Serving Berkeley, Charleston,

                                                                                                  and Dorchester counties



                                                                                   Low Country Stargazers Club News Letter

                                                       “Affiliated with the Southeast Region Astronomical League since 1983"

On the web:


  Volume 24                                                       June 2005                                                       Number 01 


President................................................................................ Kirsten Watson........................................................................... 367-5564

Vice President.................................................................................... .......................................................................................................

Treasurer................................................................................... Carol Swan............................................................................... 764-3727

Secretary............................................................................................ .......................................................................................................

Editor....................................................................................... Kevin Rasso.............................................................................. 873-6750

Executive Board Member................................................................... .......................................................................................................

Alcor....................................................................................... Chris Morrow............................................................................. 207-0496



Special Announcements

New Editor in Town! By Kevin Rasso

And just when you thought your inbox was safe!  Welcome to my first LCS Club Letter!  It has been a while since a letter has been issued, but rest assured, we are back on track!  The Club Newsletter is going to become a forum for LCS to get members involved and keep everyone informed.  The whole purpose of LCS is to get together with all manner of enthusiast, be they amateur or formally educated, and share experiences with astronomy!  From observations, tips and techniques, to equipment and useful (or just plain fun) resources, The Stargazer Gazette is going to have a place for you.  A few new tweaks in the form of recurring articles will help accomplish this goal.  But the biggest part of making all this work is YOU!  If you know of, or find a neat website, let us know.  If you found the best super do hickey that makes your telescope perform like Hubble, let us know.  If you had the best (or worst…L) observing session in your life, let us know!  Please feel free to submit anything pertinent to astronomy and LCS to me at [email protected] by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the proceeding month’s letter.  I am a self taught amateur astronomer with a Meade ETX-90 and a bunch of books.  Please feel free to share, I will not make fun of you or chastise you at the next club meeting…I promise!  Just have fun, and share.  It’s your club and your news letter…let’s continue to grow.

June Means Yearly Club Dues

            Club dues are required to be in by the 20th of this month.  This is to allow the treasurer enough time to deposit the funds to pay for the Astronomical League registration, and send in the required paperwork by month’s end.  For members who joined after June 04, talk to Carol Swan for your pro-rated fee.  Forms can be found on our website.

Recap: May 05

Recap is the place to talk about the preceding month’s events.  Club minutes will be incorporated to keep members who couldn’t make it to the monthly meeting abreast of club plans.

6th: Program by Kevin Rasso: Observing the moon

            This was an informative program that discussed basic observation techniques for the moon.  It covered everything from what to look for, where to look for it, and the best time to do it.  Different geological features were explained.  Everyone learned something, including the guy giving the lecture (Thanks DJ!).  Good job!

7th: Club Observing

            If you haven’t been to the rifle range…go!  It is definitely one of the darkest sky sites around.  We played with a 10” Reflector for some Messier Observing and color filters for planetary views of Jupiter and Saturn (they really make a difference).  We also had a 6” reflector and a 90mm SC (that could make out the structure of M51…do that from your light polluted back yard!).   Great night!

LCS Calendar of Events: June 05

3rd: LCS Club Meeting

Club Business

No scheduled lectures

Social: Let’s talk about what to talk about!

4th: Club Observing @ Rifle Range

25th: Rain Day

Check This Out!

            Check This Out! is the place for members to share everything from resources, websites, product reviews, etc.  If you find something good or bad…let us know!


I found a freeware called the Virtual Moon Atlas. I downloaded it last night and have been playing around with it. It’s pretty nifty. You can customize it and if you have a PC/laptop hooked up to a go-to telescope, it will let you find objects easier. It gives you object information, moon phases, pictures, personal observing log, and a place for your own pictures and much more.....Check it out!!

Virtual Atlas of the Moon / Free astronomy software

Clear skies,



            Observations is the place to share your victories (or defeats) on observing, and tips to help others share and record their experiences with astronomy.

            No submissions at press time






Look at Me: June 05

            Know of something good, rare, or exotic to look at for the upcoming month?  What is your favorite thing in the sky this month?  Share it here!


            New:                 6th

            First Quarter:     14th       Look for volcanoes near Hortensius and Mare Nubium on the 15th-16th

            Full:                  22nd      

            Last Quarter:     28th


            Jupiter in good viewing position at night for most of month

            Saturn, Venus, and Mercury will make a very tight knot about 45 minutes after sunset on the 24th

Deep Sky:

            M13 (Hercules Globular) is near zenith for prime time (2200 to 2400)



…Another Man’s Treasure

            Do you know of a good deal that a club member could benefit from?  Have you upgraded equipment and have a scope or accessory you don’t need anymore?  Here is a free classified section.


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