Disclaimers and such in part one ----------------------------- "What do you mean you lost control? You should have lost control weeks ago...you're an idiot, Danae. An utter idiot." Ana shook Danae's shoulders and tried to make the woman realize that any woman would KILL to be in her position. "But, Ana...it isn't right. He's using me. Besides, I care for him, more than anything. I wouldn't want to be attached to him and he leave me. Or, worse yet, die in battle. I couldn't survive. When I love, Ana, I love with every fiber of my being. And I honestly love him." Danae sighed heavily and slumped in her chair. She poured a shot of Nubian firewater and tried to relax. "Why don't you love me, then?" Danae whirled around to find Obi-Wan standing behind her, blue-green eyes glowing with desire and affection. He was limping slightly, but overall walking very well. From a medical standpoint, she was quite pleased to see him like this. But, from a personal standpoint, she was angry that he'd eavesdropped on her conversation with Ana. Ana, seeing her distress, left the scene, hoping to fuel a change in Danae's tense relationship with the Jedi knight. "Because you don't love me back." Danae felt like crying. She ached for him to love her, to cherish her. However, in her heart of hearts, she knew he could never love her back. Jedi didn't love. "Look at me, Danae." She turned and looked into his eyes. "I'm going to open myself up to you...completely. Form a mental bond with me, but drop every one of your shields. I'll do the same and prove that I love you." Obi-Wan pulled a chair in front of Danae and took her hands in his. As soon as she dropped her shields, thousands of images bombarded her brain: fantasies, desires, wishes. She saw herself through his eyes, she was beautiful...achingly beautiful. She saw how he'd make love to her: slow and passionate, fast and furious. And, most of all, she saw his love. It weaved through his thoughts like a gossamer thread tying a spider's web together. In everything he'd ever said to her, the love was present. She traced it back to its source, finding that he'd loved her since she rescued him on the battlefield. He loved her. Her. It was more than she could grasp at that moment. She broke off the bond, panting heavily. Obi-wan took her into his arms and soothed her raw emotions. She was still questioning why he was in love with her, oblivious to her charms and beauty. He tilted her face up towards his and saw unshed tears shining in their blue depths. It was then he kissed her. He poured his heart into the kiss, trying to convey every emotion he'd ever felt for her into one heart-pounding moment. She delved into his mouth with passion, trying to touch his very soul. Their tongues twined and writhed for a long moment before Obi-Wan broke it off. He nibbled her bottom lip and rubbed her nose with his, relishing the moment of closeness. "I love you. More than anything." he murmurred into her ear. "I know" was her only reply. --------------------------------- Loved it, hated it? Let me know chickadee1013@hotmail.com "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"