Journal or Thoughts : #??
week of 10/15/03~10/**/03

It is the day that Racheal arrives in Japan. Before I left, I saw that her flight is delayed. This is good because my bus is running late as well.

When she comes though customs she will find me sitting  there with a single red rose, a plush sheep, and a card. Sweet, huh?

Let me take a moment to explain the significance of these gifts....

ROSE: on our first date, I arrived at her door with a single red rose. In looking back, I can see that rose as the start of a whole new life for.the both of us.  The rose i give today will be remembered in much the same way.  The start of our lives here in Japan (even if it is just for a handfull of weeks).

SHEEP: Rachael loves sheep. A wise person once told me that every woman will collect something. I guess it is up to the man to find out what it is. For my Rachael, it is sheep. Just as I might collect Superman and Alien, she is always on the look out for sheep.
CARD: I better explain before anyone gets the wrong idea and start thinking I am "romantic." This may not be the type of card you imagine. It is a post card in Japanese saying "MR. BEAN IS JOHNNY ENGLISH." I am giving her this because I am EVIL... "Why the card?" Any time I leave to go home or return to Japan, Rachael and I play a guessing game on the movies I will see. All along I kept saying she would get JOHNNY ENGLISH. Then I found out her whole movie line-up from a visitor from Dallas. And guess what movie was on the list? The card is just the salt in the wound that you would expect after having to sit through THAT. Ha ha ha...

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