This page will hold the most recent news. Probably notes and events from the last three or so meetings. The rest will probably be shut away in the archive.
September 15th, 2005

2:30pm - 3:00pm


-"Hope for Haley" wristbands - $3.00. Help out!

-Teen Court - Mock Trial next thursday. No meeting. Official Teen Court begins October 20th.

-Fundraising ideas please! Tax credit only covers $300. So if you're planning on going to Model UN, we need your imput. Email the officers.

-Talent Show - January/February-ish. Exact dates to be decided next meeting.

-Tshirt design reminder - Cut-off is last day of October.

**** If you want to go to Model UN, you must get the application from Ms. Moran, and return it by September 29th. We need a head count as soon as possible.
September 1st, 2005

2:35pm - 2:55pm

-Congratulations to:
Jon Chen (VP), Rakesh Rao (Director), Jon Tsai (Director), Bryan Wellnitz (Director), Torin Dinh (Director), Allen Tang (Director), Alice Lin (Director).

-Whoever hasn't paid their dues, pay them by the next meeting, the 8th of September.

-Fundraising ideas please! Tax credit only covers $300. So if you're planning on going to Model UN, we need your imput. Email the officers.

-New room: E086
August 18th, 2005

2:30pm - 2:55pm

-Recall Elections (if voted) will be held the week after next, Thursday, September 1st. In order to vote, you must make sure to have paid your dues and have your receipt at the meeting.


-Model UN, start thinking of fund-raising ideas. As a start, you can make a tax credit donation of $300 dollars.

-Our current funds: $2130.00

-Teen Court - Training for being a lawyer will be held next Thursday. You must attend this meeting if you want to be a lawyer in Teen Court. Meet in the Interact Room and rides will be taken care of. =)

-Directors' Positions (see August 11th)

August 11th, 2005

2:25 pm - 3:00pm

-Directors' Positions - If you are interested in a director's leadership position, write your name down on a piece of paper and hand it in as soon as possible either to an officer, or at the next meeting. Basic things each director takes care of go as follows:
School Services: Talent Show.
Community Services: Teen Court, Paz de Cristo.
Fund-raising: Car-washes, Cold stones, anything that gets us money!
International: Model UN (Make sure we get the right app. this time)

-Model United Nations in New York City - This is held from March 22nd to the 25th. If interested, let us know at the next meeting.

-Attendance - We WILL be enforcing some type of attendance rule this year. Yet still to be decided.
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