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HOME | Legal Issues | Canadian-Friendly Libraries | Need a job?News you can use | Tips for the newly-arrived | BLOG

Note: This website was last updated in May, 2002, when its originator, Patricia Presti, returned to Canada.
Patricia, whose initiative and and imagination led her in 2000 to create
this website for expatriates, has recently passed the torch to me.
As time permits, I plan on gradually updating these much-needed pages throughout June. Let me know what you'd like to see on our page!
NEW!!! Watch for brand new updated website on Canada Day!

Tips for the newly-arrived ...
or for those thinking of heading South!


















  • Don't double pay your taxes the first year!
    It's very easily done. If you have done it in the past, you can appeal through a tax treaty between the United States and Canada that deals specifically with this situation. In the US, it's called Revenue Procedure 96-13 - Competant Authority; in Canada, Information Circular 71-17R4. Also, you can amend your US Tax return through the 1040X form. Good luck! ([email protected]).
  • Changing jobs? Update your TN paperwork
    Everytime you change your jobs you must update your paperwork to reflect your new position. This is a must ... or you might get kicked out of the US for an extended amount of time, like five years! ([email protected]).
  • MLS vs. MIS vs. MISt
    NAFTA mentions the Masters of Library Science degree as a prerequisite for the TN. If you have any of the "newer" degrees, you may want to bring a letter from your university's registrar stating that the degree is equivalent to the MLS ([email protected]).
  • Read up on American politics and history
    If you will be working in a public library, it's really important to brush up on this. What is the difference between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Who is the local state senator / congressman? Do you have a strong mayor or not? There's a lot to learn! ([email protected])
  • Original diplomas
    As silly as it may seem, some INS agents may ask to see your actual MLS diploma when applying for your I-94. Apparently, official transcripts are not necessarily recognized by all agents. Though your mother may have had it nicely framed, get it out from under glass - you may need it! ([email protected]).
  • Give yourself extra time at airports
    If you happen to be applying for your I-94 when flying out of an airport, give yourself ample time - I once missed a flight because two out of the three INS agents were busy ... ([email protected]).
  • Border Crossings
    I've found it easier to use secondary border crossings (ie. other than the high-traffic Peace Bridge/Buffalo or the Rainbow Bridge/Niagara Falls) when applying for/renewing TN status. These crossings aren't as busy ... ([email protected]).

Ed. - With many thanks to all who have donated their sage advice to this page. 

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Last updated: 05/14/02 04:51:38 PM
Comments? Please email Patricia Presti, Webmaster at [email protected]

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