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Lynn University Technology Committee Intranet
TechNews Weblog

  • What's a Weblog (or Blog) - "Weblogs, typically, are  Web sites operated by individuals who compile chronological lists of links to stuff that interests them, interspersed with information, editorializing and personal asides. A good weblog is updated often, in a kind of real-time improvisation, with pointers to interesting events, pages, stories and happenings elsewhere on the Web. New stuff piles on top of the page; older stuff sinks to the bottom." - Salon magazine

Friday, April 26, 2002 - University Technology Committee websites are rampant on the web.You might get some ideas on what our committee should be considering from the following sites (they have been in existence for a long time) ...


Next Meeting: Thursday, May 9, 2002, 1:30 p.m.
Perper Teleconferencing Center, Green Center

Last updated: 04/26/2002 12:03:56 PM
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