Disclaimers and such in part one This part is rated NC-17 --------------------------------------- Obi-Wan smiled. He'd finally confessed his true feelings to Danae a few hours earlier and was surprised to learn she felt the same. The downside to the whole situation was that, since he was well, he was able to go back into battle. He was expected to report to Master Windu at 0900 hours tomorrow morning. He threw on the bathrobe that Cerie had thoughtfully provided for him and tried to walk off some of his insomnia. It wouldn't do for him to fall asleep during Mace's briefing in the morning. He wandered the corridors of Yavin IV Medicorps Headquarters with no real aim in mind. He eventually found himself in the residence halls where healers attempted to get snatches of sleep between battles. A white-clad figure turned the corner and slammed into him. Obi-Wan started in surprise and found that his assailant was none other than Danae. "Can't sleep?" Danae opened the door to her room and invited Obi-Wan in for a cup of tea. Obi-Wan gratefully accepted, wanting to spend as much time as possible with Danae before having to go back out to the field. While she heated the kettle, she addressed Obi-Wan's insomnia with all the professional concern that she as a healer could never quite turn off. "Why can't you sleep? In pain? Feel sick? Just restless? I have some sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet if you'd like them. Feel free." Danae rubbed her neck, fidgeting in the presence of this startingly-attractive man. Her sarcasm used to be a shield for her, but now that they'd professed their feelings, she had no such protection. She was grateful for the distraction of the wailing kettle. She poured them both a cup of tea and sweetened them with honey she'd snatched from Ashlana's private stash. "Actually, I was thinking of you." he drawled in his cultured voice. "I have to report to Master Windu in the morning for battle plans and reassignment. I won't be seeing you for quite a while, at least until Harvest. I wanted to spend some time with you. Why are you awake, praytell?" Oh, where did she begin? She was wound tighter than a child's toy, ready to explode with the tension that the change in their relationship had caused. Aloud, however, she merely mentioned that she was too busy to sleep. "Too busy to sleep? For the sake of the Force, let me help you. C'mere." Danae sat next to him on the sofa, instantly relaxing when he began to massage her temples. He filled her with the Force, trying to induce her into sleep, but all he managed to do was turn her on even more. She twisted in his embrace and pressed a chaste kiss to his perfect lips. "Mmm...thank you, Obi-Wan." Danae shifted to straddle his lap. "How can I ever repay you?" She wiggled a bit, causing his face to stiffen along with other parts of his body. "Why, Padawan Thracia, I do believe you're trying to seduce me. Want to know a secret?" Obi-Wan spoke this last sentence into her ear, eliciting a shiver that traveled from her neck to her toes. "Yes." she whispered breathlessly. "You're succeeding." Obi-Wan scooped her into his arms and headed towards her bedroom. He deposited her on the bed and turned to strip off his robe. Once naked, he turned, expecting to find Danae lying there, but she was gone. She snuck up behind him and threw him on the bed, straddling him with her strong thighs. "General Kenobi, I'm in charge here. Don't you ever forget that." She pinned his arms over his head and held them with the Force. She moved down the length of his body, tasting every inch of his golden skin with teasing nips and kisses. He was stretched before her languidly, like a caged jungle cat full of grace and power. Her lips found his navel, and delved inside to taste him more fully. He groaned as those same lips traveled down and blew raspberries over his hips. She dilligently avoided his straining cock, until he thrust upwards seeking the release only her mouth could bring. Danae smiled and brought her lips down over his erection, teasing the underside of his shaft with her tongue. She worked out an easy rhythm, swirling over the head, swallowing him, tickling his base with her teeth. Finally, as he began to shake, she pulled off of him and slammed onto him with her own desire. She rode him desparately, not wanting the moment to end. He shook with release, firing into her in jets of hot semen. He grasped her hips with his fingers, leaving marks that she would be all too proud of. Finally, as a shock to herself, she began to quake around him. Spent, she rolled off him and curled into his side to salvage the rest of the all-too-short night. "Danae? I'll miss you." Obi-Wan murmurred into her hair. "I will too, Obi-Wan. I will too." ---------------------------------- "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"