<BGSOUND SRC="superman_lovetheme_mymind.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
This site is dedicated to the most enduring and timeless love story of all time. That of a woman named Lois Lane and the true loves of her life, Clark Kent & Superman.
The story of Superman of all these years have had one constant, his undying love for Lois Lane. According to which incarnation you are watching/reading, he has meet her in several diffrent ways. In some he has meet her first as Superman, while in others thier first meeting corresponds with his first day at the Daily Planet. Regardless of how they meet, he knows from first sight that she is the one and only for him. He freely gives up everything that makes him "super" just to be with her and is willing to give his life to ensure that she remains safe.

In the future, this site will offer visuals and testimonies of a love story that is reinvented for each generation and will endure forever.


Superman and Lois have been married several times over the years in print and on film. The most popular versions of this wedding can be viewed in the Lois and Clark television show and in Superman II (though they were not married by Earth law, I would like to think that their union was binding in some Krypton ceremony that happend off screen).

This site will also offer details on my own up coming wedding. Though I do not fashion myself a superman at all, it will be another (though less publicized) timeless and undying love story to last through the ages.
A message to my very own Lois. I miss you and love you with all of my heart.
The story continues...
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