*~To Feel Pain Is To Realize You Live~* ~Prolouge~ He is crying again. We had been sent investigate a young girls untimely death, discovering that the murderer was none other than her elder brother. It was done in sudden uncontrollable fury, a slight misinterpretation over an unimportant matter. The brother had been reduced to an empty shell of humanity due to the incident by the time we arrived, undone by regret and grief. Tsuzuki-san took it hard. He is the kind of person who holds strong belief in family bonds. To see it broken by human weakness and the fact that it accidental was a blow to his innocence. Tsuzuki-san, no matter how many his years of living, still remains innocent. It was something that I admired and loved. And it was the very thing that brought me pain. He tries to muffle his sobs as he rests beneath the sakura tree's bordering the Ju-oh-cho building. Legs pulled to his chest, his rests his chin on his knee's. His purple eyes slowly blurring with tears, Tsuzuki-san is beautiful in his sadness. I long to brush them away with my fingers, that crystalline wetness running down his flushed cheeks, but I dare not. To show sympathy meant I would have to share in the grief. I know that I should offer comfort, but all I would be was a momentary solitude from inner pain. It would always return, with every mission, with every death. It would hurt to know that what I offer would be temporary in the long run. I cannot, will not allow that familiar pain to return. And so I turn, walk away, the soft sobs fading. ~*~*~*~* I cannot take it any longer. Kaichou's eyes are solemn as they skim through the document on his desk, "Are you sure about this Tatsumi?" "I am certain." He hesitates a moment before slipping them into a clear white folder, placing it upon the box marked 'Out', "Have you told Tsuzuki?" "I was hoping that you would take it into hand.", I did not mean for my voice to sound so pleading, weak. But Tsuzuki-san always brought out this side of me. He was a weakness I had grown to accept. Suddenly the door slams open, and there he is. His wide violet eyes, always filled with emotion, were bright with excitement, his soft unruly brown locks spilled about his face, "Tatsumi! There's a contest between the divisions but I can't join without my partner!", his hands clutch eagerly at my sleeve, "Ne, ne, Tatsumi! The prize is free lunch for _three_ weeks! You'd save money and I'd get food!", his smile overpowers me. "I'm afraid you cannot join this contest Tsuzuki.", Kaichou's stern voice cuts through Tsuzuki's cheerful babble. "Eh? Why?", he suddenly looks crestfallen, "Not another mission!" Kaichou glances at me, "I'm afraid you no longer have a partner." "What? Your kidding Kaichou! I have Tatsumi!" "He has requested that your partnership be relinquished." Violet eyes filled with surprise as they fell upon me, "That's... not true. Tatsumi, he's just kidding is he?" "Gomen ne, Tsuzuki-san.", I feel my chest tighten as he seems to completely wilt before me. And then the tears fell and I felt myself nearly lose the control I prided myself in. Never before had I been the cause of Tsuzuki-san's suffering. I had made it a point never to make him unhappy. As his hands fall way from my sleeve, his voice comes out as a whisper, "I thought you were different than them... I thought you would last..." "Tsuzuki-san-" He pulls away, an empty smile on his lips, "Maa! I guess I just have to watch and cheer for Watari and 003 ne! They'll probably share if they win!" "Tsuzu-" "Iya! Iya Tatsumi! I don't want to be a bother to you any longer! I hope you find someone you like next time!", He slips away and leaves the room, leaving the door unclosed. "Tatsumi...", Kaichou's eyes are sympathetic, "If you want to pull back I can-" "It's all right Kaichou.", I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Bowing slightly to him, I leave the room as well. This was the right choice. Maybe Tsuzuki-san would finally get a partner who could help and understand him. Then I would finally be free of the feelings I never understood. And than finally, my mother's memories would be buried in peace. ~*~*~*~* Author's Note: This'll be a short fic. One more long chapter to go, as long as my WatarixTsuzuki fic then it's done. Hahaha, next one will have more Tatsumi angst, jealousy, and probably depression. But finally at the last part ... a happy ending? Maybe. Just read it when it comes out ne? hihihi... cali evil author. >:3 Me go play Chrono Trigger on PS now! ^O^-wai! Huggles, Cali-chan