This was created in ArcIMS from ESRI. It took a couple of hours, but the actual product didn't turn out half bad... especially for a prototype. Check it out!   <-- The overall  JC view.
New Market     New Market 2     Rush Strong      <--- 3 other views.
In my GIS Web Applications class, I was working on building a website for Jefferson County, TN. I built what the GIS Coordinating (Lead) Instructor likes to call a "rapid-prototype." And rapid it was.
The time left for project work was minimal. It was two weeks from the end of the semester and we were just getting started. I'm not sure of what most of the class was doing, but I knew that I had work to do. So I did it. The rapid-prototype for the Jefferson County website was created in a lab, transferred to a laptop, and is now awaiting approval from the Jefferson County officials. Our meeting with the County Mayor has been postponed a couple of times; however, when I can have the opportunity to show him the kinds of things I (or future classes) can do, I believe there will be a mutually beneficial website created in the near future.
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