~*A Single Thought*~ Chapter 3: ~*Adversaries*~ Nagi gazed down at the slowly cooling corpses, his face belying no expression whatsoever. The small group of mercenaries had attacked them on their way to Kudou's house causing them to nearly crash the car into a nearby lampost. However they had bitten off more than they could chew, attacking the the telekenetic and telepath. Nagi knelt then slowly and meticulously searched their pockets, sighing when they all proved to be empty. Spitting at the one nearest to her, Karin slipped her gun back into her pocket and snarled, "Stupid bastards. They were only trying to delay us!" Nagi glanced up at the telepath, "Learn anything about the one paying them?" Her green eyes flashed in frustration, "Nothing! They were only given orders to delay our search by any means possible by an invisible figurehead. Their other team was the one incharge of abducting Omi." Karin nudged one of then with her shoe "The guy who wants our bossman wants him -really- bad, these idiots figured as much from their brief chat with him." "We better continue on our search. Any minute wasted is a minute gained by our enemies." Nagi stood and inspected his car which had gone up the sidewalk. The early morning rays reflected off the shattered side mirror. "There seems to be no real damage." "Shit. This is getting worst by the minute." Karin gave the nearest corpse a good kick before following him inside the car. "If we aren't killed by another one of those guys, my stomach will do the job!" "If Crawford doesn't get to you first for failing." "Shit..." ~*~*~* "Where are you going?", Omi watched curiously as Aya ran around the kitchen already in her school clothes. "To school! I'm soooo late!" She hastily cleaned up the remains of her breakfast. "Terada-sensei's gonna kill me!" Omi blinked. "When will you be back?" "In the afternoon! See ya Omi-chan!" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before dissapearing out the door, backpack bouncing. Ken appeared and set a bowl before Omi, filling it up with Lucky Charms cereal, "I'm going to go grocery shopping today. You have to come so I can buy you new clothes." "And candy?", Omi's eyes sparkled. "Just make sure you brush your teeth afterwards.", Ran smiled as he entered the kitchen fixing his tie. "I know where /you're/ going!", Omi beamed, "You're going to work! Crawford-san always wears nice suits when he goes to work! At home he wears shorts, but only if Shu-kun isn't there to tease him about his nice legs." Ran and Ken fell silent, unsure what to say. They realized the night before that Omi was quite fond of Schwarz, probably because he couldn't remember what they had done to him. Ran felt sick at the thought of his arch-rival walking around in little shorts with Omi to see him. Omi peered up from his cereal at them, "When are you going to take me home? Nagi-kun must be worried!", he looked up at Ken, "Maybe he can go shopping with us!" Ran knelt before him, "I'm afraid you aren't going to see them for awhile Omi." "Wh-why?" 'Well, you see.", Ran glanced at Ken for support and was reassured by his lovers encouraging smile, "We decided that we would like it if you stayed here for awhile. A vacation. Don't you want to stay with me, Ken and Aya?" Omi pondered what the Ran had suggested for a few seconds before breaking into a smile, "Okay! But can't Nagi-kun and Shu-kun and Farfello-kun and Crawford-san come visit?" Ken set a glass of orange juice in Omi's hands and a cup of coffee on the table, which Ran took gratefully, "Well Omi-kun, they're very busy at the moment, that's why they left you with us." "Oh.", Omi looked doubtful. His family had always had time for him before. He wondered what he had done wrong. He didn't mean to get lost! And it wasn't his fault the man at the park had taken him. He decided to wait, after all, they couldn't stay mad for long, "Okay." Over his head, Ken and Ran exchanged smiles. The cuckoo clock suddenly chimed eight overhead, causing Omi to squeal in delight. "I have to get to work. I'll see you later love.", Ran kissed Ken chastely on the cheek, "Are you sure you'll be allright?" "Don't worry! I'll see you at six then?" "Aa. I don't have much papers to work on today." Ran ruffled Omi's hair and was rewarded with a hug as the youth grabbed his waist from his seated position. He managed to distangle himself and waved to them both as he exited the door. "Well.", Ken placed his hands on his waist, "It's just you and me slugger. Time to get ready!" Omi beamed, "Hai!" ~*~*~* A man sat within a dimly illuminated room, lazily cradling his cordless phone to one ear. He listened patiently as the leader of his hired underlings started to speak. "Sir. Takatori has left with a certain Ken Hidaka. They're currently making their way towards a nearby shopping center." "Well, what are you waiting for? I'm paying you to kidnap him, not to just watch." "Hai." As the man hung up with a click, the youth leaned back on his large leather chair, rubbing his forehead tiredly. He seemed to about eighteen years of age, with feature's that belied an mixture of Japanese and European descent, "It's impossible to find good help these days." "I resent that Utada-sama. I thought you held me in higher regard." Kyoma Utada smiled, grey eyes moving to the darker section of the room, "Chikaze. Listening in to my conversations again?" From the one of the corners of the study, a shadow slowly detached itself revealing a person all in black. Chikaze was a tall man with dark eyes and hair, his skin a pale ivory and lips a blood red shade. He was also Kyoma's most trusted friend and personal bodygaurd, "How could I not? This recent plan of yours greatly interests me." A an elegant black eyebrow raised, "Does it?" "I hope you haven't bitten off more than you can chew." Kyoma smirked, "I'm sure. I'm just getting a little revenge. Takatori killed my father after all." Chikaze's expression turned amused, "How contradictory. You -hated- your father. You should be thanking him for killing the old man." "I know.", Kyoma shrugged, "But you always said I must have an excuse ready for what I do." "Then why? Why kidnap Takatori, one of the most powerful underworld figures?" Chikaze played with a lock of raven hair, nibbling on it absentmindedly. "Because I'm curious. Why has he removed himself from personally overseeing his deals. Why has he suddenly dissapeared and left Crawford to do his work?" Chikaze laughed, "Ah! Your insatiable curiosity!", a cruel smirk, "But I hardly think that's it at all." "Oh?" "You just want to see if you -can- do it. Your trying to see how much power your father had left you. Why not kidnap Omi Takatori then?", Chikaze knelt and rested his head on Kyoma's knee, smiling as the man started to stroke his hair, "I may be skilled in fighting and stealth Utada-sama, but I am no match for all his telepath's and telekenetic's if they come knocking at my door." Kyoma played with Chikaze's soft bottom lip, loving it's red color, "I know. But if all goes well they will never know who took him. And we will both have a new toy." "Is he beautiful?", Chikaze's dark eyes grew thoughtful, "The former Takatori head was terribly unattractive." "So the rumors say, I've never seen him myself. But if he isn't does it matter?" "Perhaps. If he's beautiful, he lives. If not, why keep him alive?", Chikaze fell silent to nibble on Kyoma's finger, allowing it to slip between his lips. Kyoma laughed softly before murmering, "That is true. I want him by tonight. You will make sure they don't fail will you?" "Hai, Utada-sama.", Chikaze drew himself up, and with a graceful bow he slid back into the shadows. "Omi Takatori.", Kyoma leaned back into his chair, grey eyes thoughtful, "Let us see if I can have you shall we?"