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News in 2002

"MIGHTY BABY" is in the 5th place in 2002 most money maker in Hong Kong Box Office. Top Ten Chinese Movies in 2002 1. Infernal Affairs 2. Marry A Rich Man 3. My Left Eye Sees Ghosts 4. Fat Choi Spirit 5. Mighty Baby 6. Dance Of A Dream 7. My Life As Mcdull 8. The Eye 9. Dry Wood Fierce Fire 10. Chinese Odyssey
[2nd week September, 2002] Cecilia recently went onto CR881 for an interview.In the interview, she talked about her recent doings and events. Right now, she's learning how to play the piano. She has a total of 3 teachers one who teachs her modern songs, another who's more quiet, and another who's really cool. The DJ then asked how does she organize her schedule? 3 teachers and only one Cecilia, she said that she calls whoever she feels like seeing that day. If she's in for coolness she'll call the cool teacher, etc. She also wakes up everyday at around 6:45am to play the piano. She says that she feels really good playing in front of the floor to floor window, looking out into the sky and birds.Because there are times when she's at work, she sleeps in the same room as her assistent. When she starts playing early at the morning, her assistent would scream at her. She has also taken some demo tapes and tried to write the lyrics to them. She praised herself because she has gotten about 40 characters already. Asking who would she give her first finished song to, she didn't answer. She just said that when the time comes, you'll all know.
[September 12th, 2002]Coca-Cola gave Cecilia a gift yesterday. It's a coca cola can made from bamboo shoots. It looks like Cecilia having so much enthusiasm to received such gift, She told reporters that when she gets home, she'll frame it up and put a spot light on it.
[2nd week August, 2002] After a one week delay MIGHTY BABY (the sequel to LA BRASSIERE) opens in Hong Kong movie theatres.
Synopsis: After successfully designing the perfect bra, Lena (Gigi), Johnny (Lau) and Wayne (Louis) are ordered to come up with a marketing plan for the "Mighty Baby" line of baby care products. Johnny's life is complicated when he hires quirky secretary Sabrina (Rosamund). As for Lena and Wayne, their relationship is threatened when Lena discovers that Wayne is afraid of babies. To help Wayne overcome his fear, Lena hires child expert Boey (Cecilia ^_^). Unfortunately for Lena, Wayne starts to develop feelings for Boey.
[July 2nd, 2002]It's not about Cecilia, but it's about her close friend Nic Tse. So many Cecil fans also want to know about her relationship with Nic, and news about Nic also. So here is the latest news about Nic.
Nicholas Tse boarded a plane for Kuala Lumpur yesterday following his discharge from hospital, a day after he was admitted for head injuries suffered in a car crash. According to the Chinese-language Oriental Daily News, Tse returned home secretly around 10 yesterday morning. A government spokesman, who only gave her surname as Cheng, said he was in stable condition when he left the hospital. He then arrived at the Hongkong airport at around 2 pm to catch a flight to the Malaysian capital to shoot an advertisement. The paper said Tse's manager had gone to the airport earlier to process his check-in.
[June 30th, 2002] Nicolas Tse was involved in a car accident early Saturday morning. On his way to catch a 10:45 am flight to Malaysia, Tse's Audi RS4 slammed into the back of a passenger car. The two cars were on the main expressway to the Hong Kong airport. Although early reports had Tse in serious condition with swelling in his brain, Tse was released at 10 am yesterday morning (June 30th) following a pre-cautionary 24-hours of observation for head injuries. By noon, Tse was at the Hong Kong airport waiting to board a 12:55 pm to Kuala Lumpur. There, he will join Cecilia Cheung, Twins and WeWe for shooting of Coca-Cola's latest commercial for the Chinese market.
[June 28th, 2002] Release new AVEP "Cecilia Cheung". Contain "Workshop for True Self," a song featuring in the TV commercial. Also included are "Gamble of Love," "Cut" and other three new hits. more

[May 27th,2002] At last night's Grand Bell Awards in Seoul, South Korea, Cecilia Cheung failed in her bid to become the first non Korean Grand Bell winner as Jeon Ji Hyun won the Best Actress prize for her work in MY SASSY GIRL. The first non Korean to win a Grand Bell award turned out to be Japanese actor Nakamura Toru. He won the Best Supporting Actor prize for his work in 2009 LOST MEMORIES. Despite Cecil's loss in the Best Actress category, Cecil's film FAILAN did not go unrewarded as it took home the Best Director (Song Hae-Sung) and Jury Prize awards.
[May 26th,2002]Cecilia Cheung has the opportunity to make history tonight as she is up for the Best Actress prize in South Korea's Grand Bell Film Awards. Nominated for her work in the film FAILAN, Cecilia would be, if she were to win, the first foreign actor to win a Grand Bell Award. Jeon Ji-Hyun (MY SASSY GIRL) and Lee Young-Ae (ONE FINE SPRING DAY) are Cheung's competition in the Best Actress category. Asked what she thinks her chances are, Cecilia replied: "I think that Jeon Ji-Hyun is going to win. For me, being nominated along with Jeon Ji Hyun and Lee Young Ae is already a great accomplishment. Besides, being the first Hong Kong person nominated in these awards, it's like I won an award already."
[May 2002] It's been a long time for her fans to wait for another movie from Cecilia. With Louis Koo and Gigi Leung, Cecilia working on China Star production, the sequel of LA BRASSIERE - JUET SAI HO B. The movie planned to released on summer. China Star released this movie alongside with movie MY LEFT EYE SEES GHOSTS with Sammi Cheng as a leading actress.

[May 24th, 2002] On her birthday, her 'close' friend Nic Tse gave her special gift, a Mini Cooper that called after her name 'Mini Cecilia' and she also got one pink Concord Watch.

[May 2002] Cecilia doing a commercial for skin care products. More photos.
[April 2002] Cecilia's friendship with Nic Tse has made Faye (Nic's ex-girlfriend) frustating until she want to commit a suicide. She's also got threaten by Daniel's fans who feel unhappy. They said Cecil "put on the fire" first.
[March 2002] Another gossip about her? Yes, now it's about Jay Zhou. It seems that Jay have a crush on Cecilia ^_^. But, as usual, Jay denied about the rumour. He said, "We just know each other for a short period, and we're just friend". In additon, he said, he's planning to go on with his career, instead of thinking about relationship. Well, what do you think fans? Is Jay ok for Cecil? ^_^
[February 2002] Cecilia finally can come home!! Yeah, finally!
[4th week January 2002] Finally after almost three weeks at hospital, Cecilia can walk outside to breathe some fresh air with her father, but still with artificial bone on her waist. More news: A little under three weeks since she fractured the twelfth vertebrae in her spinal column, reports emerged suggesting that Cecilia Cheung checked out of the hospital yesterday in order to continue her convalescence at home. Reportedly, the hospital bill came out to HK$200,000. When reporters from Oriental Daily News sought confirmation of the reports, China Star spokesperson Ms. Lee declared: "Yes, Cecilia checked out of the hospital this afternoon. Because she didn't want to make a big deal out of it, she arranged to be taken out quietly under the supervision of doctors. She is now at home. She is still in a body cast and requires assistance when walking. She continues to be in a very fragile state physically so we didn't want to take any chances with a media scrum. Cecilia was sick of being cooped up in a drab hospital room all the time. She couldn't even open her curtains. Because of that, she asked that doctors allow her to go home."
[January 2002] Cecilia's co manager, Charles Heung told reporters that the injury will cost Cecilia at least HK$10 million in revenue. Besides missing out on Johnnie To's Lunar New Year movie LEK GU LEK GU SAN NIN CHOI, Cecilia will not be available for three scheduled commerical shoots and a handful of stage appearances during the Lunar New Year holiday. As for Cheung's medical expenses, Ms. Heung told reporters that Cecilia's insurance policy should cover the costs of her recovery. If they do not, Cheung has no need to worry as TVB executive Ho Ding-Kwun pledged yesterday that TVB would pay for any uncovered costs.
[January 10th, 2002] Stephanie Che, Alan Tam and Leslie Cheung were among the celebrities who dropped by to visit Cecilia in the past three days.
[January 5th, 2002] �The strait times
Cecilia had an accident the night before last at the taping of a car stunt for a TVB charity show.!
Cecilia was worried enough about her injuries that among the first questions she put to medical personnel at the scene was whether the accident would hurt her chances of having children.
Cecilia, a race-car enthusiast, was supposed to drive a car up a 2-m high wooden ramp and then be propelled over five parked cars before landing.
But the stunt on Friday did not proceed as smoothly as planned. Her sports car, which had gained too much speed, landed on a pile of cardboard boxes beyond the five cars and then careened more than 10 m before hitting the ground.
Cecilia, whose 12th thoracic vertebra was hurt and dislocated in the accident, is warded at Hongkong's Baptist Hospital in a plaster cast to protect her spine.
Doctors said she might need continual treatment for at least three months and that it was not advisable for her to move around Meanwhile, her former boy friend, singer Daniel Chan, told reporters that he had phoned her to show his concern.
He said she told him that she hoped to start playing mahjong soon, he said.
However, her manager dismissed his words as 'nonsense', and said Cheung's mobile phone number had been changed and Chan would not have been able to contact her.
RELATED NEWS: Hongkong television station TVB has decided to suspend the production of televised stunts after pop star and actress Cecilia Cheung injured her spine during a charity show last Friday. Variety programming head Ho Lai Chuen said on Monday that TVB would be more cautious about such performances in future.Advertisement The low morale of the production crew after the accident also prompted the move, the South China Morning Post reported.
--photos contributed by Mika


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