~*China Figure*~ I will possess him. No matter where he hides, no matter how he tries to escape, he will be mine. He struggles fitfully against my web, not knowing he is caught. Soon I will come and claim my prize. He is mine. He always has been mine. He is the immortal life I crave, the possesor of eternity. Yet, in actuality, he is dead. He brings death to others. Such dramatic irony. It is breaking him, this dance he shares with the eternal darkness. Every time I see him more of that innocent luster has been dulled. I long to slowly scrape out what remains, peel the scab on that ever fresh wound, leave him broken and shattered. So I can put the pieces back together. In any way I wish. Then I will finally understand him. Then he will understand me. Then perhaps... love? Can love exist for me? If any being can create such emotion in my heart it is Tsuzuki. So I will take him. Break him. Piece the shards together. Then eternity will be ours to possess. ~*~*~*~ Author's Note: Ooo~Oooh. Cali is morbid. ^-^ Just venting off frustrated and homocidal steam people. Carry on now! Huggles, Cali-chan