Title: Danger Little Stranger Author: Cerulean Blue Rating: NC17 as per usual Category: ABH, PWP Disclaimer: I don't own anything SW or VG related. Summary: When the General sets his sights on someone, she's bound to fall AN--Special thanks to Silver Alaska, who gave me a title. =================================== You can't help but feel you're being watched. All day today, as you went about your business on the ship, you felt a set of eyes boring into your back. You shrug it off, beings as you are the only female officer on this ship. You get back to your quarters and hang up your uniform jacket. You kick off your shoes and head back to your bedroom, ready to take a long nap when you jump. General Kenobi is sprawled across your bed, naked, holding two champagne flutes in his delicate fingers. He rolls over, handing you a glass, and you take a large gulp to steady your nerves. He watches, his eyes leering at you in half-interest, half-desire. "Sir..is this some sort of bet with the crew? Because if it is, I'm appalled. You'd think that a CO would respect his men..and woman." You toss him an afghan. "Start explaining." The General merely drags you down for a long, hot kiss that steals your breath and makes you conciously tell your heart to beat. His hands come around to cup your ass, squeezing lightly. You separate from him, and touch your forehead to his, breathing heavily. "That was...nice." The General smiles again and begins to work on your shirt when you remembered what you asked him. "Explanation." He sighs loudly and pulls your shirt away. "As soon as you stepped on this ship, I knew I had to have you. It's dangerous, pure unbridled desire. Normally I have some semblance of control, but you, my girl, have ripped any illusion of control away from me with no more than a friendly smile. "That brings us here, to my having you." You smile lightly and slap him. You pick up his clothes and things and shove them out of the room, locking him out while he was naked. You crawl into bed and dream, wondering what it would be like to sleep with Obi-Wan Kenobi. -------- TBC ================================================ He's standing in your hall quite stoically, whispering to come back inside. You flip onto your stomach, reading a newsmagazine and ignoring him just as stoically. He pleads, he begs. You hear the rustle of fabric as he tugs his boxers on, and you turn a page, apparently uninterested. Then you hear something else. "I never thought you'd be like this cold and cruel, indifferent white alabaster and dew-drop roses beauty with no thought of danger you make me fall into your trap like a hapless traveller into the siren's song" Poetry. And none you'd ever read before. You suppose he wrote it, his hands laboring over the pen and paper even as his mind reeled, searching for the words. You hear his voice again, and he replies to your unspoken thought. "No, I composed it right out here. For you. ONLY you." His voice is soft, caring. It is filled with an honesty that shoots through you, and you suddenly know he couldn't be there for anything but love and mutual attraction. However, as a tribute to your gender, you sigh indifferently and tell him to go away, but your heart pounds with anticipation. You have to hold out...you can't just give in to him or every man on the ship will expect you to warm their beds upon occasion. You were a modern woman, not some virginal doxy...faking innocence in your experience to charm men into giving you what you wanted. ==================================== "I know you want me.." He whispers this, trying to coax you into opening the door. He whispers again, this time much more erotic and stimulating. "I'm ready for you, love. I need you...I need you because I love you more than anything. The moment you stepped on this ship, I saw your mind...I connected..." You hear him drop to his knees and beg some more. "Please, gods, don't deny this..." You sigh. He had you when he was sprawled across your bed earlier, but you love to make a poet suffer. You open the door to find him still naked, his arm quickly going out to wrap around your waist. "Hello, Love." He plants his mouth on yours and you begin the downward spiral. It's a lost cause as you vaguely move towards the bed with his coaxing. He brings you down, pushing your hair out of your eyes, and kisses you all over your face. His hands go to your clothes, pulling them off as fast as he can without ripping them. He lets out a growl when he sees your body displayed and immediately latches onto a rounded breast. He ties your hands and feet with the Force, leaving you helpless, and begins a slow perusal of your body with his tongue. He picks and chooses his spots with care, trying to make erogenous zones of the most innocuous places. Finally, his tongue reaches your clit...he laves your folds with the flat of his tongue and then drags the tip over your sensitized nub. Two minutes in and your paralyzed, coming with such a force you don't know which way is up. His cock plunges into you then, and you're helpless to control the speed or depth. You whine, trying to make him go deeper but you can't squeeze him with your thighs. The feeling of despair pushes you over the edge again, and it's too much for him this time. He comes into you, hot and hard, and finally rolls away, spent. He releases you and pulls you into his warm embrace, glad that you finally let your resistance take a hike. ----------- Cerie