Author: Cerie Blue Title: Careless Kissing Rating: PG13 again, maybe R Category: AU/ABH---I put some noncanon stuff in here...a lot of it Disclaimer: I dont own em George. I own Celia. If you want to borrow her, ask me and I'll prolly let you. Celia's eighteen now, Obi-Wan's twenty five. Careless Kissing --------------------------- Celia flipped her silver hair over and began her daily routine of trying to straighten it. She'd read in the latest issue of "Jedi Hunks" that Obi-Wan Kenobi, hot Jedi extraordinaire, liked women with "long, smooth hair and big innocent eyes." Well, Celia had big eyes, but her hair was far from smooth. "Little one? We're having a guest for breakfast. Hurry up." Master Qui-Gon Jinn yelled to his padawan, trying to get her out of the 'fresher. Ever since Obi-Wan gave her the "talk" she'd been obsessed with her appearance, spending hours trying to straighten her naturally curly hair. He didn't understand it, but there were many things he didn't understand about women. Celia emerged a few minutes later, hair still curly. She'd apparently given up. She plopped into her normal chair next to Qui-Gon only to realize she wasn't alone in said chair. "What the? OH! OBI-WAN!" Celia's face flushed and she ran into her bedroom. Obi-Wan smiled at his former master and went to fetch her, knowing from a recent incident that Celia was easily upset. Of course, a year ago, she hadn't been so...womanly. Celia had finally filled out, her curves overtaking the sinewy muscle built by years of Jedi training. "Celia? Sweetheart? Can I come in?" Obi-Wan opened the door to his old room and found Celia sitting on her bed, making a lei out of starfire orchids. "I suppose you enjoy seeing me miserable?" Celia sighed and turned away from the older Jedi. She continued with her self-deprecating tirade, "I'm nothing to you, nothing but a plaything. Haven't you noticed that I've bent over backwards trying to impress you? I even spend hours straightening my hair...for YOU!" She got mad, relishing the release of emotion. Obi-Wan sighed then, realizing she'd become beautiful in the short while he'd been off world. In fact, he liked her hair..those silky curls cascading down her back in a carefree waterfall. Her wide violet eyes reflected anger at the moment, but were usually filled with mirth and love for her master. But, as he peered into them, he saw something else. She wanted him. More than anything. "I..I think you're beautiful, Celia. However, I'm far too old for you. Find someone your age, someone who can appreciate that beauty of yours better than I ever could." Obi-Wan tried to fight his overwhelming need to kiss her. Celia sighed again and crawled into his lap. Obi-Wan had always been a source of comfort for her, a sort of balm for her wounded soul. The death of her master on Naboo had been devastating, and without Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to help her through the pain, she couldn't have survived. She shuddered when she felt his lips in her hair, kissing her scalp almost reverently. /Oh well, what can a little careless kissing hurt?/ /Nothing. Absolutely nothing./ Obi-Wan tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes and saw pure admiration swimming in their depths. He smiled then, and gently touched his lips to hers. This wasn't their first kiss, but it was the first time he'd initiated it out of his own will. The first time he had merely been granting a wish. Her tongue twined around his in the age-old erotic dance, twisting and turning with a skill born of hours in dark closets with fellow padawans. Obi-Wan slid his hands down her body, cupping her breasts and groaning when he heard her sigh into his mouth. Celia arched her head to get a better angle for kissing him, and ground her bottom into his crotch. She gasped when she felt his erection spring up beneath her, startled at his reaction. They broke, panting heavily. Obi-Wan kissed her forehead and spoke mumbled apologies under his breath. It wouldn't do for this little interlude to get back to Qui-Gon. It wouldn't do at all. ------------ Loved it, hated it? Let me know "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"