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I was fortunate enough to buy a copy of "Scraps of a Being" through Relapse
Records here in the US. I've been trying to find releases of your band ever
since I saw you mentioned in an old Sepultura thanks list (I think it was
back on "Beneath the Remains"). I would really like to feature you guys in
my webzine, Metal Nightmare. If you could answer the following questions,
I'd really appreciate it. Also, if I could use some photos from your site,
that would be very cool as well.

Tom Wren
Metal Nightmare zine

Hello Tom!!!

How're you?

It's all right with us here!

We're very glad to know you'd like our work. The album Scraps of a Being is the result of a lot of work and dedication.

Some years ago we've had the opportunit of having the presence of the guys of the old and good Sepultura in our shows and that's why we're in a thanks list of them.

We'd be very proud to be in an edition of Metal Nightmare. That'd be really great.

1. First of all, I'd like to tell you how cool your band name is. How did
you come up with it? When you decided to call yourselves Chemical Disaster,
had you thought of using the same spelling Destruction used on "Total

Thank you again for your comments. The name Chemical Disaster came up with a list made by all of us by the time we joined to form the band in 1990. We were looking for a strong name that could show how some attitudes from the humanity could drive us mad. It wasn't related with the great Destruction. Curiously we were playing some day the song Total Desaster in our repertory.

2. Why did it take so long for you to release another album?
We've had some problems with our first guitar player Diego Gonzales that moved to Argentina. In another time, our bass player, together with the other guitarist left the band to play in another band called Black Metal and finally our vocal Luis Carlos (a very good friend and companion in the band Vulcano) had some personal problems and was forced to leave the band too. From the original members of the band I'm the only one that remains. Fernando Nonath joined the band in 1993, the vocal Leao Gazzano in 1996 and the bass player Fabio Brunelli in 1998. All these change make it difficult to compose because the new members needed to practice the old songs. Another problem was that it took one year to get money to pay a studio to record the musics.

All these difficulties could show us who were the real lovers of Chemical Disaster that remained with the band till the end.

3. Can you tell me about the changes within the band over the last several
years? Did you have a lot of members leave?

As I said previously I'm the only one who is with the band from the beginning and I believe that was very good for the band. Nowadays we're very companions and there're no relationship problems. We can discuss all the problems in a very open and honest way. The other guys were kind of stars. Today we play simply because we love Heavy Metal and we're very proud to have this pure and true feeling that is the Heavy Metal. We're like brothers that look at the same direction.

4. I haven't heard your first album, but to me, the new one sounds like you
probably did not change your sound very much. Can you comment on the fact
that you didn't make it more "modern" sounding?
Our first album called Ressurection was made in 1993. The songs Sexual Maniac and The Sinner are from this album and were recorded again in Scraps of a Being. The style was the same but the quality of the recording was not so good, now it's better.

We're not against the modern sounds, we're friends of great bands such as Krisium, Torture Squad, Nervo Chaos, Zoltar and many others, but we're from the 80's and we do what we like without concerning whathever it's modern or old. We just do what we like, with a bit of speed and anger, but it's impossible to forget our origins in the 80's.

5. At the same time, is there a chance that you've become more like death
metal than thrash metal? I'm sure you've gotten heavier over the years!
Yeah, you're right, Ressurection is a lighter album. During the years, the evolution of the band made the new album faster and angerer. There're many bands that begin harder and during the years get lighter, but with Chemical that was different, each new song gets heavier. The hate is in each new composition, a lot of anger feeling, agony, pain and violence.

6. Is there a chance of "Resurrection" being reissued?
Yes, we believe that Cogumelo Records must be thinking of it, but there's not a date yet. All the rights are reserved to Cogumelo Records.

7. Have you ever toured outside of Brazil?

No, we've not had this opportunity yet. It would be wonderful if this happended. Our friends of Ratos de Porao and Krisium told us it's a very good experience. We'd love to show the Chemical Disaster's musics anywhere in the world, but we need someone to give us the plane tickets.
8. What bands did you play your biggest gig with?

We've played with many brazilian bands such as, Krisium, Torture Squad, Ratos de Porao, Golpe de Estado, Nervo Chaos, Korzus, Vulcano, Dorsal Atlantica, Arum, In Hell, Hierarchical Punishment.

9. What are your thoughts on the Brazilian scene now versus when you started
out? Is it better or worse? Do you think the new bands like Krisiun or
Rebelliun are as good as Sarcofago or Sextrash were back in the early days?

Nowadays in Brazil it's very good, a lot of good bands are being formed, always with the flag of our country!!!

The quality of the bands is much better than when we've started, today the equipments are easier and that helps a lot. Bands such as Sarcofago, Sexthrash, Vulcano and Sepultura made the history of metal in Brazil. They're bands that deserve our admiration. Now it's time for Krisium, Rebeliun, Torture Squad, Chemical Disaster all in their time!!! We're proud of the brazilian underground. The TV shows the world a fake Brazil, only the things that we brazilians most hate. We are the resistance, the ones that are against the popular culture, the lack of information. A few people interests make a hole nation blind!!

10. Final comments are yours!
We'd like to thank you very much for the opportunity and also say sorry for the long time we took to answer your questions. It'll always be a pleasure to talk with you. We'd also like to thank all the persons and bands that in anyway made possible our existance and all our friends in the world!!!

Heavy Metal brought us great friends, people that all around the world write us and that we like a lot.

"Long life to all of us"!!!!"


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