5018 48 STREET
T1G 1H1

Presidents Message:

As this is the first time on the Internet, I feel it is important top give others some background information about the C.D.F.P.A.

This organization has been organized since 1991. We started this organization to give lifters the opportunity to compete in a truly drug free setting at local, national and international competitions.

We are affiliated with the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation giving lifters the opportunity to lift at true Drug Free Worlds also.

In March of 1998, we held our eighth national championships in Taber, Alberta. with fifty Canadian and ten World Records being broken.

At present our membership consists of lifters from each and every province in Canada.

The categories which these members compete in are teenage (with the age categories of 14-15, 16-17 and 18-19); Junior (with the age group of 20-23); open and Masters (with the age categories of 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64 and so on, and soon in both male and female categories).

At this time we have world champions in all categories, proving that the C.D.F.P.A.
is a strong contender at the World Championships.

The future of the C.D.F.P.A. looks very good as we are taking a very progressive attitude in starting some new competitions to spark more interest in Drug Free Powerlifting here in Canada. Besides our normal Canadian Championships for teen, open and master men and women, we will be offering Canadian bench press, deadlift and squat single lift championships. The winners of these competitions will qualify to go to the World championships in each of these categories. We are also contemplating a Raw National Championship. This will give lifters the opportunity to lift with no power suits.

This past August(97) the C.D.F.P.A. hosted the junior, teenage and masters world championships in Taber Alberta, Canada. One-hundred and seventy-two lifters from around the world competed at this championship.

So as you can see, we have something to offer everyone within the C.D.F.P.A. We welcome all lifters of all organizations to join us and lift with some of the most successful Drug Free lifters in the country. Any Drug Free lifter can come and compete in any of our contests.

We in the C.D.F.P.A. take Drug Free lifting and drug testing very seriously!

If you have any questions or need further information about our organization or our upcoming meets, please contact me at the above address and I will do all I can to help you out.

Thank you.

Randy Sparks

President of the C.D.F.P.A.


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