Disclaimers in part one. I own Jay. He's my boyfriend, so I call all the shots with him ;) Yummy WhirlpoolObi! Have fun, Rayna! ---------------------------- Danae grabbed a sandwich and went over her caseload. She had three clones to tend to with blaster wounds, the General, and a padawan healer that had been caught in the crossfire. The joys of war. She started with Jay, her healer, knowing she'd need him up and about within the next few days. His chest wound was superficial, but painful. She worked on him, making small talk. The whirlpool was excellent for helping heal burns and most superficial battle wounds. It would also be beneficial with the General's deep laceration. "How's it goin, Jay?" Danae frowned when she saw him wince during the whirlpool treatment. Being this sensitive meant his wound was deeper than she thought. More treatment, less time to do it in. "Good, considering. Cerie still doesn't know I'm alive, though. Don't know what it is about her and Master Jinn." Jay's brown eyes reflected his intense frustration over loving a woman who was in love with the past. Danae squeezed his shoulder affectionately, trying to imbue him with some confidence. "She'll come around, Jay...I promise. Cerie's just enamored of a man that was larger than life. Show her you're real..you're there for her. She won't be able to resist you. All done." She helped the gangly healer dry off and get into his robe. Jay was a cute guy, but Danae was a professional. Her patients weren't sexual objects. That's when she saw him. Cerie was wheeling General Kenobi into the whirlpool area for therapy. He was already in his robe, and it gapped open slightly revealing his golden, muscled chest. Danae found herself fantasizing about trailing her lips along that chest, following it as it tapered down into his narrow hips and strong thighs. *Stop it!* she thought to herself. She wouldn't want to be broadcasting when she was having to massage the soreness out of those thighs. This was going to be a test of her mettle. /You're broadcasting, Danae. I'm flattered, really./ Danae jumped at the sound of his rich baritone in her mind. She nearly melted right then and there, knowing he knew her thoughts. /Get out of my head, you crazy lout! I want to be professional, and you're making it very difficult./ Danae and Cerie lowered him into the pool, both women taking longer than normal to admire the hard muscle that was the General. /Screw professional. Cerie's leaving. Touch me, Danae. Touch me like you do in your dreams./ Obi-Wan smiled then, amused at the blush creeping over Danae's fair skin. /What do you know about my dreams? I've never dreamed about a conceited, self-centered narcissist! You think you're the Force's gift to women, but let me tell you, you aren't. Why, you aren't even CUTE! Your chin is far too large, your eyes are off-center and that horrendous puke green color...." Danae railed in her mind, getting annoyed at the fact that Obi-Wan was laughing. /Well, I've dreamed of you. Your soft, creamy skin bare against mine, your hair tickling my thighs as you take me in your mouth. Your perfect breasts.../ Obi-Wan stretched languidly in the pool, water droplets trickling down his chisled torso. /Oh shut up! Sithspit, you're the single most annoying man I've ever met. Do you ever think of anything besides battle plans and sex?/ Danae was massaging his injured thigh now, coming dangerously close to his crotch. *Not intentionally.* she told herself in lieu of justification. She was curious though. Force knows she was dying to know what he felt like. "So find out." he whispered, his voice raspy. Apparently she hadn't shielded well enough and her latest thoughts had slipped through. Danae found her hand sliding towards him, and then she stopped herself. "NO! I won't do this. I won't be some prize for you to win. I'm going to make you writhe...I'm going to lead you on until you can't hold back your passion and then leave. I'm...I'm..." Just then, he grabbed her face and kissed her, tongue twining with hers in a passionate embrace. She broke it off and did what she'd wanted to do since she met him: slap him hard across the face. "It was worth it, you know. You're beautiful when you're angry." Once again, Obi-Wan was twisting her thoughts around with that honeyed voice of his. Danae was in for a long couple of weeks. ---------------------- "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"