Author: Cerulean Blue Rating: It will be NC-17, this part is prolly PG-13 Category: It actually has a plot. Angsty, romancy. Clone Wars. Disclaimer: Well, if you'd let Obi-Wan get some action, we wouldn't have a problem Uncle George ;) I don't own him...I'll give him back. Summary: Healing from a battle injury, General Kenobi falls for his healer. ------------------------------ The sound of blaster fire rang out over the battlefield. General Kenobi was leading an offensive charge over the plains of Yavin IV, and men were dying left and right. Since the army was cloned, every man had a number. Every once in a while, a Jedi commander was brought in, bringing relief to the tired faces of healers, sick of seeing the same face over and over. War was hell, and it was evident especially when padawans were out in the field dragging bodies in to be healed. Master Healers were harried, not knowing whether to come or go. Most of the minor injuries were sent to the regular doctors, saving the Healers time and energy. Danae Thracia made her third body run of the day, her heart leaping into her throat when she saw a black-clad figure go down after a stray rocket grazed his thigh and hip. She ran and scooped him up with a strength she didn't know she had, laying him gently down behind a rock outcropping in order to set his leg. She ripped his pants, seeing that the nasty burn and shrapnel had ripped through his skin, leaving a jagged mark. His eyes opened and closed, and he seemed to be fading out. "Don't die on me, damn it!" Obi-Wan nodded weakly, taking in the woman's face. He knew she was Jedi from the sheer strength in her body when she'd carried him and her overwhelming aura. He nearly bolted when he felt the whisper of a long, thin braid touch his cheek. She wasn't even a full-fledged Healer yet. She was a padawan, close to knighthood to be sure, but a padawan nonetheless. What type of galaxy was it that made mere children go out and drag in the dead? Danae poured her healing energy into him, trying to make him heal enough to walk back to the temporary medivac unit they had set up. She needed all her strength to bury the dead. "C'mon," she glanced at his ID Tag and gulped. He was "the" general. General Kenobi. "C'mon, General Kenobi...stay with me.." Her eyes floated above his, and he tried to focus in on the blue orbs, tried to ignore the pain shooting through his body. He stood, leaning heavily on the healer, and hobbled back to the medivac. He watched her as she ran back to the field, dodging blaster fire from the Trade Federation's droids. The last thing he saw before he passed out was her flaming red hair, sweeping over her face as she tended to the dying. ---------------------------- Loved it, hated it? Let me know "Begun, this Clone War has."--Yoda, "Attack of the Clones"