Readers' Comments

Thanks for Changes:

Thank you so much. . . . I'm so excited I don't know where to start so watch out . . . The first thing I realized was that teaching us how to be kings, priests and teachers is something that I have longed for for years.
I could never understand why the ministers didn't teach us how to learn what they knew instead of dealing their knowledge out in bits and pieces on Sabbath. WWCG instructions for Bible study left a lot to be desired as far as I was concerned and after you finished the Correspondence Course a couple of times, where did you go from there? They always told us that we should be preparing to teach, but as far as I could tell, it did not seem as if they were doing it and I didn't know where to start on my own.

Now, at last, I have a starting point and I found out something that I knew but had not realized to such an extent before. In my head, I know what I believe and why, but I would be hard put to really explain it to someone else so that it would do them any good. .....

I have a bunch of questions, so hang on. First, do we have permission to make about a dozen copies of what you sent us to distribute to friends who also have expressed the same desires to prepare to teach as we have? [Editor's response: "Please feel free to do so."] I think they would be as excited as I am and since we have a copy machine and I see them frequently, it would save ya'll some work and postage. I absolutely cannot wait for them to see "Changes".

After reading the list of future guides, I find that I want all of them too. ....

I would really like to ask for more study guides and topic guides but I don't know if I should.
[Editor's response: "Study Guides and Topic Guides will be published on our web sites as soon as they are available. We will be happy to e-mail or snail mail copies to those who do not have access to the web.] When I get enthusiastic, I reach out with both hands and say please, even though I know I couldn't possibly handle it all at once. But that doesn't keep me from wanting it. I can hardly wait to see what comes next. ....

Anyway, thanks a bunch for the study guides. I'll be looking for more as soon as you are able.


(Atlanta, GA)

Recapturing True Values:

I was very excited when I read through your web page. I would like to sign up to receive Change's Study Guides.

We took about a $40,000 cut in pay when we moved here. My wife now stays home and
homeschools our children, we are pretty poor in the financial area; but the funniest thing about it is, we have never been happier in our lives.

When I work I make pretty good money, but then I might not have any work for two or three weeks which knocks the average down. We'll be getting toward the end of the month not knowing how were going to make ends meet, then whammo I get a job that pays enough to pay our bills and buy our food. I guess what I'm trying to say by telling you this is, it has been such a blessing moving down here. Since we've come to (....) God has blessed us greatly. Not in money, not in status, not in any worldly type things; but in the things that are truly important. We have grown leaps and bounds spiritually especially since leaving the (corporate church) and meeting with the small group we meet with in (....). We have come to put our total trust in God for all our needs. We now live a much slower lifestyle which helps us to focus on the truly important things in life, God, family and service.

When living in (a major city), we were so busy making a living and just living life that we had little time for God and not nearly enough time for our children. So, if it is God's will that I live the rest of my life financially poor in order to be spiritually rich I'll gladly take that trade.

I sometimes feel a little Biblically intimidated by some folks .... I'm not able to quote the scriptures or understand all the little nuances that some folks bring up regarding a particular doctrine, but I believe God has blessed me with the ability to see the simplicity in things. This is a good thing for me, because I have felt like I had a case of brain cloud more than once trying to understand some of the (things) I've read.

Well, I had intended to just thank you for your message and for some reason felt compelled to (comment further).

Thank you,

(from Missouri)

[Editors' comment: We have also experienced "brain clouds" when trying to understand some of the alleged proofs used to support false doctrines or "wild-eyed theories". We have always found the truth to be simple, once we got past our own "wisdom" or that of others.]

Materials Are Valuable:

I just wanted to let you know that we have distributed copies of your study guides, Introduction, Where Am I Spiritually, and Where Am I Going Spiritually, to the brethren at (....). We have encouraged a continuing personal bible study using the study guides and we have used the topic guide on Repentance for several discussions.

It has been our pleasure to mail copies of your study guides to people on our mailing list. You are doing a work among the brethren. Keep it up.

We have a former (...) minister joining us in our fellowship now. He says that since he was fired by (...) he has come to understand a greater God than he had known while he was in the(...). Eventually he may present messages for the group, but for now he is content to learn with us.

Your study guides have been a valuable aid to him, as well.

Your brother in Christ,
(From West Texas)

If you would like to add your comments please email us.

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