(or) 'Just What Do You Mean, "What Do I Mean?"?'

Church-onics: Religious terminology, 'Unveiled, At Last!'

*(obfuscate, v.t. [Latin, obfusco, obfuscatum, prefix ob and fusco, to obscure < fucus, dark.] to make dark)

"Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge ?" Job 38:2.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you . . ." Hos. 4:6

Religion: Dress codes?, Mind control?, Corporate control? or "The warm fuzzies?

Seminary, or Semen-ary?

Gossip: Do You Know the Rules?

How To Speak "Christianese"

The "Gift of Interpretation"?

Classificatorianism (Painting with "ism's")

Church: Sticks and Stones?, or Flesh and Bones?

Hermeneutics (Interpreting scripture to fit your religion.)

Priest: All dressed up with nothing to kill.

Rabbi: Tal-muddying the waters. (Coming soon)

Minister, or Master? (Coming soon)

Papal bull: (What can we say?) (Coming soon)


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