeches buckled at the knee, stockings, shoes with high heels; their coats had enormous pockets. Ladies in ruffled corsets fixed beauty marks to their cheeks. They danced the minuet in hooped skirts; they held salons, fell in love, committed adultery. Italian opera conquered the world. The year would see Alessandro Scarlatti's 'Il Tigrane' in Naples, Vivaldi's 'Narone fatta Ceasar'. George Frederock Handel was the most celebrated composer in London. And the stars of the Italian opera, the castrati, captured the heard of the opera with their voices. ~*~*~*~*~*~* "I don't need one..." "But Aya! No other kind would do grace to your music!" Deep iris orbs gazed dispassionately up at his fellow composer and childhood friend before once more concentrating on his latest piece, "A woman will do well enough Botan." "They don't allow women to perform in Rome!", the older man ran his hand through unruly jet black waves, "A castrati will have to play the part of a woman. And they are unusually popular as you should know... most composers would scramble for a chance to have one!" "Like you?", olive green eyes flashed in hurt. Aya sighed tiredly and rested his chin on his hand before making his decision, "Look. Send in one of ... _them_, then I'll see if it will do." "Castrati are _he's_ not it's!", Botan shook his head, "Just because Takatori is one of them doesn't means they're to be treated prejudicially. You think everything that man associates himself with is evil... I suggest you think before-" [1] "That's why I letting you bring one of them in." "Good! He'll be here tomorrow!" Aya's head lifted in surprise, "What?" Botan suddenly looked guilty, "Well... you see you got a letter from the music school 'Mechaus' a few months ago offering you one of their prized castrati for this season. They were impressed by your last play and compositions.", Aya's glare never wavered, "What could I do! It's the Mechaus school for Christ's sake!!" The redhead pored over this. Perhaps the large crowds he had drew with his latest accomplishment had not gone unnoticed. Mechaus was famous for spawning talented musicians... and from he knew of them..., "I know for a fact they do not train castrati Botan." Botan's expression suddenly turned into one of satisfaction and excitement, "They don't train ordinary castrati but key castrati. What do you think of that my friend?" Aya fought an inner battle of pride over revealing his ignorance of the term, and curiosity that started to rise. The latter won over, "Key?" "Castrati that are kept locked within their rooms, their voices all that they are taught to use. A castrati's voice may be his world but a Key castrati's voice is what he is. It is only when they reach puberty that they are let out. [2]", Botan grinned and flopped down onto a nearby chair, "I had to agree! And since you're so prejudiced about them because of what Takatori did to your family, I wrote as you agreeing to his being sent here... are you furious with me?", he suddenly looked worried, eyebrows furrowing. "Annoyed. You should have told me.", Aya sat up and went back to his compositions, "I wish to be alone." Botan understood and sauntered off pleased with himself. He had better prepare. ~*~*~*~*~* "We are nearly there Omi." Large nearly owlish cerulean eyes peered up at his Maestro. From a face pale from nine years of imprisonment, they stood out along with pale pink lips. The lithe boy was wrapped in numerous amounts of clothing to protect his soft skin from the sun's harsh rays, if he felt the heat he said nothing of it. When he spoke, the voice that came forth was sweet, lilting and unusually soft, "The world is beautiful." "And it is yours to conquer with your voice. You will win their praise and admiration.", Persia stroked the honey-gold bangs, marveling at their downy softness, "And I will bet their hearts as well." The smile that played on the youths lips was angelic, "Surely you jest Maestro.", his hand moved to stroke the small white Persian cat settled on his lap. "A pale angel fallen from his gilded cage into the arms of the admiring public. What freedom you have now!" Omi's face became, if possible, paler. He turned once more to take in the large buildings and crowds of people that were a part of the world outside. Never had he been allowed out of his room, his entire world had been those tiny quarters. The window had revealed but a small view of what he thought he'd never venture out to, and now that they had sent him into it... he was lost in this greatness. "Mrrr~ow.", Omi smiled and buried his face in Tot's fur. [3] She would always be there for him, even if the others would leave. The Persian purred, bright green eyes fixed on him. "We are here.", Omi's heart twisted at those simple words. Reaching out and grabbing Maestro Persia's sleeve he stepped out of the carriage, Tot following at his heels as he blinked up at the bright sun. He kept his hold on his Maestro's clothing lest the immense world reach out and swallow him. Persia almost immediately pried his hands from his sleeve, "That won't do Omi. You'll be living away from me and in this world for the time being. You'll have to grow used to this and grow at least a little independent. Now come. We are scheduled to meet the composer Fujimiya in a few minutes. Don't lag behind. And leave the cat here for Christ's sake!" As one of his servants came and took Tot away, one word echoed in his mind. Fujimiya. The name of the man who was to be his master for the months allotted. He's heard but praises for the man's work, but the remarks about his character were less flattering. Cold, silent, and anti-social, he seemed to be oblivious to his attained fame. Omi followed closely behind as they entered one of Rome's many theater's. This certain one was seemed quite new, one of the only theater's which provided reserved seats and carpeted floors. It was unusually packed and Omi soon felt himself being pushed away from Persia by the crowds flow. He fought vainly to keep up, long neck craning for but a glimpse of Maestro Persia's head, but his small body was swept away by the many bodies hurrying to acquire tickets. His master was nowhere in sight. Soon Omi found himself in the left side of the room and watched in awe at the sight of all the people. He then decided to move towards an abandoned part of the theater to watch the spectacle more closely and less intimately. Finally he reached a more or less unoccupied part of the main entrance and turned around, only to bump into something hard and unyielding. He nearly stumbled but a strong arms reached out and pulled him up. "What's this?", long red hair tickled Omi's cheek. "I-I'm sorry!", Omi blushed, pink dappling his unusually pale cheeks. He had bumped into a man's chest! He started to move away but the man's arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. "Why so scared little one? Let me have a look at you.", a long elegant finger tipped his chin, forcing Omi to gaze up into the man's face. Green eyes the same color as Tot's widened as they devoured the key castrati's features. From the whiteness of his skin to his bundled up state Omi knew he stood out as unusual. The man's nasal voice was a whisper as a hand reached out to cup his cheek, "What are you?" [4] "Aya's _Key_ castrati if you must know.", Omi suddenly felt himself scooped up and held against another warm chest. His face turned beet red and he struggled to hide his face behind his sleeve. He didn't entirely enjoy being carried like a child but he was too frightened to speak out. Instead he kept silent as his feet dangled off the floor, "Keep your distance Shulderich. You know being Takatori's dog you are not welcome here in the theater while Aya is currently using it." "Oh?", the man tilted his head as he smirked, long red hair spilling over his shoulders, "I don't remember you owning this place Bo-tan." "Leave or I may have to cut off some of that long red hair your so proud of." The young man laughed, "Then you'll end up a eunuch when Brad's done with you!", chuckling softly he threw a wink in Omi's direction, "Be seeing you love." "Don't you dare-", but Shulderich was already sauntering off so Botan allowed his sentence trail away before peering down into Omi's face. The small boy sighed as he was once more stared at openly before he managed to speak, his voice plaintive, "May I be let down? Please? I don't mind really but I'd be more comfortable if you-" The man blinked in surprise before finally breaking into laughter, "Don't start fretting! Here.", he set the small youth on his feet, "I'll have you meet Aya." Omi hesitated as the large hand took his, "But I'm here to see the composer Fujimiya." Botan chuckled softly and Omi decided it was a pleasant sound, "That's Aya's last name! Didn't they even tell you that!" Omi tightened his hold on the older man's hand and allowed himself to be led away. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ , Aya ignored the thread of worry that wove through his thoughts. It seemed this man seated in front of him was more than incapable. To lose his charge revealed utter stupidity. And from what he'd heard from Botan, Key castrati never leave their quarters until they reach puberty. "They're fine. Omi couldn't have strayed far. Knowing him he's hiding in a corner.", The bearded man murmured as if reading his thoughts. He took a sip from his wine and smiled slowly as the composer's glare heightened. "You lost him." "He lost himself." "Aren't you trained enough to look after a child?" "He's already 15." "A child nonetheless." "Look Fujimiya, Omi is like a son to me and I practically raised him. I know what's best for the boy." "Does it include losing him?" "You talk too much. Not the Fujimiya I heard from the rumors." "I am annoyed." Persia smiled wryly, "I've noticed. Look, Omi has to get used to being independent. He has reached puberty and will be forced to leave his room when his voice is needed. I have to wean him from his tendency to be dependent on everyone." Aya's face was cold, "Whose fault was his dependency." A full-fledged argument would have erupted if Botan hadn't chosen that moment to appear, "I've found our little missing castrati. Come in child." As the youth came into view Aya felt his breath catch. He seemed almost ethereal in his paleness, skin even whiter than his own. Wide blue eyes were fixed on him as soft pink lips turned up into a bright smile. He glided in almost gracefully, taking the seat offered to him and suddenly the blue eyes turned away from him and fixed them on the wine jug almost longingly. Aya instinctively reached out and poured the boy a glass. The composer watched transfixed as the boy placed it on his lips, a tiny bit of wine spilled down his the corner of his lips only to be licked up daintily. Finishing the glass the youth placed it on the table and used a finger to wipe his wine stained lips. Botan's hand on his shoulder and his best friends deep husky chuckle broke him from his reverie, "Stop staring Ayan." The red head immediately composed himself and moved to sit behind his desk. His thoughts tumbled about his head, After a few moments of summoning up his lost dignity in silence, he rested his head on his hands and peered dispassionately at the castrati before him, "I understand, that this youth is being offered to me for my play this season?" "Not offered any longer Fujimiya, given. You did agree to the letter three months ago.", Persia curiously noted the glare Aya flashed Botan's direction, "Omi is yours for the next few months in which the play will be running. And since you have already signed the contract I think there is nothing more to discuss and I best be on my way.", the large man stood slowly, "I leave Omi in your capable hands." Then Persia's gaze fell on Omi, "Your servant will have to coming with me. During your stay here you must rely entirely on Fujumiya. However your cat may stay." The lost panicked look that flashed through the Key castrati's face was not lost to Aya. Persia laid a hand on the boy's forehead and ruffled it gently before finally leaving. "Cold bastard...", Botan muttered as he watched Aya walk out from behind his desk, "Just leaving the poor boy..." "Omi.", the blue eyed boy face tilted to gaze up into his new Maestro's face, "Let's go." Omi stood and reached out tentatively to grasp Aya's sleeve. The composer looked coldly down at it until the boy slowly unclasped his hand, his eyes lowering to gaze at his palms. [5] Aya turned and walked briskly away, leaving his companions to follow in his wake. ~*~*~*~*~* "I cannot do it! He is too old!" "He is not too old.", Nagi heard the voices ring out from opposite sides. His eyes covered by a damp smelling cloth, gagged, and severely beaten, it was all he could do to turn his head to the sound. "Yes you can and you will. Unless you want to end up dead." A soft cultured familiar voice rang out, one Nagi knew was familiar to him, "I do not think this is wise. He is a noble." "He has a younger brother. It won't be an irreparable loss. Besides, we'll be out of Venice before the authorities catch even a whiff of this." Nagi moaned and turned to his side, pulling his bound legs to his chest as the voices caused his head to pound. Where was he? Where was Farfello. Farfello was supposed to be protecting him. Where- "You're awake.", the voice pierced through his thoughts. A warm hand undid the blindfold and amber eye peering through spectacles came into view. "Brad...?" The dark haired man looked away, his long ponytail sliding off his shoulders as he did so. Nagi had known the man for merely three weeks. He was a frequent bystander when he and his friends would walk about the streets at night, singing to please the ladies up upon their windowsills. Soon Nagi had been introduced and he found the man quite agreeable, if not too stiff and formal. "I cannot do it! He's 14! I-" "You will do it. Or you will be dead. Many others are willing enough..", hearing the strange voice, Nagi looked over Brad's shoulder to see a man past his prime, large mustache dominating his face. "But-" "Now.", the timid young man sighed and moved out of view, a rustling of cloth and the sound of a metal object being picked up rang out. Brad suddenly frowned and started to place the blindfold once more on his eyes, hands shaking slightly. "Brad?", a hint of fright crept into the young boy's voice. The man gave no answer. His footsteps moved away and Nagi whimpered, his only solace abandoning him. Then a soft blade pressed down on a part of him he never had let anyone touch before. After the first cut he knew what they were doing to him. [6] ~*~* [1] I always wanted to cut off Takatori's balls. ^-^ [2] I am _so_ making this up. ^_-_^ [3] Haha. She's the only Shreient girl I could stand so she gets to be in the fic.... Ooka must die. Sakura must die. Yuriko stay in Australia. Birman and Manx are kyewl... cali is rambling. :P [4] Oh me? A sexy bundle of boy. Wanna play? Omi: I would _not_ say that!!! Ken: *nosebleeds all over the floor and runs out* [5] He's pissed cuz he wanted your hand somewhere else. *Evil smile* Note the 'looking down' that means he wanted it low- Omi: Cali-chan hidoii! >.< *Snicker* [6] Nagi: I am going to kill you now. -_- Cali: O_o ... Omi-kun save me? Omi: *sniffs and walks away* Cali: Shimatta. @_@