USSVI Buffalo Base


Revision 001


As of 17 Apr 1994

As of 20030203


USSVI Buffalo Base Constitution and By-laws
(as of 17 April 1994)

(Transcribed 13 Nov 2002, by Ken Nichols)

KENMORE, NEW YORK 14217-0015

20030203(KLN)-Heading needs changing to relect current status

20030206(KLN)-There is no section for "committees". Therefore, one needs creation for 'annual', 'standing', and 'special'. For now, will consider "Article VIII" to be the place for this since it already has reference to the Nominations Committee.

Article I


The name of this organization shall be "BUFFALO BASE", United States Submarine Veterans.

Article II


To perpetuate the memory of our Shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.

Article III


Article III
Section 1

Regular membership is open to all personnel having been designated "Qualified in Submarines" by the U.S. Navy.

Article III
Section 2

Those members who have been discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States shall have been discharged under Medical/Honorable conditions.

Article III
Section 3

All applications of new members shall be accompanied by proof, when requested, of eligibility under Sections 1 and 2 of the Article. DD Form 214, Letter from their Commanding Officer or the signature of a member in good standing attesting the application to be true to the best of their knowledge, shall be accepted.

Article III
Section 4

Associate membership. An associate member is a person who is not eligible for regular membership and is closely associated with a regular member.

Article III
Section 5

Associate membership will be limited to immediate family, not less than sixteen (16) years of age, of members of the U.S. Submarine Veterans.

Article III
Section 6

Each regular member may sponsor other associate members not covered in section 5 of this article.

Article III
Section 7

Each associate member will be sponsored by a regular member. A vote for approval or disapproval must be conducted at the business meeting immediately following the receipt of the application for membership.

Article III
Section 8

Associate members are allowed to vote on local Buffalo Base matters only; shall not hold an elected office; however may hold an appointed office.

Article IV


Article IV
Section 1

The general procedure of meetings of this organization shall be in keeping with normal parliamentary procedures as set down by Robert's Rules of Order, revised.

Article IV
Section 2

The regular business meetings of the Buffalo Base shall be held on the third Monday of each month, or as otherwise agreed upon at a regular meeting and at the place designated in the newsletter.

Article IV
Section 3

The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of once a year, at such time and place as the Commander shall designate.

Article IV
Section 4

Special meetings may be called, by the Commander or the Board of Directors, as required.

Article V


Five (5) members in good standing, present at a duly called meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business. Once a quorum has been established, no member absenting himself shall destroy the quorum.

20030206(KLN)-"Quorum" and "Voting" should be collected into a single 'article'.

Article VI


Each member present and in good standing (all membership dues paid) shall be eligible to vote at Buffalo Base meetings and a simple majority of voting members shall determine the outcome of the vote.

Article VII


Article VII
Section 1

Section 1
The elected officers of this Base shall be the Commander, Vice-Commander, Secretary, and Treasurer who shall be elected for a term of two (2) years.

20030206(KLN)-Correct sentence to inidicate all will be for two years(e.g., "Each will be elected . . . ."

Article VII
Section 2

Section 2
The appointed officers of this Base shall be the Chaplain, Chief of the Boat, and Public Relations Officer who shall be nominated by the Commander and must be approved by the membership.

Article VII
Section 3

Section 3
The Executive Board shall be made up of the current Commander and all the past Commanders of the Base. The current Commander shall preside over the Executive Board.

Article VII
Section 4

Section 4
The Commander may hold this office for two (2) consecutive terms. In the event that the Commander's office is vacated, the Vice-Commander shall assume the duties of the Commander. Any other vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Board. Any member so appointed, shall hold that office for the remainder of the term and shall be eligible for election to a first, full term at that time.

Article VII
Section 5

Section 5
Should the Executive Board have a dead-locked vote on any issue, then that issue must be be presented to the general membership for their vote.

Article VIII


Article VIII
Section 1

Section 1
The Commander shall appoint two (2) members in good standing to serve with him as the Nominating Committee.

Article VIII
Section 2

Section 2
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to seek qualified candidates for all elective offices and present to the membership, at the November meeting, the names of those who are willing, if elected, to accept the office for which they were nominated.

Article VIII
Section 3

Section 3
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the next regular meeting, at which time, elections shall take place.

Article IX


Article IX
Section 1

Section 1
The Commander shall preside at all meetings of the Buffalo Base. He shall appoint all committees and be a member of same. He shall perform all other duties related to his office as outlined in BASE ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, September, 1993.

Article IX
Section 2

The Vice-Commander shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Commander. He shall perform all duties related to his office as outlined in BASE ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, September, 1993.

Article IX
Section 3

Section 3
The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings. He shall keep a file of all members. He shall perform all duties related to his office as outlined in BASE ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, September, 1993.

Article IX
Section 4

Section 4
The Treasurer shall receive all dues and moneys of the Buffalo Base; record and deposit same. He shall dispense these moneys as directed by the Buffalo Base Commander. All bills in excess of $50.00 shall be presented the the Buffalo Base Commander for approval before payment. He shall perform all duties related to his office as outlined in BASE ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, September, 1993.

Article X


Article X
Section 1

All dues shall be paid by January 1st of each year. The dues year is the period from January 1 to December 31 of each year.

Article X
Section 2

Base dues are $10.00 per year.

Article X
Section 3

National annual dues and National Life membership is as established by National by-laws.

Article XI


Article XI
Section 1

In the event that the Buffalo Base dissolves, all assets and monies of the same shall be turned over to the National Senior Vice President.


Amendments to these Constitution and By-laws require a single notice, in writing, to each member in good standing and a two thirds (2/3) vote by those members present at the next regularly scheduled meeting.


A discussion and changes will be conducted at the April 17, 1994, general meeting as indicated in this month's newsletter (in this mailing). A vote of acceptance/rejection will be held on that date. If accepted, this change will be your only copy of the BUFFALO BASE by-laws. Retain this document. If rejected, the changes only will be presented in the April newsletter and a vote will be taken at the the May, 15 1994, meeting. The location will be determined at the April meeting.


George R. Parker
Commander, Buffalo Base
United States Submarine Veterans


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