A Little about,...well... Me!

I'm a 26 year old girl who's into (as you can probably tell) Due South, and I also love animals (esp. horses! If you want proof, go check out my other site) I'm Canadian and want to work in the animal industry, although right now I'm not sure what that will be. I've gone back to school after a 3 year break, and I'm in a program called "Animal Care"... and I'm loving it! I really love riding and playing the flute. Music-wise, I'll listen to close to anything, but I'm a dedicated fan of Daniel Belanger. I had a cat named Jiggs who was humanely euthanized (due to health problems) on the day before my 18th birthday. He was 18. I have recently moved out of my parent's home and I'm living on my own for the first time in my life. The transition was a lot easier than I expected, and I'm certainly very happy that my landlady allows me to have my dog, Dixie with me. Dixie is a 6 year old female Beagle-Collie cross that we adopted from the local S.P.C.A. She is very sweet, loves everyone and learns fast, when she's properly motivated (i.e: clicker training!!)

I enjoy photography, horse-back riding, and watching T.V.

I've been a groomer for 4 years now, and let me recommend this field of work to anyone who loves dogs! It's a great job!

This might make several of you jealous, or at least envious, but I recently met Paul Gross himself at a charity auction for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, in Ottawa. Spoke to him, and got his autograph!!!!!!!! He is a true gentleman. Polite, kind, very handsome, and funny. I was amazed at how patient he was, posing for photographs, signing autographs and having conversations with the people who went up to meet him. His "Call of The Wild" Stetson sold for 1600$, and he bought Paul Martin's shoes.

I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

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