The Peaceful world of Dee

I have been really bad about returning calls lately.  I am going through abit of a funk, but hopefully with the return of the warmer weather, will get back into the groove. Early February was cool, since the Pats won.  It's a dark side of me - football that is! I have never gone to see a game live.  I actually won tickets a long long time ago, but gave them away as the wimpers to go, were too much for my heart to bear!

This past winter, as many of you know, I took a real estate class and took the state exam. I accepted a position prior in Concord. The more and more I got into it, the more I decided it wasn't for me. I am still searching for that ideal postion, so working at Joe's is giving me time... perhaps too much time. I am still freelancing like a nut, so that is keeping things on the up and up. My real estate picture is so 'business like'. It is so not me! I am thinking non-profit is the way to go, I am so not corporate ...urgh! Corporate to me is 'there is always a way to make more cuts, and put more in our pockets business', no thanks!  I have been looking at the non-profit side of life, but haven't really seen anything that would suit me.  Or, rather, traveling into Boston at this point would be a major bitch.  I don't know, things may change though.  I have too many travel plans on the horizon.  Arizona for a short stint, Florida to celebrate a success with a friend from my Levi days, and a few trips to NY to see my good friend Khu, Deb's tattoo, maybe another for me?  (I have 1 in mind), Ani at Carnige hall in May, and some kicking back to do.  Seattle is on my mind Aim!  Life is too short!

I am really upset about this whole Gay Marriage thing!  If two people love each other, they should be together, and have the same rights as every other taxpayer. I believe gay couples are paying more tax as it is.  As a tax status, I believe the box is to file 'single status'. It is such BS to me. Civil rights are being compromised here. It is 2004. Don't we have discriminatory laws that protect our gay community, but then our President is saying that he wants to ammend our Consitution, and ban gay marriage? I was raised Catholic, and my parents and the church instilled on me to love thy neighbor and treat one as I would like to be treated.  This is yet another hyprocritical position the church has. On and on....... I will only get louder about this!

Send me an email, or sign my guestbook - will update when I have something else to vent about
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