Last updated on 15 October 2004










 How to implement the Category Based Charging


             After the implementation of 2-2-1-4 software in C-DOT MBM switches , it is possible to provide different category to all subscribers including  WLL / LOCAL / CCB subscribers. Based on the category assigned to each subscriber , charging can be defined as per the requirement.


             At present , the local call charging is done on 180sec basis for intra exchange calls and inter exchange calls within SDCA. For CCB PCOs , Village PTs and Attended PCOs and Local PCOs , 90sec pulse in case SDCAs having  POI and 120sec pulse in case SDCAs not having POI should be effected.

            In the mean time , Village PTs should be allowed to  access the ‘180’, Trunk Booking ; Other Local PTs and PCOs should not be allowed for ‘180’ , where in they are allowed to have access the ITC and toll free services.(1600 & 1602)

            Based on these requirements, the subscriber category based charging and priority based routing can be made effective.


             At present all the CCB , Local PTs and VPTs are created as LIN-TYP= CCB’ and priority ‘9’ is assigned by the system. PCO-MTR-LCL in the system parameter is defined as 51 (crg-rtn : 51 for 120 sec metering ) in case of SDCAs other than Salem and 43 (crg-rtn : 43 for 90 sec metering ) in case of Salem SDCA.     Priority ‘9’ is not allowed in 95 routes and 180 route.


             Step 1 : Parameter ‘sub-chrg-ctg’ should be made as ‘2’ in the system parameter using the command  ‘mod-sys-param’.

            Once this is done the parameter value  ‘PCO-MTR-LCL’ becomes ineffective.

The parameter CCB-CL-CONV should be made as ‘900/1200’ for effecting the call disconnection at 90secs/120secs in case of calls originated by CCBs.

Now to effect the charging of Local PT, CCB , Village PTs , these subscribers are assigned with a unique category say ‘21’.

            Using the command ‘mod-sub-crg’ modify the sub-charge table as below.

            Calling cat  :  21

            Called cat   :  1

            Crg-rtn       :  51 or 43 ( 51 in case of 120sec pulse and 43 for 90sec pulse)

Repeat the command for other called categories also

   Calling cat  :  21                     Calling cat  :  1                       calling cat : 1

   Called cat   :  21                    called cat    :  1                      called cat   :  21

    Crg-rtn       : 51 to 43           crg-rtn         :21(180sec)       crg-rtn        :  21 (180sec)

 HINT : Category based charging and priority based call routing is possible in our system.

 Step 2 :

            Village PTs are assigned with PRI :7  

            Local / Attended PTs are assigned with PRI : 8

            CCBs are assigned with PRI : 9       

While creating the above PTs LIN-TYP = CCB is assigned for CCBs and

LIN-TYP=ORD-LIN is assigned for Village / Local /Attended PTs.

 Step 3 :

            For the inter exchange calls from the Local PT/CCB/Village PT within SDCA, the route character should be modified for the new category ‘21’ assigned for these PTs.

            Present route char

            ROUT- CODE   : 23

            DGT-LEN         :  6

            ROUT-FLAG    : 1-cnb-na-ga

            CRG-RTN        :  1-21

            TGP-CHC         : 1-TGP2 & 2-TGP2 & 9-TGP2 &10-TGP2

Modify the route char using the command ‘ mod-rout-char’.


            DGT-LEN        :  6

            ROUT-FLAG   : 1-cnb-na-ga & 21-cnb-na-ga

            CRG-RTN        :  1-21 & 21-51  (51 for 120 sec & 43 for 90 sec)

            TGP-CHC        : 1-TGP2 & 2-TGP2 &7-TGP2 & 8-TGP2 & 9-TGP2 &10-TGP2

             Now modify the rout-char for  ‘180’  rout as below so that village PT only to have access to ‘180’- Trunk Booking.

             Present Rout 180                              Modified route 180

            ROUT- CODE : 180                          ROUT- CODE : 180

            DGT-LEN      :  3                               DGT-LEN      :  3

            ROUT-FLAG : 1-cnb-na-ga               ROUT-FLAG : 1-cnb-na-ga & 21-cnb-na-ga

            CRG-RTN      :  1-4                           CRG-RTN  :  1-4 & 21-4

            TGP-CHC       : 1-TGP1                    TGP-CHC : 1-TGP1 & 8-TGP1

 Note :  In all the 95 ,94 , 98 rout codes the above priorities belonging to all types of PTs (7,8,9) should not be allowed for SDCAs without POI. 94,98 should be allowed for 7,8,9 priorities at Salem SDCA. In future if we want to allow certain 95 routes for any of the PTs, then those priorities may be allowed in those routes. In 1600 & 1602 rout codes allow the required priority.

     Note: According to your station requirement the charge rate numbers can be applied suitably.                                                                                                                                                                  






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