Here's the prolougue of one of my monster babies. Hope you all like it! *beams* ^_^ ~*A Single Thought*~ Prolouge ~OMI~ Today is the date of my death. Or perhaps rebirth. I never could make up my mind on that point. My life was drastically changed. From inside hell to deeper within the abyss. It was on this date that I took my place as the head of the Takatori clan. To this day I still can't understand why I did it. Was it for my family? No. Weiß had always been my family, Takatori had merely been a term when I was with Weiß to represent my past. A renowed yet unproven family of murderers. Maybe... that's why I chose this path. As an assassin I was supposed to be a heartless killer. It had been easy not to feel when I had worked solo. But then my father Persia made me work with a team, with Weiß. It was different. For once I had someone to care and watch over for other than myself. It made me realize that even the lowest scum had someone who loved him. And because of that, killing became harder. Weiß had brought to life what my training as a child under Persia had killed. My humanity. I knew I could be nothing but a killer. Due to my increasing absences I had been kicked out of school so going to college had not been an option. It was then I realized I couldn't stay with Weiß. I could not be the perfect killer I was meant to be if I was with them. I needed to bury my humanity. Humanity was weakness. And so when my grandfather offered escape I took it. The deceit and sin that came along with the Takatori way of life was something I had learned at an early age to do. It was so easy to be one of the more maliciously powerful figures in the underworld. Ironic that I learned all of what I knew from the mistakes of my targets when I was with Wieß. Its been five years since the day I turned my back on Weiß and became the head of the Takatori clan. At twenty three, I was now the most respected and renowned individual in the underworld. I took great care in selecting my underlings, only taking in those I respected. Schwarz now worked under me. It was only now that I understood them. We were kindred spirits. Now mind you, taking life wasn't something I shied from. It was a necessity. Someone had to do it after all. This was another reason I got so far. I killed my rivals before they killed me. No exceptions. I was the prime example of those Weiß had battled against. Ironic. What would father have said if he saw me now? I touched the letter opener that lay invitingly on the vast mahogany table before me. I owned and housed my ventures in the newest and one of the finest skyscrapers in Tokyo, one floor was created only for my personal use. My office and those of my close subordinates were found a level lower. I had earned a civilized name from many legal dealings and was the founder of a series of orphanages which were named after myself. Everything seemed to be perfect. I didn't need anything else. And yet I found that I could not entirely cut myself off from my former comrades. Even after five years I still felt the craving for their companionship. I realized that my years with Weiß had been my happiest. Despite the weakness and the pain it was neutralized by the joy and friendship. Several of my best undergrounders were stationed to keep me up-to-date on their lives. Youji had taken the place of my father as head of the police of Tokyo. He was the only threat to my stability, and yet not much of a threat at all. It was to easy to cover up what I did, and Youji never did have as much experience unlike I. I was young when I was taught, children do learn faster than adults. I found a twisted sort of pleasure in leading him around and playing with his little head. He was my lover in the past, and I was pleased that although he flirted as much as before, he never had a serious relationship after I had been with him. Ken and Ran were now living the life of a perfectly happy couple. Aya-chan lived with them and was currently pursuing college due to a scholarship I had secretly provided. Ran earned enough and more for the three of them with the banks of his father that he had revived. This left Ken able to teach soccer for free for the children in their small and cozy suburban neighborhood. And I found myself thinking that -this- was the life I wanted. Not this rich plush existance supported by crime that I lived. I was miserable... I had sought to forget my humanity when I was human. Instead of escaping the darkness I hated, I had placed myself deeper into it, so as to perhaps meld it into my system. Forge an immunity. I had taken the wrong path. Five years, it had taken five years of this life to realize it. And I found that I was trapped within the cage I had built around me. There was no escape. I raised my eyes to the desk in front of me once more, and smiled as the gold plated letter opener shone invitingly. Perhaps there was still one way... ~*~*~*~* ~BRAD~ The manila envelope that my secretary had left on my desk was the only item on my desk. I stared at it as I took off my coat and settled myself comfortably in my chair. Opening it, I took the documents carefully between my thumbs and forefinger. Any papers which Mr. Takatori sent me were usually important. I was his closest buisness confidant and only the most important of things were given to me to deal with. I felt my brow furrow of their own accord. This was a will, Mr. Takatori's will. I scanned through it with accurate precision then nearly dropped it in surprise. I was not a man to be normally taken by surprise, one factor being my power. But I had never foreseen this or even expected it. In bold black letters it stated clearly in his death all the buinesses he owned would go to me. The rest of Schwarz were mentioned as well, even Weiß but my mind was still trying to process this new informtion so I didn't bother to chack what they had gotten. Perhaps he sensed that I was completely devoted to him as the man who saved Schwarz's life. He could have just let us die, it was expected after all we had done to him and Weiß in the past, and yet he saved us and gave us his trust. Gave us jobs that challenged us. He was strong, could take over Japan if he wished. But he did not lust over petty things. I promised myself that I would make him the most renowned underworld figure not only in Japan but abroad as well. He was the first man to truly acknowledge my capabilities and treated me as an equal. It was by my choice that I be beneath him. I did owe him my life. Brad Crawford always paid his debts. I cared for the boy, that was certain. But I had never let this slip in my actions. As a low level empath, did he sense that I held deep affection for him? After all, he sensed my relationship with Shulderich, jokingly mentioning over dinner one night. I knew his weaknesses, his strengths, knew him better than anyone, except my fellow Schwarz. He was darkness and light in one beautifully wrapped package of youth. How could I not love him? Was this why he did it? Then I realized Mr. Takatori was still young and would be able to provide a heir. Why give it to someone he may outlive? Why- //Blood dripping off a large mahogany desk. Cerulean eyes dimming slowly. A smile gracing soft pink lips in a face that still retained the beauty of his youth.// "Brad!" I forced my eyes to focus, a blur of red the only vivid color in my blurry vision. ~You okay? I come in and find you staring into space.~ Shulderich's thought speech pierced through my mind, forcing coherency. I grabbed his arm, panic seizing me, "Mr. Takatori..." Sensing my turmoil he acted on years of experience, scanning my mind for the most prominent of surface thoughts. His long-lashed emerald eyes narrowed and he leapt to his feet, making use of his superhuman speed. Dusting off my white Armani suit I followed at a brisk pace. Then as worry overtook my usual mask of dispassion, I ran the few remaining feet to the telephone. ~*~*~* ~SHULDERICH~ "Fucking shit of an elevator! Move faster!" I punched the steel walls in frustration. Fucking Takatori brat! How dare he try to kill himself! He was just going to leave us?! Ignore the plans we had made for the future?! That fucking brat... When me and the team had been sentenced to death I prepared myself for hell. It was the highest crime in the underworld, killing the people who you still had a contract under. And the fact that Esset was one of the more powerful forerunners sealed our fate. After being captured by psychics under several of the higher ups we were sentenced to death. Then as they readied the gas chambers Omi had showed up, all in his pretty boy glory. He fucking paid half of his fortune to buy us! Then once we were out the doors he had the gall to say we were free to go! I owed him my life, and I always paid my debts. Seems like the others felt the same because they stayed too. Then he tried to make us co-leaders of his dealings, saying we had experience with this stuff. But we all declined. I wasn't a business guy working papers and shit. I liked having less responsibility as possible. I was surprised that Brad declined though, settling for vice-president. Then again I never understood Brad. So I became his negotiator and spokes person, a position I loved. Gave me numerous minds to play with. Farfello became his assassin. Nagi became his personal bodyguard. And we worked for making Omi rise in the underworld. A challenge. Schwarz was happy when their abilities were challenged. And he showered us with presents. He had a church built for Farfello and constantly supplied it with those he wanted dead, dressed as clergy. Farfello was utterly devoted to him because of that. Omi was his Satan. Nagi... he was in love with him. Hell, who wasn't? His trust in us was uncanny. We were his former enemies who tried to kill him more than once and we lived under the same roof! He treated us like family and equals. He gave me respect, something I had always craved like a drug but rarely got. It was only natural I care... a bit. Fucking Takatori brat! The elevator finally came to a stop after what seemed like hours. I slipped through the gap of the slowly opening doors and ran swiftly down the hallway. He made me care! So he should take responsibility for it! If he died on me I'd... I don't wanna think about it! I burst through his office doors and wasted no time in slapping the letter opener from his wrists, grabbing him by the shoulders and throwing him roughly on the floor. He blinked up at me in surprise with his large blue eyes that had long since lost their innocence. Then curling up into a fetus position, tears started to trail down him cheeks. I suddenly found myself kneeling beside him and slowly pulling him into my arms. He had still retained his fragile build even into adulthood so he fit right into my arms. I read his thoughts. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to know why. In his mind, Omi thought that his life had been meaningless, filled with deceit. I couldn't voice out the painful thought that came to mind. "You think... saving us was meaningless? You thought you were alone?" He blinked up at me in childish wonder. "You think we wouldn't care after all you did for us?!", I held him so close it must have hurt him, but he lay so still in my arms, "You didn't even think about us... like we're nothing. You didn't really care did you? We were like fucking pets and-" His hand suddenly reached up and cupped my cheeks, pulling me down for a chaste kiss, a mere brush. His emotions surged through my telepathy. I couldn't help my surprise, sifting through his thoughts once more. I found an entirely different person. His memories only reached till before his kidnapping at the age of seven years. I realized his surpressed humanity had resurfaced and his mind had reacted defensively. He had gone back to before his life had been shattered, before he had been kidnapped and trained to kill. I never even realized this was happening... Schwarz, even with all our powers had even suspected. He had always been smiling, the Omi we knew when he was with Weiß. And now that he had allowed it to break through he was starving for the open affection he secretly craved. He tugged at my long lock insistently, begging for another kiss. As I leaned in the rest of Schwarz burst into the room, eyes wide in surprise as they took in the scene. And without hesitation, I let them know. ~*~*~*~* ~FARFELLO~ I killed three priests today. But it was not enough to punish God. It was nowhere near enough to make Him repent for what He did to Takatori. My devil. We had hurt God together, creating our own hell in this earth. I watched him as he supplied this city with sin with the ever-present smile of an angel. I always knew the devil would be beautiful. Last year Takatori had built me a church and till this day filled it with his enemies, dressed ironically as those of God's clergy. He would occasionally come to watch me kill, a fond smile on his face as the blood splattered on us both. In was in those moments that I knew I would willingly follow him to the pits of hell and back. He was my Satan. When I called him that he would laugh, his blue eyes alight, and stroke my hair. He never denied what he was. Why be a fool for God when the devil treated you better? No one noticed me enter his room. Nagi lay asleep by his side, arms wrapped protectively around my masters slim waist. Before Takatori would never had allowed such signs of weakness. But he had changed. God had hurt him. My beautiful devil who looked like an angel. Shulderich had shown us how his mind had collapsed and his forgotten childhood had taken over. He was now a child in a twenty three year old body, hungry for love and attention. Outwards he still looked the same, an adult that could pass for a eighteen year old child, until you looked into his eyes. You could see the cunning and darkness and those heaven colored orbs. I had always loved his eyes. Now his eyes shone innocently. God did not hurt enough for what He had done. I would kill, and kill, and kill until He brought back my Satan. Kill. Draw blood from his innocents. Bathe in their blood. Bathe my Takatori in their blood. Make him remember... I draw closer to the bed and brush several honey gold strands from his soft satin soft cheeks. Satisfied God had not done anything else to hurt him, I made my way towards the window. God did not hurt enough. ~*~*~*~* ~NAGI~ So many things had changed in the span of two weeks. Brad had taken over the company and one of Omi's most trusted hirelings, a telepath called Karin, had taken over the position as vice-president, which Shulderich had refused. The rest of us retained our positions. Now that Omi's childhood self had resurfaced from where it had been suppressed I learned many things about his past. He had been abused sexually by his uncle and half-brothers and didn't even know what they did was wrong. It had been taught to him that it was something all children did to show their affection. After being frequently the receiver of his unknowing seductions, Shulderich and I taught him that he didn't have to have sex with us. Omi took this in and digested it, then asked us cunningly, 'What if I wanted to?' Needless to say we both didn't have an answer for that. Thankfully Omi had laughed it off and had merely settled for small kisses, and occasionally not so small ones. Out of all of us, Omi's change had affected me the most. He had been my stability, the man who I felt safe and complete with. He was the man I had loved. I was his lover and made no secret of my love for him. I was in debt to Omi, for my life and semblance of normality. Also for the human emotions he made me feel. I had never loved before, it was both a good and bad feeling. I asked for nothing in return. And he never did promise anything, as was expected. Now I was the one who he relied on for comfort. I found that when he was like this I could love him freely without inhibitations. He no longer occasionally pushed me away, always a willing reciever of my affections. He was so sweet, so innocent I could taste it when I kissed him. But I missed the old Omi's strength, his surefootedness. How I would cherish the smiles he so rarely gave. I watch him now. He looked as if nothing had gone wrong. Yet anyone who knew him well enough could tell. He carried himself in a lose manner, not the stiffness he had before. He smiles were carefree, not the calculating smirks. And his eyes... one look into his eyes and you would know. I love him now, and the man he was before. They were both still the Omi I loved. Each had his own weaknesses and strengths. I found myself hoping that when he regained his old self that he would remember what occured, and perhaps keep some of the traits of the innocent Omi I loved. I would wait. But for now he needed me as I had needed him. He is calling me now, innocence radiating from his eyes. He wants to go out for a walk. I go to him, allowing a smile to grace my lips as he takes my hand. We go outside together, his laughter ringing out like silver bells as he catches sight of Crawford and Shulderich returning home. Shulderich has in his arms the new puppy he had wanted. I will wait. I only hope my love will be enough to make him return to me.