COMING SOON - from - 4 July 2002

There have been plenty of rumours doing the rounds about which celebrities will be appearing on the Celebrity Big Brother. From sports stars to game show hosts, we�ve heard them all, so we asked Big Brother to tell us the latest on the upcoming show.

Celebrity Big Brother will be filmed in the same house, but as in the second series of Big Brother, the house will be revamped for the new housemates. Bob Downe, one of the celebrity voices of Big Brother, has already been busy �zushing� the house. Giving it his personal touch. What will be changed cannot be revealed yet, suffice to say, he is creating a natural environment for celebrities.

There will be eight celebrity housemates, but Big Brother would not confirm or deny any of the rumoured names. And there will be a series of evictions and nominations over the three weeks that the show runs for. And rest assured these housemates will not be given any cushy celeb privilages. Bob Downe assures us he will be a fair Big Brother, except for the housemates he doesn't like. And don't expect them to get Moet, according to Bob Downe it's Passion Pop all the way.

Celebrity Big Brother is also a serious charity fundraiser. The winning celebrity does not take home a large sum of cash instead, money raised from telephone voting and auctions of the challenge/ task items will go to the Starlight Foundation.

Celebrity Big Brother goes to air on Sunday July 21st. The housemates will be entering the house on July 20th when there will be a big opening ceremony show and you are invited. If you are around on the Saturday night and turn up to Dreamworld you can witness the housemates enter the house. You will also be invited to buy tickets to a huge closing ceremony. Stay posted for more details.

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