Artist Projects

projects will be installed along major avenues in Detroit city proper.  Be on the lookout starting October 14, 2004
Artist: Miguel Cortez (Chicago)

Project:  War Criminal; 2004 (sticker campaign and installation)

About Project: This sticker is part of a series of work dealing with George W. Bush.  It began as a response to the lies and war crimes that this president has been getting away with. Part 1 were stickers (100) which were placed in various public spaces throughout summer 2004 in Chicago.  Part 2 was a commissioned painting for the Aldo Castillo Gallery and part 3 was a series of screen printed t-shirts.  Part 4 is the new sticker for Change of Policy to be distributed in Detroit.
Artist: Byron Durham.

Project:  One term President; 2004 (sticker campaign and installation)

About Project: The sticker speaks for itself.
Artist: Emilio Santisteban (Lima, Peru)

Project: "Wash the Flag", 2004 (photo documentation of  performance) (net of individual and collective actions expressed as actions, audiovisual documentation, photographic registration, residual objects, texts, interactive and massivve communication products, other elements articualted to an expansive axis action, repeatable and variable based on an orginal script.)

About Project: A complex symbology of  vaules, converges over the figure of the national symbols of officialism, basically, over the American flag.
Sticker Campaigns and Special Projects
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Artist: Anjali Gupta,  (San Antonio)

Project : Border Bolt, 2004,(public arts project)

About Project: Delegated individuals in Detroit will add their name and contact information, plus a location and time for a meet up to the statement and use the same graphic as posters installed in Detroit .  The actual crossing is,of course, optional, hopefully unnecessary and purely symbolic.
Artist: The Society for the Representation of Society

Project: "Vote for Us", 2004 (postering campaign)

About Project: Reaction to statement made by Dick Cheney in Columbia, Mo on September 7, 2004 that if John F. Kerry is elected "the danger is that we'll get hit by terroristst again"
Artist: The Society for the Representation of Society

Project: "NOTICE", ongoing project (sticker campaign)

About Project: Reads: Due to an increase in criminal activity in the area surveillance cameras have been installed for your protection. Installed around Detroit. image from Chicago installation for Social Awareness, UnitB Gallery
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