Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Demons?


The following post was seen on a public 'religious' forum. It was made in the context of Gen. 6:1-2:

"Dear (forum members),
For us to properly understand the fate of demons, we first must define what a demon is. It may shock us all to find out that the word demon is not found in the Bible. So, why is it that we are using the word and carrying out a debate of the fate of something that is not even defined?

The common assumption is that a demon is a fallen angel. That just is not the case. The origin of how this word and how it became to be used is not clear. But most likely this word is derived from the French (Norman) language. It most likely means demond which means of the earth or earthly.

What this means is this, fallen angels that have mated with human women have produced half-breed offspring. Another words, half human and half angel. The ramifications of this is that the spirit of such a being is not quite human and not quite angel.

When such a being dies, the spirit of this being does not rest as human spirits do. That is the explanation of ghosts and apparitions that is so commonly observed.

I believe that these mixed-breed beings have no place in the plan of salvation and God has to destroy them. I know that this is very difficult to grasp, but the information is there for those that want to know.

(Name withheld)

Our response:

Hi (name deleted),

Please don't take any of the following personally, as we often find your posts 'stimulating'. If we take a light approach to the material, it does not mean that we take the author or the subject lightly. We just think we ought to have fun while we're solving all the world's problems. ;-)

You wrote:

"The common assumption is that a demon is a fallen angel. That just is not the case. . . .What this means is this, fallen angels that have mated with human women have produced half-breed offspring. Another [In other] words, half human and half angel."

Our Response:

If a male fallen angel "could" mate with a human female, why would the offspring automatically be evil? Why wouldn't it have a choice as the angels and humans do? This would present the possibility of good 'hu-gels' or 'ang-mans' roaming the spirit realm or the physical world or both. Why, if it is conceived and comes to full term in a physical female, is it a 'spirit'?
Why aren't any, in human form, as Christ was? If it is a spiritual conception and a spiritual pregnancy, would that be like a 'virtual reality' pregnancy? (We can hear the ladies in the background saying, Right on!!! ) :-)

Couldn't a woman impregnated by a 'spirit' abort? Wouldn't she want to, knowing that the offspring will automatically be 'evil'?
(Surely the Democrats would approve government funding for the abortion, unless of course this would be considered 'anti-multi-culturalism'. Are demons to be included in our "global village"?)

Would a "spiritual" pregnancy require that the mother have a new wardrobe, pre-natal checkups, and post-partum depression?

Are these "half-breeds" (we hesitate to quote a racist term) born immediately or carried to full term? Are they born as adult demons or do they grow up somewhere? Where would they grow up?
(We can hear Willie Nelson singing, 'Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be demons'.)

Why is it always a male spirit and a female human? If spirits can be male, why can't some be female? How come the tabloids always feature women being impregnated by aliens while the men who are abducted are only subjected to 'experiments'?
Don't the aliens have women of their own? Or is it that alien women are not attracted to human males? Or, could it possibly be that this whole concept is a male fantasy involving violence toward females? The fact is, that a lot of 'bubbas' wouldn't object to the thought of being abducted by sex-starved Amazons from the Planet of the Giant Gazungas. Could this account for the apparent gender bias found in this subject?
(Note: We are not picking on 'bubbas'. We have lots of friends who are 'bubbas'. And 'bubbettes'. :-))

Regarding 'fallen angels', when an angel falls, does he/she/it cry out, "Help me, I've fallen and can't get up!".
(In the spirit realm, which way is up? But we digress.)

If there are male spirits and female spirits, do they reproduce? Is this where the artists get the concept of 'cherubs', with wings? Is the concept of spirit/human crossbreeding a Satanic promotion of interracial marriages? Or is it simply a counterfeit of Christ's conception and birth? Or does Satan promote myths to discredit the story of the birth of Christ?

You wrote:
"The ramifications of this is that the spirit of such a being is not quite human and not quite angel."

Perhaps this is irrelevant but when a horse breeds with an ass, the offspring is called a 'mule'. It's not quite a horse and not quite an ass. (We'll come back to this later.)

You wrote:
"When such a being dies, the spirit of this being does not rest as human spirits do."

If it's not dead, what is it? If we see these 'un-dead' fallen angels in a group with 'live' fallen angels, how do we tell the difference? Does just the physical half die, while the spirit half lives on? Where does the 'un-dead' physical half go?
Does the physical half have to be resurrected to be judged by God, or will the spiritual half be judged while not being 'all there'?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, when a mule dies, like Rover, it's dead all over.

You wrote:
" That is the explanation of ghosts and apparitions that is so commonly observed."

In some places, one explanation is a mixture of bubbas and Jim Beam whiskey, in the swamp at midnight. We have noticed an increase in 'sightings' or in the reporting of 'sightings' and what appears to be an increase in the manifestations of 'spirit activities' among some groups. Is this the fulfillment of prophecies and another sign we are near the 'end times' of Revelation? We probably should be preparing ourselves spiritually and mentally to 'deal' with even more of this.

You wrote:
" I believe that these mixed-breed beings have no place in the plan of salvation and God has to destroy them."

We would tend to agree that they're not in God's plan which is another reason we would doubt their 'existence' as you describe.
We can't see God having any 'unplanned' creatures.
(If God ever says, "OOPS!" , we are in a lot more trouble than we ever imagined.)

You wrote:
"I know that this is very difficult to grasp, . . ."

We don't see any difficulty in grasping it. We do see difficulty in answering all the related questions that arise in proposing it. In our opinion, this creates a difficulty in accepting it.

You wrote:
". . . but the information is there for those that want to know."

We are interested in the sources. We'll read most anything once. The good stuff more than once. :-)

(Name deleted), please don't take offense at our attempts to lighten up a conversation. We try to not take ourselves too seriously, and we get a lot of support in this.

(Attack demons, not people. :-)

[Someone asked: Uh . . . attack demons, is that anything like a 'junkyard dog'?]

[Note: To date, no further information has been offered.]

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