Great Circle Sailing

") msgWindow.document.write("

Entire Great Circle Track at 5-degree Longitude Intervals

") msgWindow.document.write("Please close this window to return to parent page

") if (form.constantk.value == "polar") { msgWindow.document.write("Polar Track - No Way Point Calculation available ") msgWindow.document.close() return } var wplon = 0 var wplat = 0 var wprlon = 0 var wprlat = 0 var count = -180 var x = eval (form.constantx.value) var k = eval (form.constantk.value) var z = 0 var wpsign = 0 var wpdeg = 0 var wpmin = 0 var wpalat = 0 msgWindow.document.write("") while (count <= 180) { msgWindow.document.write("")} if (wpsign == 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" ")} if (wpsign > 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" N ")} msgWindow.document.writeln("") count = count + 5 } msgWindow.document.write("
") msgWindow.document.write("W. P. Long. = ") msgWindow.document.write(Math.abs(count)) msgWindow.document.write("") if (count < 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" W ")} if (count > 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" E ")} if (count == 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" ")} msgWindow.document.write(" - W. P. Lat. = ") wplon = count if (wplon < 0) {wplon = wplon + 360} wprlon = wplon*Math.PI/180 z = wprlon - x if (z < 0) { z = z + (2*Math.PI)} wprlat = Math.atan(Math.sin(z)*k) wplat = wprlat*180/Math.PI wpalat = Math.abs(wplat) wpsign = 0 if (wplat != 0) {wpsign = wplat/wpalat} wpdeg = Math.floor(wpalat) wpmin = (wpalat-wpdeg)*60 wpmin = Math.floor(wpmin*1000) wpmin = wpmin/1000 wpdeg = wpdeg msgWindow.document.write(wpdeg) msgWindow.document.write(" - ") msgWindow.document.write(wpmin) msgWindow.document.write(" ' ") if (wpsign < 0) {msgWindow.document.write(" S
") msgWindow.document.write("
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") msgWindow.document.close() }

Origin (Initial Position)

Latitude : degrees minutes
Longitude : degrees minutes

Destination (Final Position)

Latitude : degrees minutes
Longitude : degrees minutes


Initial Course :

degrees true
Great Circle Distance : nautical miles

Way Point Calculations

Way Point Longitude : degrees minutes
Way Point Latitude : degrees minutes

Si tiene alguna sugerencia o comentario no dude en contactar con nosotros:

[email protected]

P�gina elaborada por Victor Alcal�. Ultima modificaci�n: Febrero 2001

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