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The CanLib Blog! by Patricia Presti, MISt - the Canadian Moose

Friday, May 17 - Thinking of moving back to Canada? Will they charge you wicked duty, PST or GST on the stuff you bought in the US? Check Moving Back to Canada to plan ahead.

Tuesday, May 14 - Washington DC was great, Library of Congress wonderful, and the Folger Shakespeare Library (right behind LC) was absolutely amazing! Visited the Canadian Embassy for everyone ... they could really use a CanLit exhibit ... made me lonesome for home. Speaking of cravings, if you are desperate for President's Choice food, Eatmores or Cherry Blossoms, you can order them at ... they are down the street from me in Florida, but all their stuff is shipped straight from Canada. Major drag ... wanted to save on those shipping charges!

Thursday, May 9 - Off to Library of Congress for my first visit. A Canadian Librarian in Washington! Remember the loonie buried at center ice when Canada won the gold medal at the Olympics? Maybe I should hide one at LC too ... :-)

Monday, May 6 - Groovy statistics ... in 1998, 58,469 Canadians were allowed into the United States under the TN designation. Still trying to find out how many librarians ... US GovDocs is so much fun!!! See

Thursday, May 2 - Canadian Librarians in America has been listed on 38 library-related websites. Wanna see the list? Click here.

Friday, April 26 - The CanLib Weblog begins! If you are unfamiliar with the notion of a weblog, read on ... 

"Weblogs, typically, are  Web sites operated by individuals who compile chronological lists of links to stuff that interests them, interspersed with information, editorializing and personal asides. A good weblog is updated often, in a kind of real-time improvisation, with pointers to interesting events, pages, stories and happenings elsewhere on the Web. New stuff piles on top of the page; older stuff sinks to the bottom." - Salon magazine

So, hopefully this page will evolve as information comes up in the area of Canadian Librarianship in America. If you have any interesting links to pass along, please email me at [email protected]

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Last updated: 05/17/02 10:29:32 AM
Comments? Please email Patricia Presti, Webmaster at [email protected]

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