Jessica Do I need to say more???????
Naming her was little difficult. I had only looked up boys names because I was so determined that's what I was going to have! So she was baby S for 3 or 4 day's in the hospital. finally me husband decided we would give her a little bit of mom. We decided to give her my initials...Jessica Jade was what we came up with afterwards I looked up the meaning

Jessica = grace of god
Jade= jewel

Jessie has my personality and she looks the most like me (ok all the girls look about the same) but jess has my love to make everyone around her happy. And she will ask you do I make you happy? And if you say yes she gets so thrilled If you say no she will say awe but, I like you happy smile please? Besides that she is first to stand up for herself. And always the first to say she is sorry. She has the grace of god and she sure is a jewel!

Remeber to laugh people!
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