Chapter two spouted out too! ... ack. Why do I always end up rythming. -.- Oh yeah! I got told off by someone because of quoting from the book so I'll keep this thing -entirely- original. Omi: You put me in drag again! But you make a cute woman. Don't you thing so Aya-san? Nagi-kun? Aya: *Looks away blushing* hnn... -.- Nagi: '.' kawaii... *slowly turns red* See. Positive feedback. Omi: butbutbutbutbut... I'm not used to having air around my... *blushes* Privies huh? Saa... you'll survive. On to the fic. Omi: Cali-chan hidoii! B4 I go, information on castrati. They were boys who at an early age who (forgive me for being crude) would have their balls cut off to preserve their voices and to keep them from cracking when they grew older. They were said to hold the most beautiful incomparable voices. And yes *blush* they still do get orgasm's. ^^* So don't worry Omi-kun, Nagi-kun. You still get your fun. Omi: *Blushes and hides behind his back* Nagi: -_- I'm going to kill you. Many thanks to Deena-sama (*worship worship*), Naisumi-chan (*huggles* missed ya!), Kitten-san (*ruffles hair*), katu-chan (I added the explanation for ya!), and Sin-chan (I will get that BAR chapter out soon ^^*) for putting me in the mood to write! And also to Ni-san for correcting my mistakes. ^^* Tenshi no Uta Chapter 2: ~A Song of a New Beginning~ Omi's training started immediately. Morning meant he was to be awake at 7:00, breakfast eaten by 7:30, and finally dressed and waiting in Aya's studio by 8:00. Morning exercises was dominated by the singing of the Accentus, six notes (Ut, re me, fa, so, la) in ascending scale. It was to be sung in one breath and each note was to be paid equal attention. The exercise was also meant to be sung repeatedly. Omi, having last done this when he was a child, felt impatience tugging at his concentration. Aya seemed to know when this happened though and quickly refined the exercises, adding various complications. Break came at 11:00, studies resuming once more at 12:30. Then came the lessons of Esclamazio, the slow and precise swelling of a note from a soft tone rising slowly to a louder amplification of it, then diminishing slowly to a soft finish. Or it might begin loud, fade into a soft middle, the finally built up to finish in the same loud note it started with. At 4:00 they would begin to practice on selected pieces Aya himself had composed. Finally at 6:00 Omi was free to what he wished till the next day at 7:00 once more. This usually meant remaining in his quarters or accompanying Aya on his little excursions. Though the young castrati loathed to go out, he felt safe in Aya's company. Soon however, after a week of this strict training, Omi woke up so fatigued he could barely find the strength to rise. He heard the Esclamazio and Accentus in his dreams and woke up with the notes swirling softly in the corners of his mind. Never in his life had such discipline been hefted upon his shoulders. It was always training when his master's pleased and leisure when they did not arrive. Not these scheduled precise lessons that slowly wrung his energy dry. He curled up around Tot's warm purring form, burying his face in the soft warm fur, and refused to move. If his Maestro would come, then he would tell him he was too tired to practice. He couldn't make him move of his own violation could he? Aya finally did arrive, an angry tense expression on his face. Omi felt his defiance melt away under that piercing gaze and he moved despite his exhaustion to put on his clothing. Finally dressed he stood stiffly, hands clasped before him and head bowed, Aya's freezing expression scolding him as surely as his former masters sticks. He had never before done anything to cause Aya displeasure and the shame started to eat at his conscience. This man was to be his only solace in this brief stay and despite all his coldness had been very kind. [1] "Sing.", a singled command that Omi obeyed without thinking. Upon hearing the cracked melody that burst forth from parted lips, he lowered his head in shame, preparing himself for the expected blow. It never came. "Change your clothing." "Wha-what?" Aya shot a glance over his shoulder, "We shall be going to have you fitted for the play. You will be able to get the whole day off." Omi couldn't stop his arms from wrapping around Aya's slim waist before quickly pulling away and making his way to his drawers. The castrati's back turned, Aya's small fond smile was lost to him. ~*~*~*~* "NO!!! You can't make me sing!! My voice is my own!!" Brad seemed unaffected by Nagi's outburst and continued to play on the piano as the youth stood glaring furiously at him, fists clenched at his sides. "You may have made me a eunuch! You may have stolen my freedom and former way of life! But I will not give you my present one! I will never sing for you or your master!", inside he felt like breaking down and weeping. He had been taken from his mother and brother right at the moment his father passed away. Right when they needed him he was not to be there for them. Instead here he was, expected to cater to a man's needless whims. He was a Naoe! His family was one of the oldest and most prominent in Venice! Brad stood slowly and pushed his spectacles higher up the bridge of his nose, amber gaze fixed upon him, "You have no choice." "You cannot make me-" Brad interrupted him, "I hear you have a younger brother do you not?", Nagi paled visibly but Brad continued, pressing his advantage, "Takatori is a powerful man. He will not hesitate to hire assassin's." [2] "He... he wouldn't dare...", Nagi was aware of how weak his voice sounded. "Master Takatori has always gotten what he wanted. Your pitiful rebellion is something common to me, with all the charges I have taken for him.", Brad peered down at him, long raven locks brushing his tanned cheeks, "And at the moment his wish is to own a castrati. They are in fashion currently, and your voice is especially impressive." "So I am a symbol of wealth?" "Put that way, that is correct." "Bastard..." Brad's smile was genuine this time as he took his seat by the piano, "Now sing." Nagi swallowed his pride and looked down at the piece before him. It was by Scarlatti. He knew Scarlatti. Brad started the introduction, his long fingers dancing over the key's as his brows furrowed in concentration. Nagi hit the first note perfectly. But his voice sounded unnatural to himself, out of control. It was only sheer willpower that kept himself singing, up and down the writer's passages, voice swelling louder till it nearly drowned the chords on the piano. When it ended soft clapping greeted the sudden silence. Nagi turned and caught slight of a feral looking young man leaning on the doorway, bright green feline eyes bright as they peered beneath sun-red bangs. "Your voice.", the man smiled as he entered, a charming twisted smile decorating his features as he leaned on Brad's shoulders, "Is magnificent."[3] ~*~*~*~* Aya watched as Omi sat placidly on the chair, eyes drooping in exhaustion as the women bustled around him, taking measurements and comparing his skin to several small pieces of cloth they had at hand. Perhaps he had pushed the boy too hard... There was fragrance in the small shop, the light shone brightly through thoroughly clean windowpanes. A large ray of sun had fallen on Omi's head, causing the brown locks to burst into gold and the cerulean eyes to flutter closed to escape the harsh rays. Aya couldn't take his eyes off the young man seated before him. This past week Omi had taken to the training without complaint, following Aya's every order. The boy's trust in him was almost unbelievable. Devoted blue eyes never left him when he talked. Soft white hands would clasp his sleeve whenever their paths crossed with strangers. Aya soon came to accept the boy's dependency on him, even slightly pleased. Omi never made a major decision without him around, and never ventured out of his room unless it was for lessons or if Aya wanted him for company. Somehow the boy was slowly taking the place of his younger sister in his heart. The sister Takatori took from him and never returned. Where she was now he never discovered. The authorities had not been able to find anything that would lead to his guilt. He had been alone, his childhood friend Botan was his only companion. His parents had died years before of unknown causes. Perhaps it was the eyes, the innocence that shone through it. In the memory of his sister Aya felt dedicated to keep this innocence safe. For his sister... "Aya!", Botan burst in suddenly, hair a mess as struggled to catch his breath, "Ken and Youji have arrived! They're waiting in your office." Aya nodded. The two castrati he had soon allowed Botan to hire had been quite agreeable at being summoned at a short notice. Yet, he hadn't expected them to arrive so soon. He turned to the woman to his left, "Are you done?" "I'm afraid it will take quite awhile.", Manx, the owner of the clothing shop and a close acquaintance shook her head, "I will have to make him try on some dresses to see which suit him." "Botan, can you accompany Omi?" The older man shook his head, "I have to meet with the carpenters in charge of the props for the performance.", Aya shook his head in frustration. Who could- "It's alright Maestro. It will only be for a while will it not?", Omi blinked sleepily up from his chair, "I will be able to find my way back." Before Aya was able to protest Manx jumped in, wrapping her arms around the composer's shoulders, "Leave it to me Ayan.", the redhead flinched at the use of his nickname, "I'll make sure I find a carriage that will bring him right home!" Faced with such powerful oppositions, Aya left with a small affectionate pat on the head for the castrati. Startled blue cerulean eyes followed the elegant man out the door, surprised at his Maestro's show of affection. "Come here child.", Manx took Omi's shoulders and led him to a life-sized mirror, whispering softly against his ear as they gazed at their reflections, "Little one, I have dressed the most famous singers in the world. I do not merely make clothes! I am the maker of illusions.", she toyed with a lock of his hair, "And with such a fine manikin I cannot help but feel my next illusion will most certainly deceive the world." Omi touched the hand on his hair, "Even Aya?" ~*~*~*~*~* "This is the place." Nagi took in the small stone building with cold appraising eyes, "What a ramshackle old hole..." Brad led the way, on hand clamped firmly on the slim youth's shoulders as they entered, a tiny bell tinkling softly at their arrival, "I trust you to behave. This is a very popular shop and rumors started here travel fast among the rich. You are to wait patiently while I pick up Takatori's package. " The warmth and soft smells were pleasing to Nagi's senses. The outside of the building gave no grace for what was held within. The tiny store was a flurry of colors. Bright buttons, soft lace, intricately stitched dresses lined the tall shelves as they walked towards the inner compartments. The youth gave a start as he caught sight of the two women in the room. The younger caught his attention. She was truly beautiful and sheerly innocent, her large blue eyes gazing at him in interest. Her bodice was so narrowly perfect at the waist, flaring up as it poured down in it's row after row of sky blue ruffles and bows to that smooth white skin. The soft sunglow locks tumbled about, framing a heart shaped face that tilted back and exposed a long smooth neck as the red-haired woman applied a bit of rouge on the small pouty lips. Obviously satisfied the woman stood back and beamed, then laughing she picked up a pink rose and placed it behind one of the girls ears, "Little one... I swear to God you could even deceive me!" [4] Deceive? Nagi wondered what the woman meant. "Now. Since that dress look absolutely wonderful on you I'll give it to you as a present!" "Bu-but! I cannot take such a gift...", her voice was pleasing to Nagi's ears, a hint of music tinted her words. "Nonsense! I'll be hurt if you don't accept it. Now come along! Your carriage is waiting!" "In this?!", her eyes widened in startlement, full pink lips falling open. "Why not? It suits you.", Nagi silently agreed with the woman, "Aya will be pleased! Your fit the part of Aphrodite perfectly little one. Go on now, here are your old clothes." The girl took the bag and proceeded to carry it with some difficulty. She suddenly seemed fragile, a glass figurine that could break if not treated with care. Nagi found himself rushing forward to help her, "May I be of assistance?" Startled blue eyes fixed themselves on him before a small smile appeared on pink tinted lips, "Thank you." Ignoring Brad's amused gaze following him, he lifted the bag over one shoulder and followed the girl as she made their way out of the store. "So... may I have your name?" She turned around and started to walk backwards, "Omi." He laughed at her childishness, "I'm Nagi." The girl tilted her head as she flashed another of her frequent bright smiles, "It's been a pleasure to meet you Nagi." He helped Omi into the compartment and handed her bag. Before the carriage left however he took ahold of her sleeve and gazed up at her, "May I know where I may find you again." Blushing slightly she hesitated a moment before answering, "In the Fujimiya house." Then she was gone. As Nagi entered the shop once more he knew his heart was stolen. By a beautiful goddess... [5] ~*~*~*~*~ "Youji! Please! Behave yourself!" "I can't help it Ken love. You're ravishing in that coat." Aya watched the two castrati in front of him intently, lips turned down in an effort to hide his amusement. The younger one was helplessly swatting at the older castrati's hands as they reached to touch his cheeks, "Not in public Youji!" Aya coughed. The younger one snapped to attention while the other languidly turned to face him, olive green eyes constantly turning to gaze at the boy at his side. "I understand you are both willing to play a part in my presentation?" "Yes. I'm Ken Hidaka, and this is my part-" "Lover.", the man hand reached out to stroke his blushing partners cheek, "And you may call me Kudou. Youji is for when I start to like you." [6] Aya was taken aback and his expression turned dark, his eyes taking on a deadly edge. Youji seemed immune to it however, as he shrugged slightly, a lazy smile on his face. "So.", Ken tried to bridge the gap of enmity that arose, "May you give us details, perhaps so we may be ready?" Aya warmed to the question as he always did to anything that led to his music. He explained to the plot of his play. It was a young Aphrodite, falling slowly for Ares while her husband Mechaus sought to win back her love. It was filled with sweet lilting melodies for Aphrodite, booming alto's for Ares, and soft tenor's for Mechaus. Youji naturally fitted the part of the God of war while Ken would be perfect for the crippled God Mechaus with soulful eyes that naturally called for pitty. [7] A good hour had passed before a soft knock on the doorway interrupted them. "Who is it?" "Maestro?" "Come in Omi.", as he heard the door open Aya enlightened the two curious men, "This is to be your Aphrodite." Aya however didn't expect _himself_ to be stunned by the entrance Omi gave. Youji immediately stood and took the young goddesses hand, kissing the back of it softly as she flushed pink. It seemed an eternity as Aya gazed at this luxurious doll before him, sweet pink lips turning up slightly as he moved to sit on the large soft chair that was claimed as his ever since he had arrived. Omi had become a woman! His graceful languid movements added to the illusion, a soft pale hand reaching for the wine glass Ken had poured for him, sipping it slowly as he gazed shyly at the strangers from beneath long eyelashes. Youji's eyes were trained on the youth as he drank, voice holding a hint of amusement, "Even if you told us before hand we were to be working with a fellow castrati, I'm finding it hard to believe this is a boy.", he reached out and shut Ken's open mouth. Aya shook his head in amazement, iris eyes wide, "Manx did wonderfully." Omi, in an effort to hide his embarrassment let out a shower of words, "She told me I could keep the dress because it suited me. She would have been offended if I had not! She made known she wanted us to be back as soon as possible so she can start with the other costumes and-" "That's enough Omi.", Aya rubbed his forehead tiredly, feeling a tiny twinge of guilt at Omi's expression, "Explain it to me later. For now I'd like to introduce you to Ken and Kudou, your fellow castrati who will be acting with you in your play." Youji chuckled as he reached out to pull Ken closer, the other boy for once not complaining, "You can call me Youji.", Omi didn't understand Aya's sudden dark expression at those words [8], "It's a pleasure child." Omi shook his head and drew himself up, "I am already 15 Youji, a child no longer." "I am 19, and I know you are not a child. My love is just impolite I am afraid.", Ken supplied, a smile gracing his features. Omi laughed at Youji's frown, already gaining a liking for his companion's. "Now, acquaintances over," Aya was once more focused on their project, not allowing Omi's distraction to last any longer than was possible, "I will clear a few things up on the play." ~*~*~*~*~* [1] Maybe it should be AyaxOmi... [2] Takatori is a stupid prick *Cali says* I'm planning a horrible death for him cuz I hate his guts and he's ugly to boot. [3] Shuey Chewy! Shu-sama! Shu-bunny! Shoo-Shoo! Shulderich: *Smacks her* Itai. >.