Between a Roc and a Hard Place

Author's note: A stranger arrives at the school, baring a mysterious message for the headmaster. What could the meaning behind it be, and how will it affect the school?


�����Isis burst into Magnus Dragonflight's office with a worried expression on her face.

�����"Magnus, there's...," she began, frantically.

�����"Yes I know," Magnus interrupted, gazing into a magic mirror that he had placed on his desk. A roc and its rider were was rapidly approaching the school.

�����"What should we do?" Isis asked. "Should I have the magical shields put up, before they land?"

�����Magnus considered this. "No, let them come. I want to hear what the messenger has to say."

�����"But...," Isis protested, giving him a worried look.

�����"I doubt there will be any real trouble yet, Isis. If I know him well enough, this is probably just his way of letting us know that he's aware of us, and of what we've been doing. If he wanted a real fight, he would have come in person."

�����"Well, if you're sure..." Isis said, looking doubtful.

�����Magnus stood up from his desk, smoothing the wrinkles out of his long red robes. "I'm going to go greet our sudden guest."

�����Isis followed him. "I'm going with you, then," She insisted.


�����Outside, students who had been moving between classes were gazing up at the approaching object in the sky. Some looked on with curiosity, others with fear. It wasn't everyday that a supposedly-extinct bird came flying into your school.

�����Near the gym, Brittany Spearlowe looked upward, letting out a shriek. "Eeeeeeek! What is that thing?!" she panicked, pointing it out to the Hudson twins, Brock and Rock.

�����"I don't know, Brittany," Rock answered.

�����"Don't worry, Brittany. Whatever it is, we'll protect you," Brock assured her. He flexed his muscles, preparing for a fight.

�����"Yeah, protect you," Rock agreed.

�����"Tee hee! Thanks, guys," she giggled.

�����As the bird got closer, however, the twins realized exactly how big it was. They exchanged worried glances.

�����Without warning, Brock lifted Brittany into his arms, and started running for cover. Rock followed right behind them.

�����"HEY!" Brittany protested. "Where are we going?!"

�����"To hide somewhere, Brittany!" Brock answered.

�����"Yeah, to hide!" Rock agreed.

�����On the opposite side of campus, A dark robed figure scowled up at the approaching Roc. He hoped that wasn't who he thought it might be.

�����I better go see, Jacob Whitewind thought. The Roc was now circling overhead, looking for a landing place. It appeared to have chosen the roof of the assembly hall. Jacob wove a spell, to transport himself there. The shadows surrounded him, opening up a portal. He stepped through, then emerged on the other side, nearby the landing site.

�����Most of the other students had figured out where the bird was going to land, as well, but instead of heading towards it they headed away. Fiore, Chanse, Jinx, Alaska, and Serenity, who were already near the assembly hall, held their ground.

�����Chanse felt a flux of power, as Jacob emerged from his portal behind them. She whirled around, and their eyes met, briefly. Then they both looked upwards, to gaze at the Roc as it touched down on the roof with graceful ease. Jacob retreated to the shadows, hiding himself for the moment.

�����A male figure dismounted from the giant bird, and peered over the side of the circular roof. "Hey, you down there!" He called at them. "Where can I find Magnus Dragonflight, the headmaster?"

�����"He is, no doubt, aware of your presence by now," Fiore called up. "He should be on his way. May I ask why you have come here?"

�����"Heh," The figure chuckled. "You'll find out, soon enough!" He climbed over the ledge of the roof, making a sudden jump over the side. Instead of plummeting to the ground, he wove a spell, and floated down gently.

�����He's about the same age as we are, Chanse thought, observing the stranger. No more than seventeen or so, to be sure. Travel-worn flying leathers covered his lightly muscled body, and he had a pair of aviator's goggles propped up on his forehead. His longish brown hair was wavy and windswept, and he had a scar on his right cheek. His brown eyes held an expression of mischief.

�����"Lessee here," The young man said, looking them over. "Don't tell me, lemme guess." He pointed at Alaska and Serenity. "You two lovely ladies must be Alaska Winters and Serenity Mystic."

�����"Hey he's right!" Alaska exclaimed, blushing. He's really handsome, in a rugged sort of way, she thought.

�����His eyes moved to Fiore and Jinx. "And you guys must be the Masamune brothers I've heard so much about. The stupid looking one must be Jinx."

�����"HEY!" Jinx protested. Who did this guy think he was?

�����The stranger ignored him, and looked Chanse over. "And there's no doubt about it, you're Chanse Melody."

�����"How did...?" Chanse began, confused. She'd never seen the guy before in her entire life.

�����"And you are?" Fiore asked, curiously. He wondered how the stranger knew of them.

�����"A messenger," The young man smiled, coyly. "A trusted and loyal servant of a great and powerful master. A..."

�����"...complete and total idiot, not to mention a jerk," Jacob interrupted, stepping out of the shadows, to glare at the stranger. "Hello Kai."

�����"Well, well," Kai said with mock cheer, ignoring the glare. "Is that Jacob Whitewind under those black robes? I suppose your brother is around here somewhere, too. Long time no see."

�����"Not nearly long enough," Jacob growled. There were certain people from his past that he had hoped never to encounter again, and Kai was one of them.

�����"You recognize him, Jacob?" Serenity asked. Jacob never mentioned any of his old friend or acquaintances. Come to think of it, he never even brought up his past at all.

�����"Unfortunately, yes, I knew him once." Jacob replied, darkly. Never again would he refer to Kai as his friend. Not after what had happened. "I wouldn't trust him, If I were you. He's a liar and a thief."

�����"No more than you yourself are," Kai smirked. He turned to Serenity. "You see, sweetheart," he addressed her, smugly. "There are lots of things Jacob has probably never told you. Like for instance, that time in Therna. You remember Therna, don't you Jacob?"

�����"Shut up! No one wants to hear it!" Jacob yelled, glaring at Kai. He never wanted to think about Therna. Life had been so hard, back then...

�����"Actually, I would..." Jinx began, curiously.

�����Chanse elbowed him in the ribs, thinking of Serenity. If what she suspected was true...

�����Jacob gave Jinx a scathing look, and Kai chuckled.

�����A dramatic swirl of illusional smoke suddenly surrounded them. Out of the mist, a familiar figure appeared. "For once, I'll have to agree with my brother," Jerith said, sternly, crossing his arms. "If you have nothing better to say to us Kai, then I suggest you leave."

�����Jacob glowered at both Jerith and Kai, but said nothing. His brother had most likely shown up only to see that his own reputation remained untarnished.

�����Kai smirked at them. "I figured that you would show up sooner or later, Jerith. Actually, I do have something else to say, but only to the Headmaster. I don't have time to waste on jerks like you."

�����"Look who's talking!" Jinx yelled, holding up a fist. He was still a bit upset over being called 'stupid-looking'.

�����"Careful," Fiore whispered. He had been unable to get any sort of power reading from Kai. He was probably using a magical damper of some sort. It was best to remain cautious.

�����Kai sized Jinx up, apparently dismissing him as no threat. "If you really want a fight, I'll be more than happy to give you one," he smirked. "Although I'd rather fight someone stronger. Anyone up for a challenge?"

�����"Hey!" Jinx protested, getting ready to rush forward and attack. Jacob held up an arm, blocking his way.

�����"Allow me. You're too much of a wimp," he said, pulling a short silver staff out of his robes. He chanted something, and the staff expanded. A shadowy blade emerged from one end, giving him a scythe-like weapon.

�����"Oh, my," Serenity said, her normally calm voice wavering, "Is this really necessary?"

�����She doesn't approve, Jacob thought, pausing momentarily. He hadn't expected her to. But, Kai was dangerous, not only because he knew things that Jacob never wanted anyone else to find out about. He raised his scythe.

�����"Very good, brother dear." Jerith nodded, approvingly. I'd help too, but I'm not really here you see?" He let the illusional projection waver.

�����"How convenient for you," Jacob muttered. Kai drew out his own weapons, a pair of long sais. The two glared at each other, preparing for the first move.

�����"There will be no fighting," A voice proclaimed, suddenly. Everyone turned to face the Headmaster himself. His wife, Isis, was right behind him.

�����Kai and Jacob lowered their weapons, but they continued to glare at one another.

�����Then, Kai chuckled. "You must be Magnus Dragonflight, the headmaster."

�����"That is correct," Magnus nodded.

�����"I have a message to you from my master," Kai said. "You recognize his seal?" Kai held up his hand to indicate a ring baring a black dragon-claw symbol.

�����"Yes, of course," Magnus said. Even before seeing it, he had known. "And the message is?"

�����"I was instructed that it be delivered to you alone." Kai insisted, looking at the others, meaningfully.

�����"No, this concerns them too," Magnus said. "I want them to hear it as well."

�����Jinx stuck his tongue out at Kai. "So there," he teased.

�����"But the master..." Kai protested, ignoring Jinx.

�����"Is not here," Magnus interrupted, giving Kai an icy stare that made him shiver. "This is my domain, young man, and while you are here you will do as I say. Unless, of course, you want me to send you back to your master before you have completed your mission?" Magnus let his eyes partially shift to dragonform, giving Kai the full benefit of his glare. "I doubt he would like that very much..."

�����Kai paled. It took all the will he had to keep from stuttering, as he repeated the words his master had given him. "H-he says to tell you that he knows what you are up to. That he's aware of the clever maneuvering you have made to remove the very item he was searching for from his grasp. That um..." Kai sweated, wondering how Magnus would take the next part. When he had accepted this mission, he had thought that it would be a piece of cake. He hadn't counted on the headmaster being so powerful. He could feel the strength of the magic, and for the first time worried if he had chosen the wrong side.

�����"Do continue," Magnus said, folding his arms sternly.

�����"H-he said th-that he's going to pay you back. He's going to destroy all that you have worked so hard on." Kai finished, nervously.

�����Magnus stared at Kai, coolly. "I see..." he said, his reptilian eyes giving away no sign of emotion. "If that is the case, then tell your master we will be ready for him. Now... if that is all you have to say, I suggest you leave my school at once. I will tolerate no more trouble from you." His eyes gleamed, icyly.

�����Kai gave a startled leap, surprised to be let off the hook so easily. He chanted a spell, floating back up to the rooftop, and mounted the roc. At his command, the roc spread it's wings, giving a shrill whistle as it took to the air. Once they was skyward, Kai's confidence began to return. I'll become more powerful, he thought. He'll be sorry he let me go. My master will succeed. And I will become his strongest warrior.

�����Magnus watched silently, as the bird receded into the distance.

�����"What the hell was that all about?" Jinx asked.

�����Magnus looked at his students. They are so young, but it is nearly time. He sighed. "All of you... come to my office at once. You too, Jerith, and I mean the real you, not just an illusion." He insisted, motioning forward.

�����"Yes sir. I will meet you there," Jerith said, vanishing.

�����"Aww... but we didn't do anything!" Jinx complained.

�����"Idiot." Jacob said. "He only wants to talk with us in private.

�����"That is true," Magnus agreed. "You have done nothing wrong. I only wish to inform you of something. It is of great importance." He turned to his wife. "Isis?"

�����"Yes?" She replied.

�����"I don't see Pyra around. This may concern her, as well. Would you mind?"

�����"Of course not, dear. I will fetch her. We'll meet in your office, shortly." She hurried away.

�����"As for the rest of you... please follow me," he said, walking towards the main office building.

�����"I wonder what it all means?" Chanse whispered, as they followed behind the headmaster. The message had obviously been a threat of some sort, but she wondered who it was from and why it had been sent.

�����"We'll find out soon enough," Fiore whispered back. He had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to like what the headmaster had to tell them.

�����Serenity remained silent as they walked. Her thoughts were on one thing: The darkness that seemed to surround Jacob and his past. So mysterious. I was beginning to think I knew him, but perhaps I was only deceiving myself.

�����"Something wrong, Ren?" Alaska asked, noticing her friend's grave expression.

�����"I... I'm just worried about what's going to happen," she said.

�����"Yeah, me too." Alaska agreed. Kai's message had sent goosebumps running down her back. And I actually thought he was cute at first, she scolded herself.

�����"No prob!" Jinx said, unconcerned. "You saw how the headmaster handled that punk. I doubt he'll ever come back! He's probably peeing his pants right now! And besides, he didn't seem so tough. Squinky could probably beat him up." He laughed, but no one else seemed to think the joke was funny.

�����"Idiot," Jacob muttered, under his breath. He was following behind the others, keeping his distance. He had a feeling that the events today were only a beginning for things yet to come.


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This story and its characters are � Chibi Ningyo (Cara V.), 2000.
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