

Bubba, your flame still burns bright.

As you pass your legacy on you will never be forgotten.

Bubba, CGC, TDI & Certified CSPCA Therapy Dog

12/17/1992 – 2/10/2001

Bubba came to us when he was four months in March of 1993, a rescue. The young woman that had bought him had lost her job, apartment and boyfriend. She had taken the pup to her mother's but, he was relegated to the backyard on a chain. The family dog resented him being there and the woman's mother had no patience for a pup. We met the young woman and her mother at a truck stop and examined the pup. I found it hard to believe that he was only 4 months as he was huge.

His papers, however, confirmed that he was, in fact, only 4 months old. We were informed that his breeder had stated he was show quality. One look at his gait and bite told us that someone got sold a bill of goods. He was, however, a big lover, and we decided to rescue him and place him in a good pet home. We were told his name was "Scottie." Once we had left with the dog I told my wife, Lois that this was no "Scottie." This in fact was a "Bubba" if I ever saw one.

The name stayed with him and, after 24 hours with us, he did as well.

Shar-Pei in our area were not on the top of the hit parade with the local vets but, one visit with Bubba made ours reconsider. He was a real charmer and something told me that we had a very special dog. Lois would take him to her grooming shop daily where he would greet customers and of course was exposed to a wide variety of dogs and cats. When the holidays arrived she adorned him in a Santa suit complete with hat which he happily wore. Everyone loved his wonderful personality and many had pictures taken with them and "Santa Paws"

Lois and "Santa Paws" at a Christmas Parade

About two weeks before Christmas one of our old customers, who volunteered to ring the bell for the Salvation Army, asked if he could take Bubba to his corner one night. Bubba went happily with Leo and when I went by to check on him was astonished at the crowd that had gathered. The crowd was so thick that I could only hear the familiar sounds of that bell and could not see Bubba through the throng of people. Later when Leo returned Bubba he happily informed me that Bubba had "filled the Pot." A star was born and a Christmas legend as well. Bubba returned for five years to "his corner" to do his part and was eagerly awaited for by all the shoppers. Shortly after Bubba's first "appearance" we received a call from one of his "fans" who worked at a local nursing home. She asked if he would be available to visit some of the patients at Christmas as it would mean a lot to many of the residents. At that time dogs in hospital facilities had never been done in this area. One visit, with the administrator convinced him that this was probably a pretty good idea.

Leo and Bubba on His Corner

On Christmas Eve Bubba made his first "therapy" visit. During this visit Bubba was taken to meet patients that the nurses thought would appreciate a dog. During our rounds Bubba was determined to visit a older gentleman in a wheel chair sitting in a corner of the recreation room. He pulled on the lead heading in his direction. The nurse stated that the gentleman wouldn't even know that Bubba was there and that he hadn't spoken or communicated in any way in months. Still, Bubba insisted and I allowed him to approach the man. He went up and gently laid his huge head on the man's lap. A minute or two later the gentleman's hand came up and he put it on Bubba's head. He looked at the dog and then at us and suddenly began talking about a dog he used to have as a young man. The nurse was so astonished she went for her supervisor. The conversation continued for over 20 minutes all the while his hand never left Bubba's head and Bubba's head never left his lap. Little did any of us know that this would be the gentleman's final words. He passed away two weeks later. For many years, Bubba still looked in that corner for the gentleman on each visit.

Obviously, this first visit was a huge success. So much a success that a story in the local newspaper brought many calls to inquire how their dog could participate. 

Bubba sure knows how to make the ladies smile.

It was because of these calls that "Lake Superior Paws For Love, Inc." was born. The group now boasts over 20 registered dogs and cats who make regular visits to the areas many nursing homes, mental hospitals, schools and other facilities that would benefit from the animals. The group which celebrated its 7th birthday this past Christmas has also founded the immensely successful Pet Expo. Bubba was the spark that ignited this movement which has led to greater awareness of the power of the companion animal, not only in therapy settings but in education. An indirect result is the local animal shelter was completely restructured and several "Paws" members are now on the board of directors. Task forces were organized to re-think the stray animals situation and the proper care of them. As a result the shelter went from a money loosing, unsanitary and under funded operation to a well organized and efficient animal welfare league. It all started with Bubba.

Paws For Love

Bubba made over 500 personal visits, has been on TV and had his picture on every front page of newspapers from Ashland to Duluth. In one T.V. "appearance" on behalf of the animal flood victims in the Ohio River Valley he helped bring in large amounts of money and supplies for their care. A large column was written by Mark Stogell of the Duluth News Tribune on how Bubba had changed his mind on dogs. His original column was on how he didn't like dogs and why. After he met Bubba he entitled his new article "The Bubba Factor" or I finally met a dog I liked. Bubba received a Christmas card from Mark every year. Gone are the conceptions that all Shar-Pei are nasty dogs. He saw to that. He was featured in a December/January edition of The Barker. Bubba socialized all our pups and would take them on their first therapy visit. Although neutered at four months, when the patients saw them coming, "It's Bubba and his kids." We have received many compliments in and out of the show ring, by judges and competitors as well, as to the wonderful disposition of our dogs. We attribute this to proper breeding but mostly to the "Bubba Factor". Bubba was always allowed to go to the shows with us and "his kids". He always made friends. Bubba suffered from FSF and elbow dysplasia which were controlled by medication. He overcame many obstacles in his life. The hardest for him was during one of his fever episodes he was not allowed to go on a visit. Several members and their dogs were at our home preparing to leave. Even though his fever had spiked to 104 degrees, he was determined to get off the couch and go. I know it broke his heart when he couldn't. In December 2000 Bubba celebrated his eighth Birthday. Sadly it was his last Christmas with us but the work he inspired will continue. The tremendous things he did for the breed in our area and around the country would fill a book. He has done more for the Shar-Pei than any of our show dogs or for that matter anyone's that I know of. He went out to the general population, the ones that have never been to a show and the ones that formulate the opinions. To them he is was a Champion. To those of us that knew him he was the Ambassador of the Breed. Bubba did get to enter the show ring for the Parade of Rescues another event he inspired.

Bubba ended his life’s journey on February 10th 2001. His kidneys had finally failed and he was allowed to leave this life with the dignity in which he lived it.

At the CSP National Specialty in 2001 the Parade Of Rescues was dedicated to the memory of Bubba and his many contributions to the breed.

A very moving piece on his life was read by NASPR's Randie Blumhagen.  He was very much missed and in the hearts of many during the presentation of the Parade's Rescue Dog's.


Bubba had an even better time during the 1999 CSPCA National Specialty Show in Moline, Illinois.

Although he had lived in Ohio for the past two years the Duluth News Tribune noted his passing with the following article. How the information reached them we have no idea but Bubba did have friends everywhere.

Loved That Dog

On a sad note, we report the passing of Bubba -- no not the ex-president from Arkansas, but a Chinese Shar-Pei dog from Ashland who warmed the hearts of many during his life. Bubba even won the admiration of News Tribune staff writer and columnist Mark Stodghill -- a known dog disliker. In 1994, Stodghill had challenged readers to introduce him to a dog he could like. Bubba, described as "being as handsome as Rodney Dangerfield with a hangover and possessing more wrinkles than the raisin bin at the health food store'' won hands down.

Bubba toured nursing homes, where his kind nature and lovability were admired. Our hearts go out to Bubba's owners, James and Lois Carter.

Good Bye Bubba

Since Bubba was a very busy Pei, click here to check out what he did in his spare time to relax.

Show your appreciation of Bubba by supporting the North American Shar-Pei Rescue, Inc. (NASPR) - A non profit 501(c)(3) Corporation.



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