"Where is she?", Ken murmered, voice hoarse in worry. "She's 30 minutes late! The tuna casserole I cooked'll get cold!" "Relax Ken.", Ran's voice floated in from the kitchen, "She probably got caught up in traffic. And besides, I bought her mace remember." Youji grinned from where he was sprawled on the couch, "Twenty cans infact. Geez Ran, I don't think she's be able to finish that in her lifetime. Especially since she learned how to use her fists from Ken." "Tell me about it. I'm glad I'm done with training her...", the ex-soccer player finally stop pacing and settled down on the carpet. "She hits as hard as a man." Ran chuckled as he set the table."And she'll hit you again if she hears you saying that." Youji played with the unlit cigarrete in his mouth, "Glad you invited me to your little birthday celebration. I don't get much vacations with my job now, kinda makes me miss lazing around at the flower shop.You're what? 25? Old geezer..." "Fuck you! I'm not the one whose 30!" "Hey! I'm physically younger!" "And mentally too.", Ran added. "Hey! No fair! I don't have a wife to back me up!" Ken blinked as he turned to Ran, "Which one of us is the wife?" "You." "Oh. Ok!" "You're lives are so simple.", Youji sighed, "Mine is dominated by trying to pin -one- little crime on the Takatori corporation. They're all slippery as snakes." "Any luck with contacting Omi?", Before this shown of concern would have shocked the rest of Weiß, but Ran had long since gave up on his cold manner. A peaceful and happy life with his lover and sister had changed him. "Ah! The elusive Takatori head... he doesn't answer my calls or any calls for that matter. It seems his secretary screens people he doesn't want to talk to. It's like he doesn't even exist. Five years of trying and I'm about to give up..." Ken's expression was sad. Omi had been like a little brother to him, deep feelings died hard no matter how long the separation, "Something must be wrong. Omi would never cut himself off from us for so long without saying anything! He's our friend!" "You'll find out what's been happening someday Youji, and you better drag Omi out of that place as soon as you prove something.", Ran replied, "We'll never let him out of our sights again. Friends from the past are few and precious." "Tadaima!", a bright cheery female voice floated in from the hall. "Aya-chan!", Ken leaped up and dusted his pants off. Ran moved to the hallway, arms ready. Aya ran, eyes bright and she threw herself into her brother's arms, "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to-" Ran picked her up and threw her into Ken's arms, causing her to cut her sentence as she burst into laughter. Ken set her down, thankful that she was light boned and thin at that. Suddenly a young man walked into the room, eyes wide in curiousity as he took in the strange gathering. All three men fell silent at his entrance, heart skipping a beat as the man gazed at them, feature's so painfully familiar. Youji's green eyes were filled with some unknown emotion, "Speak of the devil..." Aya noticed them staring and ran over to grab the man's arm, "Oh! I forgot! I have a guest! Guys, I'd like you meet Omi-chan! I bumped into him and invited him for dinner cause he was lost and all. You -will- find his family, won't you Youji?" Ken stumbled clumsily forward, taking the smaller man's shoulder's in his hands before pulling him into a hug, "O-omi? Is it really you?" Omi returned the hug, voice confused as he asked, "Ano... Dare ka?" ~*~*~* "Fuck. I'm so hungry I could eat a damn grocery.", Karin ran a hand through her shaggy brown hair as she gazed out the window of Nagi's black sportscar, "Where'll we start?" Nagi glanced down at the list, "I say we tackle the worst one first." "Ohhh shit. I can practically taste the reluctance floating from your pretty little head.", Karin's emerald eyes narrowed, "What could be so bad?" "Well. We'll start with Youji Kudou. Then afterwards-" "Wait. Kudou the cheif of police?!" "-we'll have to visit the Fujimiya household." "... Fujimiya the red-headed Takatori hunter?! Why bother to even look there! Omi would be dead if the man got his hands on him!" Nagi glanced at her as he stopped at a spotlight, "You forget Fujimiya is Omi's friend, before and after he found out about his leniage." Karin sighed and leaned back, "My head hurts..." ~*~*~* Ran paced briskly back and forth, his gaze moving from Omi, who was happilly spooning up large gollops of strawberry ice cream, to Aya who sat beside him on the couch, her arm around Omi's waist, "How did you find him?" Aya was more than a little confused by what had been happening but she volunteered the information quickly enough, "I bumped into him. He seemed lost and when I realized there was something wrong with him mentally I decided to bring him here so Youji could help him. He said something about a person called Nagi and something called a Shu." "Schwarz!", Ken hissed. "That explains everything. Schwarz must have done something to his mind! They've probably been keeping him probably because of his fortune. I should have known!" Youji took up the empty space on Omi's left and ran a hand though the man's hair, "Now that he's back here with us there's no way we can let him go back." Omi glanced down at his now empty bowl to Ken who sat near his feet. He held it out, a warm smile on his lips, "More please Ken-kun!" Ken didn't mind that behind the seemingly familiar greeting Omi had only learned his name a few minutes before. He was just glad to have him back. The soccer coach took the bowl and shook his head, "Not until after dinner Omi-chan. You probably already spoiled your appetite." Aya leaped up, "I'll place the food on the table!", she held out a hand to Omi, "You wanna help?" "Hai!", Omi nodded. He liked Aya-chan very much. Once the both of them had dissapeared Ran got straight to the point, "Since there's no way we're returning Omi to Schwarz the only choice is to let him stay here. Aya loves him and he's like family already to the rest of us. And I earn more than enough for an extra family member." Ken smiled up at him lovingly, "He can use the extra room we were saving for the child we'd adopt someday.", he glanced towards the kitchen where Aya and Omi's laughter rang out, "Now that he's with us we can give him the kind of family he never had! He out of all of us deserves it most." "Hey!", Youji protested, "What if I want him at my place?" Ran's expression was a shadow of his old self in it's coldness, "Impossible." "What?!" Ken looked taken aback that Youji had even asked, "Stay in your place? Your a single man who works full time with half of Tokyo's underworld as your enemy!" Ran nodded, "It's better -here-. Ken is usually at home unless he's teaching soccer. And you can't expect for him to follow you around while you work. Besides, Omi needs a sense of family and us more than ever in his current state." "You can visit often and be his Uncle Youji.", Ken snickered. "Sure daddykins. Better lock your bedrooms or you might teach Omi more about the birds and the bee's than he already needs to know.", Youji snapped back. "Which I'm sure you want to teach him yourself!" "That's it Ken! I'm -so- going to kick your ass!" Omi appeared by the kitchen entrance, "Time to eat!" As the trio piled in, Ran smiling as he took the hand Omi offered, the blue eyed youth asked, "Ran-kun? What's an 'ass'?" "Great Youji! You're a bad influence on your -first- hour of being uncle!" "... Ken. If you don't keep quite I won't let you have some of the cake I brought." Ran ignored the now pleading Ken and gloating Youji and led Omi to his seat. He knew how hard it was to lose family. Omi was the last of the Takatori clan and had been cut off from his Weiß family for five years, probably due to Schwarz. The red-head was more than willing to set it right. He had though before his family couldn't be more complete. But seeing Omi at the table, a beautiful smile on his youthful face, Ran realized he had been wrong.