

When My Soul's No Longer Mine to Keep

by samuraiheart




This is pure sap – no ifs, ands or buts. This is also extremely short. I apologize for that, but I was really going more for an image than an actual plot line. This is my first Yami no Matsuei fic, but not my first fic. Considering that most of the time, my introductory fics in a series are extremely angsty and sad, perhaps you should be relieved. On the other hands, if you like that kind of thing, just wait a while, I'm sure it will come eventually – maybe in the next fic. I am an "anybody but Muraki X Tsuzuki" fan so please don't judge this too harshly if you are not a fan of Watari X Tsuzuki. I just find that couple particularly interesting. Ummmm… the rating is for kissing, etc between two guys, but I'm a bit too squeamish to write out explicit sex scenes so you won't find that here. Please turn back now if you object to any of that.


Italics are song lyrics


Disclaimer: Yami no Matsuei is the property of Matsushita Yoko and the song is "Sleep" by Melissa Etheridge


And now on to the fic…




After your laughter like thunder

After your skin like coffee and cream

After it takes our bodies into the night

After we've come to the extreme



I whisper your name desperately as you run your fingers across my collarbone and start to undo the buttons on my silk shirt. "Tsuzuki…" I close my eyes and twist my fingers through your hair. This is amazing. I never thought this could happen. I never imagined anything so wonderful. You look up at me with your piercing violet eyes full of hesitation. Do you really think you have to ask? I lean forward and press my lips against your mouth and run my tongue over your warm lips. You moan softly into the kiss and wrap one arm around my waist. We have both waited so long for this moment and now time seems to move in slow motion as your dark eyelashes flutter against your cheek and your warm breath brushes across my neck. Your delicate fingers work on the buttons of my shirt as I guide us onto the bed.



I want to lay down on your shoulder

Just inside your arm

I want to listen to your heart beat

And your breathing on and on

I want to lay down on your shoulder

Surrender to your peace

And go to sleep



We pull back sheets and toss pillows away hurriedly. You slip my shirt off and reach up through my blond hair to pull the ribbon from my head. The fabric rustles quietly as my long golden locks spill across my shoulders and the surrounding mattress. You pause for a moment to marvel at the site. I see such love and gentleness in your eyes in that moment that I want to capture this forever in my memory. I want to hold you in my arms and whisper how much I love you. I never want you to forget how much you mean to me and how much I need you. The words get caught in my throat as you get over your initial hesitation and bend over me to caress my cheek with your fingers and look into my sparkling eyes. I blink back at you breathing heavily. There is so much to say and so many emotions are running through my head. "I love you, Watari." My eyes widen at the statement. I never expected you to say it first. For a moment, your gaze carries something akin to hurt before my lips curve slightly in a smile and I reach up to cup your cheek in my hand. "I love you too, Tsuzuki. I love you more than anything." You blink several times in disbelief and then break out into a wide grin that is probably the most beautiful expression I have ever seen on your face. For once, there is none of the sadness or guilt that usually lingers at the edges of your smiles or dances at the back of your gaze.



And when we've gone a million miles

Made true our dreams with sweat and bone

After we've built it up with our bare hands

Made strong a place we can call home



You are here with me now and you are safe and you love me. I could not ask for anything more. The world could end now and everything could fall apart around us and I would hardly notice as long as I could hold my love in my arms until that last moment. I lose my train of thought as you move your mouth against mine once again unlocking all of the passion and desire within both of our hearts. There is a desperateness to the kisses that I return fully. We have both waited for so long and now it seems like there is nothing we can do to make up for all of the lost time. The room seems to fade from existence as we focus on each other and pleasure sings in our veins as I throw my head back in release and you cry out my name in bliss.



I want to lay down on your shoulder

Just inside your arm

I want to listen to your heart beat

And your breathing on and on

I want to lay down on your shoulder

Surrender to your peace

And go to sleep



We hold each other when it is over and I press gentle kisses on your cheek and down your neck as you tangle your hands in my hair and whisper words of love and understanding. I pull the sheet over us as you lean your head against my bare chest and I wrap my arms around you protectively. There is a stillness in the air that speaks only of resolution. I pull you closer to me as your eyelids droop and finally close. After a few moments, your breathing becomes slow and measured and I know that you have fallen asleep in my arms. It is one of the most precious gifts you have ever given me – that you trust me enough to let down your guard and drift off to sleep beside me brings me more happiness than anything else I can imagine right now.



And when the light in my eye is fading

When running water becomes too deep

Finally angels turn my fire to dust

And when my soul's no longer mine to keep



My own eyelids feel heavy now and I close them slowly and lean my head against the soft comfort of the pillows. Sleep comes quickly and my dreams pale in comparison to the reality I will wake up to.



I want to lay down on your shoulder

Just inside your arm

I want to listen to your heartbeat

And your breathing on and on

I want to lay down on your shoulder

Surrender to the peace

And just go to sleep


~Owari~ Thanks for reading!


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