Author's Notes: Cali has been revived! *beams* I just moved to San Diego so I'm moving my fics to my new account. ^_^ And I finally got a computer so I can writ again! Wai! ^O^ Sa, enjoy ne? *huggles* ~*A Single Thought*~ Chapter 1: Repercussions The man leaned over the railing, cerulean eyes bright as he watched the tigers move about below. His bright laughter caused the old lady nearby to break into a smile, "Nagi-kun mitte! They look like Shu-kun!" "Ah.", Shulderich smirked as he gazed down and the animals, "They -are- beautiful creature's. Lethal too." "'Course they are! All cats are beautiful cuz they're my favorite amnimals!" "Animals, Omi. Not amnimals.", Nagi murmered as he took a nibbled on a piece of Pocky. Omi glanced up irritably, "That's what I said!" "Let's go to the snakes! Farfello wants a snake.", Omi grabbed Nagi's hand, earning a few strange looks from the adults with their children. "Let him get one himself.", Shulderich muttered. There was no -way- he was fishing for snakes in the snake tanks. Suddenly Omi paused, blue eyes trained longingly on the cotton candy stand that ambled by. He glanced up at Shulderich, hand reaching out to clutch at his sleeve. The German tried to hide his smile behind an irritated expression, "Make me your fucking slave why don't you. Go ahead Nagi-chan. I'll meet you both at the snake place." "Iku. Omi." "Haa~aii!" They only were able to take a few steps before an explosion from the nearby bear pen sent them stumbling. Nagi covered Omi's larger body with his own, telekenisis keeping the debris from falling on them. As the last aftershocks faded, Nagi leaped up and scanned the crowd. ~Nagi! Get the guy in the blue shirt!~ The telekenetic reacted swiftly to Shulderich's order, seizing the man and keeping him immobile. Shulderich appeared swiftly, cotton candy in one hand, and grabbed him. When Nagi turned to take Omi's hand he felt the sharps edges of panic rise in my mind. Omi was gone! ~*~*~* Aya ran down the street in a rush, long black ponytail flying behind her. After a few minutes she paused to catch her breath, glancing down at her watch. "Shimatta... I'm late for dinner! And it's Ken-kun's birthday too. Nii-chan'll kill me!" She braced herself and set off to walk at a brisk pace. It wouldn't do if she was too tired to even talk! She rounded the corner and didn't see the man until she bumped into him, both of them sprawling on the cold cement. "I-I'm really sorry! I didn't see you! Are you ok?", she blinked as the man merely smiled up at her, his expression saying he forgived her completely. He was one of the most beautiful men she had seen. Honey gold hair fell into vivid blue eyes with skin that looked baby soft. His built was slim though he was slightly muscular. Aya realized if she put him in a dress he would a wonderful woman. "Ano... could you let me stand up now?" Aya blushed and upon glancing around saw that they had gathered a small crowd. She stood and pulled the man up. Aya noted he was a little shorter than Ken but taller than she was. "I'm really sorry mister..." "That's okay." "So.", Aya said, trying to strike up a conversation, "Where are you going?" Her dark eyes widened as tears started to fall immidietly from the man's pretty, long-lashed eyes. "I'm lost... some man took me away from Nagi-kun. I didn't like him so I ran away...", he smiled, "I run really fast! Almost as fast as Shu-kun!" Aya suddenly realized what was so different about the man. He had a child's eyes. Innocence that people usually lost in their teenage years. There was obviously something mentally wrong with him. And if she heard right he had been kidnapped, or atleast taken away from someone he liked from the tears that streamed down his flushed cheeks. The girl felt her heart clench with pity and she grabbed his hand, flashing him a sweet smile. "C'mon. You can stay at my place for awhile. Youji can find Nagi for you! He's the cheif of Tokyo police! My name's Aya by the way." "I'm Omi!", Omi walked beside her, his hand still in hers, "Shu-kun says that I shouldn't like policemen." Aya blinked. She'd heard the name Omi before from the whispered conversations about their past which Ken and her brother shared when they thought she wasn't listening. Then she realized Omi was watching her curiously. Aya realized she had stopped walking. "Oh! I'm sorry! Our fall must have knocked some sense out of me!" Omi laughed brightly and Aya thought she never heard a laugh so like it. Innocence in a deep man's voice. Suddenly the clock nearby chimed seven and Aya leaped up. Eyes wide and panicked. "Oh god! I'm -so- dead! C'mon!", she tugged him into a run. Behind them a black car followed, the tint so dark the people within were hidden from view. One of the men inside dialed on his cellphone, bringing it to his ear as someone asnwered. "Sir. We have found Takatori." ~*~*~* "I can't believe you both lost him. You're Schwarz! Can't you even gaurd someone properly?!" Shulderich glanced away from where he leaned against the wall, hiding his expression behind long red bangs. Nagi kept his head lowered from where he was seated. "I can't believe it...", Brad paced the room, "I really can't. Well, you've shown you incapability and it's over. Talking won't get us anywhere." Farfello stood and walked towards the door, "I'm going out." Brad waved him away, turning his attention to the two seated infront of him, "Shulderich. Get our best trackers on this case. Nagi, you and Karin will go search the houses of those who knew Omi and might have taken him in if they found him." "Why Karin?" Brad expression was cold, "Don't question my order." "I'll answer that." A young woman walked into the room, short brown hair falling messily over tilted green eyes, "I picked up what happened from his mind. Dear Crawford here was slack on his defenses." She patted his cheek, "There's no way I'm sitting on my ass while Omi's in danger." Crawford grabbed Karin's wrist and gave the girl a warning look as she pulled away, a smirk on her lips, "I want him found by tonight. No rest until he's found." The trio moved quickly, but not because Crawford ordered them. They moved because they had something they held dear taken from them. And they were the kind of people who had so little to care about. So if what little they had was threatened... Arms suddenly wrapped around Crawford's waist, warm lips brushing over his ear. Shulderich's nasal voice broke through the tense silence. "And why aren't you doing anything?" "I will be more needed here." Shulderich frowned, "And why is that?" "I will be getting a call soon." Crawford smiled in thanks as his lover massaged his temple. "All I know is that it will be concerning Omi and I need to be here." "Well. I'll stay with you. Karin already did the honors of sending the trackers out the minute she read your mind. She loves him you know." "He pulled her from the slums. She'd do anything for him." Crawford stated in a matter of fact tone. "She's pissed off though. Said Omi should have picked a better day to get kidnapped. Apparantly she finally got a date with Yuki." "The tall woman from the Casino division?", Crawford allowed the momentary distraction. The call would not be coming anytime soon and there was nothing else to do besides worrying. "Mmmm.", Shulderich murmered an assent as he pushed Crawford down on the couch. "Let's play awhile shall we?" For once Crawford agreed, he needed this as much as his lover did. It was good to run away from reality, if only for a short while. The phone stayed silent.