Author: Cerulean Blue Title: Kiss and Tell (Third in the Kissing Series) Rating: NC-17 because Celia "fantasizes" a bit. Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters from the Star Wars saga. Lucas does. *cries* But I WANT AN OBI! Oh, the friends Celia is talking to are all inspired by the characters of "Sailor Moon." I don't own them, but I'm merely using their names and appearances so I don't have to think of any :-D Summary: Sparked by jealousy of her friends, Celia embellishes her encounters with the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, Obi-Wan is left to deal with one angry master. Dedicated to dear Lyssa, whose speculation of Qui-Gon's wrath inspired me, and Rayna, who likes Wet Obi Kiss and Tell ----------------------------------- Celia absently plucked at the grass in the meditation garden while listening to Rei talk about her latest conquest. She sighed, feeling quite left out since she had never had sex before and wasn't even in a technical relationship. Unless... "So then he licked back to the..Celia? You okay?" Rei flipped her long black hair behind her and stared at her with concerned eyes. "Yeah. Peachy." She went back to absently playing with the grass when she felt Mina's hand on her forehead. "Yup. She's got it. Sex withdrawl." Mina laughed and threw a stuffed wookiee at the dreamy Celia. "So, what's it like to be screwing the oh-so-gorgeous Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Celia gulped and tried to ignore Mina's question. "Uh, fun? I mean, I don't kiss and tell." Celia slumped down into the grass, proud of herself for diverting her two friends' attentions. /Of course, I wouldn't mind getting intimate with Obi-Wan. He is quite the dish.../ she thought carelessly, knowing that Rei and Mina couldn't hear her through her thick shields. "Oh, c'mon! Tell us!" Rei punched Celia's arm and she conceded. What harm was there in telling a little white lie? "Oh, well, the first time, he took me in the 'fresher. It was so erotic. He just came up behind me and started kissing me and then when I turned around he just slammed his cock into me...." Celia took on a dreamy tone as she relayed one of her more recent fantasies of the young knight. " he hung, Ce?" Mina stared at her with wide eyes, practically salivating at the thought of Obi-Wan Kenobi naked. "Like a wookiee." she replied matter-of-factly. Both of her friends sighed loudly and looked up at the canopy of trees in the meditation garden. It was nice to have a break from all the intensive training a jedi padawan had to go through. It was then that Celia's master, Qui-Gon Jinn, made his presence known. The things he'd heard Celia say had disturbed him, the fact that Obi-Wan would take a virgin so forcefully indicated he didn't have much regard for his padawan's delicate feelings. He wouldn't mention anything to Celia of course, but he would take this up with Obi-Wan in his chambers tonight. "Celia, dear?" Celia's head snapped up at the warm voice of her master. She hadn't even known he was standing there and panicked, thinking he might have heard her little "story." But, his face was a study in infinite patience and jedi calm so she breathed a little easier. "Yes, Master?" Celia stood up and kicked Mina and Rei, who were oooing and aahhhing over their current view of Qui-Gon. It was a well-known fact that the two girls had a huge crush on him and secretly, Qui-Gon was impressed. Both girls were attractive in their own right and if he'd been interested in taking a lover, he would consider them. "I will be eating in Knight Kenobi's quarters tonight so I wanted to inform you that you may have your friends over." Celia let out a whoop and said a breathless thank you. "Thanks a ton, Master. Tell Obi-Wan I said hello, please?" Celia's violet eyes twinkled and Qui-Gon had to smile. She was completely smitten. She ran off with her friends, leaving Qui-Gon in the meditation garden alone. Meditation was exactly what he needed right now, before confronting his former padawan with accusations of sexual impropiety. Obi-Wan heard his doorbell ring and he quickly toweled off, wrapping the towel around his waist in order to answer the door. He hoped against hope that it wasn't Qui-Gon's love-smitten padawan, Celia, not wanting to fuel an already delicate situation. He was attracted to her, sure, but starting a sexual relationship with his former master's padawan was just asking for trouble...trouble Obi-Wan wanted to avoid. He opened the door to reveal a seemingly-calm Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan shuddered. He knew that look. The calm before the storm. "Oh, hello Master. Come in?" Obi-Wan made sure he was settled in the living area before going back to his bedroom to throw on a robe. Once dressed, he went back out to Qui-Gon, wondering what he'd done to invoke the wrath of Qui-Gon Jinn. "Obi-Wan, I want to discuss your relationship with Celia." Obi-Wan gulped. He knew this would happen. "What relationship, Master? I've only kissed her twice." Obi-Wan waited on Qui-Gon's biting response, knowing that he was going to dress him down for approaching his padawan in any sexual way. "What relationship? WHAT RELATIONSHIP?!" Qui-Gon jumped to his feet, his normally-calm face red with rage. Obi-Wan cringed, wondering what in the hell he'd done to make Qui-Gon so angry. "Master! What's wrong? Seriously, I've only kissed her." Qui-Gon calmed down a bit and gave Obi-Wan a steely stare. "Then why did I overhear her talking about you forcefully taking her in the 'fresher the other day?" Obi-Wan laughed then, understanding fully. Celia's idiot friends, Rei and Mina, must have goaded her into making up a little story about her relationship with him. "She made it up, Master. She was probably trying to show off for Rei and Mina. Force knows, she has the hugest crush on me. I'm flattered, really. She's really a lovely girl." Obi-Wan grew wistful, imagining how Celia looked under her loose Jedi robes. Qui-Gon cleared his throat loudly, not wanting to get any more images in his head. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. Really and truly sorry. I will speak to Celia as soon as I return to our quarters. Thank you for being so understanding." Qui-Gon turned to leave when he felt Obi-Wan's hand stop him. "Wait a minute, Master. I want to start a relationship with her. Seriously. There's no one else I'd consider at this point in my life. Do I have your blessing, Master?" Obi-Wan looked up at him with pleading eyes, reminiscent of when he brought home strays as a padawan. "Certainly, Obi-Wan. See you in the morning for breakfast, I suppose?" Obi-Wan grinned and nodded his head. He was going to have to break up Celia's little slumber party for one of his own. ------------------------ "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"