A Day In The Life Of Fraser

"Yes, Ray, it's true." At the intersection, Fraser spun around and grabbed a young boy that had apparently not mastered the technique of stopping on his roller blades. Keeping his momentum going, Fraser twirled around with the child in his arms and returned him to the ground. "Can I give you a trick, son?" he asked. The boy was slightly shaken but nodded. "When you want to stop, lift up your foot and put your weight on your knees. Think like you were playing tug-of-war with someone who was very strong. Does that help?" The boy looked at him like he was from outer space. Fraser and Ray crossed the street. "I don't believe it." said Ray. "What, Ray?" "That you actually *know* how to roller blade!" "Actually Ray, I don't. But when I was growing up, I used to make my own skates. I would find and hollow out a piece or caribou antler and tie that to my shoes. Granted, where I grew up, there wasn't much pavement, and I used them more to ice skate than roll, but it did happen on occasion that I found dry, even land to roll across." "Fraser, you were lonely as a child, weren't you?" Fraser gave him a wry grin. As they continued on their way, they noticed a small crowd gathered around a young girl who was crying heavily. "Hold on, Ray." Fraser said and excused his was through the crowd. Ray rolled his eyes. "Come on Fraser! We'll never get to the station at this rate!" Fraser bent down on his knees and spoke briefly with the girl. He got up. "Hold my hat, Ray?" Ray protested. "Fraser!" He was already up the tree. Fraser climbed about half-way up, then spread himself along a sturdy branch and reached forward. Talking in a low voice, he scooped up a little black and white kitten that had caught itself up in the tree. It fitted in the palm of his hand. Holding it gently with one hand, he passed his lariat over his head and gently fitted it around the kitten, just behind the front legs. Then, he slowly lowered the cat towards the ecstatic and waiting arms of the little girl. As it was lowered down, the kitten squeaked it's excitement and fear and "reached" for it's young master. The growing crowd applauded loudly. Fraser leapt out of the tree. He gently reclaimed his lariat from the little girl, who bounced up to him and gave him as big a bear hug as she could manage. He smiled at her and gave her head a little pat. Then he got up and reclaimed his hat from Ray. "O.K. Are you done being a hero for today, Fraser?" Ray was slightly annoyed, but Fraser detected a hint of "good for you" in his voice. As they continued on their way, Ray said "All right Fraser, no more heroics. I have a bone to pick with you." Fraser couldn't get out of this one, so he resigned and agreed. "What the hell is wrong with you Fraser? Why can't you just tell me if you did or did not sleep with my sister. I thought we could confide in each other." "Because Ray, she asked me to keep it to myself. I'd be breaking my promise if I told you." "FRASER!! Who cares about a promise?!? Did you or did you not sleep with Francesca?" "Sorry Ray." Fraser said resolutely. Ray was close to losing what little composure he had left. "All right, Fraser. Have it your way. If you won't tell me, I'll ask Frannie." He had managed to provoke a reaction, finally, from Fraser. "Ray, please. I wish you wouldn't do that. I have a responsibility toward your sister, and I wouldn't want her to lose faith in me." Ray walked up the steps to the precinct without a word or a look backwards. "FRANNIE!! GET OUT HERE NOW!!!! He bellowed down the hall. He saw his sister come towards him and ordered "Stay" to Fraser as the latter tried to weasel his way out of it. "What is it Ray? You know, people ARE working here. Hi Fraser." "Francesca. Ray. Please." Paying no attention to him, Ray said. "Francesca. Did you or did you not sleep with Fraser?" Shocked, she looked up immediately at Fraser and said "Fraser? I asked you..." but before she could finish, he drew a line across his lips to say "my lips were sealed". "Well?" asked Ray impatiently. "This is really bugging you, isn't it?" she growled at Ray. "Yes, it is. Well?" She looked up at Fraser, and saw in his eyes that he wished to get it over with. "Well Ray. If you must know. I did not sleep with Fraser. He convinced me that it would ruin our relationship. WORKING relationship." She emphasized. Ray was stunned. "Well... good. Thanks Fraser." "Your welcome Ray."
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