Title: Snowbound Author: Cerulean Blue Rating: PG-13 now, NC-17 later Archival: Uh, blue_blade definitely. Anyone else, drop me a line. I'll probably say yes. Disclaimer: I'm just playin in the Flannel God's sandbox Summary: Stuck on an icy planet with no one but a stodgy Jedi to keep you company, you decide to make the best of it Snowbound ------------------------ "I have never been so cold in my LIFE!" You shrug off the heavy layers of clothing and make your way towards the small heating unit. This planet was so technologically deprived that most houses had actual fireplaces, and not the plasma equivalents found in upscale apartments on Coruscant. You were a medical technician, and had accompanied the world's most boring Jedi on a routine visit to Neva, a small planet about 3 parsecs from Hoth. Yeah, you'd like to be on Hoth right now. At least you could visit the Republic Starfleet command post and pick you up a nice flyboy. As it was, you were stuck with Mr. By-the-Jedi-rulebook Kenobi. Ah yes, Kenobi. The newest and greatest bane to your existence. He'd come to Neva to assess the damage caused by the planet-wide blizzard. While you could have come alone, the Republic required that a Jedi sign off on any medic's report when it involved galactic emergencies. Sheesh. So, while you'd been freezing your ass off, he'd been sitting in front of that heating unit, reading a novel off his data pad. "Cold day?" You threw an ice-encrusted glove at the stoic Jedi and pounded over to the small couch where he was reclined. You plopped down on his shins, prompting him to yelp and tuck his legs beneath him. It was then you noticed that your hands were frostbitten. "Just my freakin luck. Frostbite. Got any thermal cream over there?" You hooked a thumb towards Kenobi's small stash of medical supplies, not wanting to go retrieve your bag from its small puddle at the front door. Kenobi shook his head and stretched, moving from his position on the couch as he did so. Ok, the Jedi was built. Ok, so you were willing to admit that he was one of the most gorgeous guys you'd ever seen. Still didn't make him fun to be around. "What was it you wanted? Thermal cream?" You nodded and Kenobi strode over to the front door. Taking advantage of his absence, you settled into the corner that he vacated and stretched out on the couch. Oh yes, this was heaven. Now, only if you had about ten Corellian pilots at your beck and call. NAKED Corellian pilots. Kenobi came back to the couch, thermal cream in hand. He smirked, noticing that you'd taken over his couch, and set the cream down on the small table to your left. He moved to the end of the couch, lifted your feet, sat down, and placed your feet in his lap. He pulled away your thick socks, causing you to yelp. Great. Frostbite on ALL your appendages. "This is bad, little one." You cringed at his endearment. Why was it that Jedi insisted upon belittling everyone they met? Oh well, at least he was going to take care of your feet. Least he could do, considering that he'd done absolutely nothing on this entire trip. "Oh..that feels goooooddd....I forgive you for everything...my god..." Kenobi smiled as you went on in the throes of ecstasy. Yup, the way to a woman's heart was through a foot massage. And, considering the fact that yours were about to fall off, the thermal cream felt pretty good too. You reached for the cream so you could put some on your hands, but Kenobi stopped you. "Kenobi! I need that for my hands, you idiot!" He shushed you and took your hands in his, working the cream in with another tender massage. Oh yes, the man had talent. It was then you heard the crash. "Oh...I hope.." Kenobi darted off the couch and peered out the snow-covered window. Yeah. The door was now completely blocked, effectively locking you two in the small cabin until the snowplow could dig you out. The Jedi, ever composed, placed a quick call to the local authorities. His face fell and he returned to you. "We're stuck here for at least two weeks until the blizzard stops." Well, wasn't this just great. ======== TBC