Of all musical instruments, drums most represent the heartbeat and our beginning. Probably our first memory of sound. Hearing our mothers heartbeat, safe within the womb was our first experience of music.
Experience the call of the drum, the spirit of the drum, the heartbeat of the drums.
Discover the physical, psychological and spiritual rewards, even for those, like myself, who can't read a note of music.
drumbeat echoes the heartbeat, connecting us to our deeper selves, Native people say the drumbeat also communes with Earth, a reminder that all of creation is alive and therefore, scared.
The gift of the drum may be an antidote to modern society's worst ills. If everyone owned a drum there would be no wars.
Play and you can feel the spirit of the drum come alive, awakening the inner spirit in yourself.
Hand held drums are perfect for drum circles, shamanic healing, meditation and personal or ceremonial rituals.

Most of my drums are made with Cedar hoops. Cedar is also considered sacred. The tops are made from deer skin. The skins I use are purchased from a local meat processing plant that I purchase from during hunting season. I make the rawhide for the drum tops and lace myself. The tops and lace are always made from the same skin. My drums are made and handled as sacred instruments. I do not keep a lot of drums made up on hand but if you are wanting a size I do not have, normally, I can get one on the way to you within a couple of weeks.
Like the flutes, it is an instrument that will literally come alive for you while playing.
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