
Letter Number One!!!


It's real cold (some nights 15-20 degrees) so this will be short and messy. (obviously not for our web viewers) 
     The drive down with Josh (Perault) and Nicole was fine, it took about 18 hours and we listened to hardcore all the way down except for a little Jawbreaker.  We stayed at Josh's Uncles (the Westbrooks) Cabin in Clayton, GA on the 19th.  They gave me a ride the 20th at noon, it was cold and rainy for 2 days.  The 3rd and 4th days were sunny and warm.  My knees started hurting me early on and in the next few days got worse, I also had blisters so at my first stay in a hostel I felt like quitting. (The blueberry patches were great for blueberry pancakes for breakfast) I took a half-day off in Hiawassee, GA and bought a camelback with a water filter built in.  I decided to try again with a few slow days with lower mileage, I started taking Aleve also. Right now my knees feel better but still not good.  Tomorrow I'm going into the Nantahala Outdoor Center to pick up my second mail drop.  I might buy a
titanium pot and fuel bottle. In a couple or three weeks I'll send up my journal.

Thanks, Chad (Dungeon Master)

I've also talked to Chad on the phone but waited for the letter to arrive to post anything.  He's in good spirits and though his knees are still hurting he feels it getting better as the initial pack weight and strain on his body all day as well as the cold, damp weather passes, the old no pain no gain bit I guess.  Basically all is fine, for those that know Chad his stubborness will finally come in handy as well as his strong will and I don't think much will slow him down once he gets rolling.  Other than that I can confirm that he did indeed buy a titanium pot and fuel bottle and as of this letter he is about two days behind. I will not adjust the dates on the maildrop list just yet as Chad may regain some of that time so for now just add a couple days onto the dates there, which is probably a good idea anyhow if you're sending anything, I talked to him the day he sent this letter and got it nearly a week later so be aware!!
Back to Base Camp
That's all for now,     GO CHAD GO!!!

Just so everyone knows Chad has made up the two days he lost and is back on schedule!!

Here's an e-mail most of you should have received unless, of course, you are not on our mailing list, also I got a postcard with all this info, you can see it

I'm in Hot Springs, NC. It's snowing pretty hard and is going to get below freezing for the next couple of days.  Just wanted to let everyone know what I'm doing.  I've been about 275 miles and am doing fine.  Some nights have been 15 degrees and some days above 85 degrees.  The Smokies were great with vistas and plants and animals.  Then I camped on a huge bald called Max Patch which was awesome.  I want to thank everyone for your support.  I'll keep in touch.

This is a postcard I got the other day, it took so long to put up cause I had a baby the other day as well so deal with it, congratulations to me!! If you would like to see this postcard just click here!!

I'm in Damascus, VA., my 4th state! Now I'll be in Virginia for 500 miles.  I'm staying at "The Place", it's a hostel that is run by a church, for a $3 donation you can stay there.  I did 33.3 miles coming into Damascus, by far my biggest day.  My pack weight should be down to 32 pounds or so (that's light). I'm taking 2 days off here.
See Ya,
Chad "Dungeon Master"

This is another postcard I received from Chad, if you want to see it click here!!


Right now I'm in Bland, VA and running exactly on schedule. I got a 13 oz. tarp and 13 oz. bug bivy to replace my 3 lb.+ tarp. My feet have been hurting, I might switch over to trail sneakers.


Here's another postcard from Chad, you can see it here!!


I'm in Pearisburg, staying at the Holy Family Hostel. 2 nights ago I stayed at the Woodshole Hostel. Tillie Wood runs it. She is about 75, it was an old homestead that her and her husband got in 1940. It was free, I'm going to try $4 sneakers instead of my boots for a while.


I've talked to Chad recently and he is doing very well, he will be at his Uncle Busters in West Virginia a few days ahead of Schedule but will stay there until the sixteenth no matter when he arrives (because it's his birthday the 15th).  Other that that he is burnin up the trail getting awesome mileage per day. Here's a postcard from Chad, you can see it here!!


I'm in Fort Royal, I didn't realize I was going to get into town on Sunday so I have to stay in town till Monday to get my maildrop.  I'll still be in Harpers Ferry by the 14th. Pandora (a guy) got a hotel room then didn't need it so he gave it to me no charge!!


Here's a card I got from Chad today, see it

Yo, I made it to West Virginia, I took three days off at Uncle Busters. So far I've seen four bears, 2 copperheads and heard my first wippor-will. 5-6 days ago it started getting really hot, 90 degrees plus hum. I'm heading out tomorrow at 6 am and am meeting Dan
(imal) and Nicky on the 22nd. Just passed 1003.3 miles. I saw Tomb Raider, it was "good", nothing spectacular just good. (for those who don't know chad's intricate grading system you're lost) I hiked for a while with Dean + Betsy they live in Wyoming/Coloardo. I think next summer I might go out there and hike the Rockies and do the tallest peak in Colorado, 14+K.


This is the newest postcard I received, see it
I talked to Chad the other night for the first time ina while and am glad to report everything is going good and even though he hasn't done the miles he had been, he is still on schedule and feeling good! 


Today I'll be entering New Jersey. Nicky and Dan
(imal) hiked with me for 2 weeks and now I'm hiking with La Bear. Tulsi, (the dog if you don't know her), is going to hike with me for 2 weeks in Mass.  I've been taking a lot of days off but will pick up bigger miles now.
Hope everything is well

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