//Author's Notes: Cali: Cali had returned! ^O^ After 2 months of not writing I have written! Hisoka: The horror. -_- Cali: Oi. -_~ Saa, well I've been -so- busy! I just recently moved to San Diego, entered a new school and currently suffering anime deprivation. Why? The only anime they have in this country is oldy moldy Dragonball Z i watched -years- ago, Digimon (which is pretty good, but kinda blah cuz all of the boys are jailbait), and Card Captor Sakura tha butchered US version. *sighs* Someone shoot me now... Murai: Honto. ^_^ Cali: O_O let me rephrase that... Anyway! I always planned to write a fic as a gift to Theria for making her kakkoii site, but I kept forgetting. ^.^ So here it finally is! Not that good cuz I'm kinda rusty from not writing -forever-. Maybe I should have given you the WatarixTsuzuki one.... Mataku. :3 I wrote this to see how many people I could pair up with Tsuzuki. Mwafmwafmwaf... Saa! Anyway, hope you people like it! CC's are welcome at crimson_jaded@yahoo.com! On to the fic! Be lenient with it, my muse is rusty. Been slacking off for too long. Filiaura: I resent that. End author's notes// ~*/What's Love Got to Do With it?/*~ A fic for Theria-san By Cali-chan First Draft: October 6, 2001 First Edit: ~*~* Why do people hide what they feel? ~*~* Hisoka knew, even before Watari had rushed into the office, that something had happened to Tsuzuki. Just half an hour ago his partner's prescence was a warm bright feeling at the back of his mind, a sign that Tsuzuki was enjoying himself. The purple eyed shinigami had gone out for lunch with Watari, an offer Hisoka declined to join. He didn't want to be smothered with happy thoughts and useless chatter, not when he still had paper work to finish. All seemed to be going well, then in a sudden rush of connection with his partner he had felt panick, pain and then... just nothing. For the first time since he had accepted Tsuzuki, his link with his partner was gone. The warm comforting precence had just dissapeared and was replaced with utter emptiness. And that's when Hisoka panicked. He ran down the corridoor, ignoring startled looks as he made his way to the infirmary. He knew Tsuzuki would be taken there if anything happened. But as soon as he reached the doorway the imposing body of Tatsumi blocked his path. "Kurosaki-kun-" "I have to see him!" "You cannot." Emerald eyes widened in surprise. "Wha... what?" Tatsumi's expression was pained. "In coming in you'll only endanger yourself." Hisoka's face grew calm, serious, completely hiding the suddenly flurry of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him at the thought that Tsuzuki was in danger. "What's happened to him Tatsumi-san?" "He was attacked." "Please, do not state the obvious." Tatsumi ignored the boy's rudeness.The secretary of the Shinigami devision pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose. "You do remember Brigade Commander Surgatanus?" "Yes." "It seems that the demons have not given up on the fact that officially Tsuzuki should have taken his place." Tatsumi allowed a little anger to seep into his words. "Thay attacked him in the cafe, but not physically, mentally. Somehow a spirit demon managed to force itself into his mind and it is slowly twisting it into what they see fit." Green eyes flashed. "I can help! I've helped him before!" "And end up like Hiiroku-san?" Hisoka blinked. Hiiroku was his senior of another division. "What happened to him?" "He has been taken as far from Tsuzuki as possible. The demon nearly tore his mind apart when he tried to use his powers to delve within Tsuzuki's mind and take it out." A sad frown rose. "If you try to save him then you will end up like him." Tatsumi remained by the door as he announced firmly. "There is nothing you or anyone can do but wait and hope for the best." Hisoka glanced away. "And if the best doesn't happen?" "Let us pray it does not come to that." ~*~* Why do things seem more important when you are about to lose them? ~*~* Hisoka didn't know where he was going, only that it was anywhere but back where his partner suffered. He walked through the streets of the human world in silent agony. The Tsuzuki he knew was being warped with every second that passed. When he woke up, would he still be the same? Or would he be an unfeeling monster, completely change by the demon in his mind. Hisoka felt love so rarely, that he wondered if he would even feel such and emotion at all. But somehow Tsuzuki had managed to smile, laugh and hug his way into the boy's heart. Hisoka never told Tsuzuki what he felt, how could he when he didn't even know how? For the first time something had meaning and importance to him. Hisoka feared if he touched that fragile soul it would break beneath the darkeness that still tainted him from life. So he had remained silent, feeling satisfied to watch and not touch. However that precious thing was being threatened, and now Hisoka felt that he needed to touch it, draw some comfort, before it faded away into nothing. But he was not being allowed to... "You came. A little late but you came." Hisoka gave a start as his thoughts were interrupted and glanced up. He was now in a park, abandoned due to the lateness of the hour. He was alone save by a single figure, leaning against a Sakura tree. The pink petals fell around the stranger, painting an almost ethereal image as they blew around the white clad man who seemed angelic with his moonlight hair and liquid silver eyes. "Muraki!" Hisoka hissed. "Who else would it be boy?" "What are you doing here?!" The doctor walked a few paces forward. "Waiting for you ofcourse." "Ho-how did you-" A silver eye narrowed. "I -own- you boy. You came here because I called." Hisoka flinched and Muraki reached him, one pale hand cupping his cheek. "What do you want?" A small almost innocent smile graced lips that had been stained red with blood only hours before. "I would say it is a question of what we both want." The shinigami slapped the offending hand away. "We share nothing!" "Tsuzuki." Hisoka stiffened. "I can save him." Green eyes filled with doubt. "You would never want to save him." "I'm hurt." Muraki put on a mock offended face. "But do you have any other choice if I say I can?" Hisoka found himself breaking. If Tsuzuki had a chance at being saved even if by this madman... "After all," Muraki intoned. "Only a tortured soul can save on of it's kind." ~*~* How much would you risk for something that isn't even definite? ~*~* Hisoka was glad he never let Tatsumi know the strength of his powers, or of the strong link he and Tsuzuki shared, for then secretary would not even allow him to be in the same building while his partner was in this state. Even in another office he could feel Tsuzuki slowly being taken apart. He would act as the channel, linking Tsuzuki's mind to Muraki's. The youth had been severly uncomfortable when he discovered that Muraki shared the same sort link with him. Hisoka didn't like the thought that Muraki could feel his prescence, but then the man -had- claimed him with the marks. For a brief moment Hisoka thought about his would be actions. Was he desperate enough to ally with Muraki, a man he hated from the depths of his soul? The answer came. Yes. If it would give Tsuzuki a chance he would taint himself with the man's touch again. Hisoka set the link. ~*~* Why do we keep secrets? Why do we live lies? ~*~* Soft brown locks framing tanned cheeks, long lashes hinting at the purple orbs that hid within, petal soft lips parting with each breath. In sleep, Tsuzuki was so beautiful. If only if was a normal sort of rest without the slow corrosion of what he loved, then Tatsumi would not have to deal with the pain that threatened to overwhelm him. The bitter dark blanket of grief that clawed at his mind. Before his eyes the person most important to him was slowly being destroyed, and he could do nothing. He was helpless, useless. Just like before. Mother... what would she say to him if she were here. Laugh at his constant weakness to protect those he loved perhaps. Tatsumi brushed a stray brown lock from the young man's face, lips turning down in a sad frown. He didn't want to deal with what must be done if Tsuzuki did awake changed by the demon. A powerful entity such as Tsuzuki couldn't be left in such hands as the makai legion. The secretary sat down on the matress and took Tsuzuki's hand in both of his. Would he be able to do it? Kill Tsuzuki? Tatsumi closed his eyes, hands clenching tightly around Tsuzuki's own. He prayed it would not come to that. But if he did stain his hands with the purple eyed shinigami's blood... Then he might as well take his own life as well. "Tsuzuki-san..." Tatsumi kissed the hand he held, trying to bring warmth to the cold skin. He would not sleep until the other man awoke. By the door Watari watched them, golden eyes sad. "Tsuzuki." Shaking his head, the scientist walked away. He might as well get some coffee. There were two people tonight who weren't going to get any rest. ~*~* Why do we people we hate sometimes do things for us out of love? ~*~* Upon entering Tsuzuki's mind Muraki found the demon almost immidietly. It was filling Tsuzuki's sould with pain and hate till it neared it's breaking point. In only a few more minutes Tsuzuki's shattered soul would be theirs to piece together in any way they wished. The demon smiled, sensing a soul as tortured as its own. "Are you here to aid me?" Muraki smiled. "Perhaps. But unfortunately we have different purposes for being here." He sealed it quickly before it could register what he said. The doctor smiled. "Any last words?" "Why are you destroying me?! You are Muraki aren't you?! You are one of our allies!" "You are destroying him," Muraki's face held no emotion. "The Tsuzuki I love. He is light and darkeness, life and death, love and hate. You are turning him into what he is not meant to be." Muraki smiled unpleasantly. "What would I do if my purple eyed Shinigami would turn into a mediocre and bland creature like the rest of you? I would die of boredom." The demon snarled. "You are too late! I've nearly finished. You can't return him to normal any longer!" Muraki shook his head. "I tire of your chatter." Then in a blast of light the demon was destroyed. Then the pale man searched for the man he came to save. ~*~* We do we go far to search for love when love is right before you? ~*~* Tsuzuki was surrounded by darkness. The sudden appearance of the painful images and the ghosts of his past has taken him off gaurd. Then as the wounds reopened and bled pain Tsuzuki could only cower as the grew deeper and greater in number. It seemed as if he was bathing in a river of grief and overwhelming loneliness. All those he had loved in the past had returned to accuse him, blame him for their current pain. Their death. Then it had suddenly stopped. And before the shinigami had time to recover -he- had appeared. "Muraki...," Tsuzuki rubbed the tears from his eyes. "Are you here to hurt me too?" "Sadness doesn't suit you." "Wha... what?" Muraki knelt beside him and brushed the offending tears from his eyes. "My Tsuzuki's smile is what suits him most." Tsuzuki was too tired and aching mentally to protest to the obvious claim to himself. Instead he leaned towards the only available comfort, ready for the accusations to begin again. But now, while it hadn't started he would rest for a few precious seconds. His forehead nestled on Muraki's shoulder and Tsuzuki smiled weakly. Who would havet thought the pale man would be so warm? Muraki stiffened at Tsuzuki's show of affection. In the past it had always been him advancing while Tsuzuki reacted in anger and fear. But now... The silver haired man, for the first time in his life, was at a loss. The man he had been chasing after his entire life was now allowing himself to be caught. What a strange predicament... Tsuzuki blinked when Muraki did not throw accusations of his failures as the others did. Instead the man remained silent, unmoving. A comforting warmth at his side. Tsuzuki snuggled closer and sighed as Muraki wrapped comforting arms around him. The Shinigami needed something to soothe the biting pain away, needed the feeling of love to wash away all the hate he had just been buried under. Tsuzuki glanced up. "Do you hate me Muraki?" "No." Muraki answered promptly. Purple eyes met silver. "Then why do you always want to hurt me?" "I love you so much Tsuzuki." Muraki murmered as he smiled almost lovingly. "That I sometimes desire to break you. So noone else can have you since I cannot." The doctor gestured at the darkness. "Let's return. It isn't good to stay here a minute longer." "No." Muraki frowned. "What is that?" "I won't return to the pain!" "Come now. You would rather remain in this darkness?" "..." "What would the boy do, or Tatsumi-san for that matter, if you did? I would say their hearts would be broken." "They don't-" "You know they do. They merely hide their love." Tsuzuki closed his eyes and allowed himself to be completely leaning upon Muraki's shoulder. "I don't understand. Why hide such a thing?" "They are lost. They do not know how to react to it. Unlike me." The doctor nuzzled Tsuzuki's hair, smiling when the shinigami didn't protest towards the gesture. "Many people are waiting for you and will be hurt if you don't return." Tsuzuki stood suddenly, a cheerful grin suddenly rising. "Yosh! Let's go!" He glanced down and held out his hand to Muraki. The silver haired man took it and pulled himself up. "This is where we must seperate." Muraki murmered. "What? Why?!" "My body is in the human world. The boy is merely acting as a link." Tsuzuki looked at a loss at what to say. Muraki was one of his worst enemies, but then again he had saved him and confessed that his love... When Muraki leaned down and kissed his forehead Tsuzuki tightened his grip on the man's white sleeve. Another kiss was placed on his neck, a wet tongue tasting eagerly, warm breath tickling the damp skin. Then doctor stepped reluctantly away and murmered softly with a bow. "I would be honored if you would meet me tommorow, 8:30 PM, at the Sayuri restaurant." He chuckled. "Answer me now or I will have to invite you with a corpse or two." Tsuzuki shook his head. This was the Muraki he knew. "I'll be there. You -are- paying right?" ^_^ "Saa, ofcourse." ~*~* Why cry when we are happy? Why do we love when we know pain comes with it? ~*~* Purple eyes opened slowly and blinked at the harsh morning light that filtered in through the curtains. Tsuzuki smiled as the songs of the tiny little birds reached his ears. "TSU~ZU~KI!!!!!!!!!!" The bed nearly caved under the sudden double weight as Watari launched himself beside his friend. Gold eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a wobbly grin on his face. "Your alive!" He check his face. "Your awake!" He checked his chest. Watari beamed. "You aren't trying to kill me!" He winked. "That means your normal ne?" Tsuzuki laughed, the familiar sunburst sound echoeing down the room. He glanced up to see Tatsumi standing above him, blue eyes wide in disbelief. Tsuzuki smiled. "Ohayo, Tatsumi!" Suddenly the purple eyed shinigami was held tightly in a warm circle of arms, the only sign of Tatsumi's joy felt in the wetness of the tear stained cheek pressed against his neck. The man's voice was a tired whisper. "Don't ever make me worry like that again... please..." Tsuzuki returned the hug slowly in surprise, resting his chin on the taller man's head. "Tatsumi..." Watari grinned and chortled as he walked out the door. "I know when I'm not needed. Saa, lunch laterTsuzuki, ne?" Tatsumi refused to let him go, even when the scientist was gone. He had just nearly lost someone he loved once again. The silent irrational thought flitted through his mind, that if he let go the other shinigami might dissapear, leaving him with a gaping hole of loneliness. Tsuzuki had filled it from the first time they met himt, the former spot of his mother.He too had melted away the ice that had always surrounded him and had brought that rare feeling of warmth. And for a few hours he had nearly lost it all. Tsuzuki stroked the man's soft brown hair, murmuring reassurances as Tatsumi cried silently in his arms. Even when Tatsumi fell asleep, his hold on the other man never wavered. ~*~* Why do we dream of the impossible? Why do we hide them when they are attainable? ~*~* "HI~SO~KA!" Tsuzuki bounded over to where his partner sat reading in the grove outside the office buildings. Hisoka didn't even glance up. "So, your alive." "Mochiron! It would take more than that to faze me!" Hisoka shook his head. "Just like a cockroach." "Mou! Hidoii!" Tsuzuki sat down beside his partner and leaned close. The feel of Tsuzuki's lips on his cheek was completely unexpected. Hisoka turned his face abruptly instinctively in surprise, causing both their lips to brush together lightly in the process. The older shinigami smiled and deepened it,covering Hisoka's mouth his own. Hisoka nearly fainted when his partners tongue probed between his lips, tasting the innocent sweetness that lay within. The kiss ended to soon. Tsuzuki pulled away and prepared himself for the blow that he knew would be thrown. To his suprise Hisoka merely glowered angrily. "What was that for?! Baka!" Tsuzuki decided to try his luck. He lay down and placed his head on Hisoka's lap. "Thank you." Hisoka lost his anger and merely settled for pointedly ignoring him. It was completely silent for a few minutes until Tsuzuki blinked up at him and asked. "Do you love me?" Hisoka sputtered. "Wha- WHAT?!" Tsuzuki poked his cheek. "Muraki said you did." Hisoka muttered curses directed towards the silver haired man's ancestry. Green eyes looked down to gaze into his partner's eyes. "Why are you asking anyway?!" "Because...," Tsuzuki smiled. "It would be nice to be loved." Hisoka looked defeated. "So-" "Yeah." Tsuzuki beamed. "Honto?!" "Urusai, baka." "Can I kiss you again?" "Na- NANI?!" Tsuzuki sat up. He laughed softly at his partner's shocked expression, kissing him chastely on the forehead. The he lowered his lips slowly to Hisoka's ear, his breath warm as he whispered softly, "Someday, I want to make you smile." Hisoka felt his heart clench. He glanced up at him then away. "Why?" "Then I'll know your no longer in pain." Hisoka felt tears threaten his eyes. "Why... why do you care?!" Tsuzuki kissed the corner of the youth's eyes, not allowing the tears to fall. "Because I love you too." Hisoka shook his head. "You love people to easily." Tsuzuki grinned. "Urusai, baka." Hisoka couldn't contain the surprise on his face. He opened his mouth then closed it, the opened it again. Tsuzuki took advantage and stole another kiss on the boys lips. Hisoka blushed as he pulled away abruptly. "Will you stop that!" Tsuzuki frowned. "You aren't listening!" His eyes grew wide and shimmery. "I said I loved you and you just brushed it off...*sniff*" "I heard you the first time!" "So we're lovers?" O_O Hisoka was boggled by all the sudden granting of his wishes, no matter the embarrasment that came with it. "Can I call you koibito?" -_- "... yes." Hisoka reluctantly agreed just to shut him up. "But not in public!" "Wai!" Hisoka felt warmth run through his body at Tsuzuki's overjoyed response. "Oh no..." Hisoka blinked. "What is it now?" "I have a date with Muraki in five hours." Tsuzuki whimpered. "WHAT?!" ~*~* Why do we love? Why do we hate? In the end, is all this human weakness? ~*~* Muraki glowered. Hisoka glowered. Tsuzuki sighed. "Tsuzuki-san... may I ask what this -boy- is doing here?" "I'm not letting you do any nasty perverted things to him! He's -my- koi!" "Hisoka! You called me koi! *heart*" "... urusai." Muraki chuckled. "Ah! Now I have a rival! The excitment builds!" Hisoka scowled. "I wouldn't call you a rival Muraki. That would be thinking too highly." "Ouch. Sharp tongue boy." Muraki grinned evilly. "So, who's uke?" Tsuzuki and Hisoka turned bright red. "Hoo~o? You haven't even had sex yet?" "We don't only think about that you hentai!" O_O ... "Who -is- uke Hisoka? I wouldn't mind-" "Not now Tsuzuki!" *whap* "Ahh! Gomen gomen!" "I can give you both a few tips boy. That way my Tsuzuki will be more experienced when I take him." ^_^ "WHAT?! Don't you even dare touch him!" Tsuzuki sighed. It was going to be a looong night. ~OWARI~ Likey it? ^_^ Have suggestions? This is just the first draf so mail me 'em for when I'll edit next! Music listened to while writing: FF9: Loss of me, Kuja theme, song of memory, the place i'll return to someday, you are not alone. Chrono Cross: dreams creation, voyage another world, reminiscense feelings not erased, time of the dreamwatch, dimension travel remix, people seized with life