Watching him sleep peaceful and calm
His head cocked a little up.... With a small
Smile upon his lips. I slowly slip him a soft grazing
Kiss on his eyelids. Such innocence's, such grace
Such mischievous behavior when awake. A
Tender age yet to know what's out there.

Watching them together laughing and sharing
Side by side. They have the look of great lovers
Yet the cockiest of great enemies. Him slipping
His arm around her, bringing her close. . I see
Her laughing as he bends downs and kisses her
To them it�s true love. To others its teenagers in lust

I look into his eyes, see his desire and his needs
He looks down at me. Reading my wants with every
Move I make, my tiny whimper, my arching body against
His. Are lips meet are tongues
Dance inside. Are breathing
Become faster, heavier and hotter. Are lips parts, our eyes meet
He see the wanting the needing in my eyes. I see the romance
The begging the everything in his eyes...
Romance is sensual and fulfilling, and love is everything

Oh how kisses can make you feel so loved so needed so wanted..

J.J Snyder
Sweet Kisses
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