The Way of the Sword

Author's note: Never tell Chanse she can't do something just because she's a girl!


     The bell rang, startling Jinx Masamune from his slumber. He blinked a few times in confusion, then leaped from his chair, letting out a loud whoop of joy.

     "Yes!! Classes are finally over! Thank God for Fridays! Hello weekend!!!"

     Alaska and Chanse couldn't help but laugh at the display, and Serenity smiled. The four of them were in the same "Alchemy is fun" class.

     "So, do any of you ladies have plans?" He asked, as they exited the room. "If you want, I think I can convince my brother to take us into the city tomorrow."

     The city! Chanse had only been able to see it from a distance, as the skimmer she had rode here in flew by. The towering buildings had been quite impressive. Her heart raced with excitement.

     "Sounds like fun," Serenity answered. "I wonder if there are any good shows at the theater? Or maybe a new exhibit at the museum..."

     "Wish I could go, but I still have detention for the fight," Alaska sighed.

     "Oh... I almost forgot about that..." Chanse said, uncomfortably. She really wanted to see the city, but would feel a bit guilty if Alaska missed out on the fun.

     Seeing Chanse's torn look, Alaska smiled. "Don't worry, it's not like I've never been before. Go on ahead without me, I don't mind. There's always next time."

     "Well... Okay. I'd love to go!" Chanse smiled.

     "Coolness!" Jinx exclaimed. "Now all I gotta do is convince Fiore to take us. Shouldn't be too hard, I think he mentioned he wanted to look for books a couple days ago." Trust his brother to turn a fun trip into a search for some boring old books!

     As they walked through the hallway discussing their plans, an apple suddenly floated up to Jinx's feet. A small, furry shape popped into view.

     "Squinky!" Jinx exclaimed. "So there you are, you disobedient little traitor!" The squirrel hadn't been around at all since he had vanished the night Chanse and Fiore were chasing them.

     Squinky squeaked, apologetically, and nudged the apple towards Jinx as a sort of peace offering.

     "Okay, okay, all's forgiven," he laughed, accepting the gift.

     The squirrel squeaked happily, and climbed up to perch on Jinx's shoulder.

     "Well, gotta run," Jinx announced, crunching on the apple. "Howzabout we talk more about the plans at dinner? Usual time, usual table."

     Serenity nodded. "That's fine."

     "Okay with me," Chanse agreed.

     With that, the friends parted ways.


     The first Friday of every new semester at Dragonflight was, traditionally, the official sign up day for many of the student clubs. Chanse had seen fliers around from everything to the stamp collecting club to the transdeminsional travel club. What interested her the most, however, were the fliers that announced that the kendo club was accepting new members.

     Alaska hadn't gotten back from detention hall yet, so Chanse left her a note, announcing where she was headed, and that she would meet her at dinner. She didn't bring her mother's sword along, because she only used it in real battles. There would be plenty of practice swords to borrow once she got there.

     As she made her way down the path, she admired the trees and other greenery. It really is a beautiful campus, Chanse thought. Hard to believe that the ground the entire school was built on was actually an island of sorts- only this island floated in the air.

    Before she had transferred here, she had heard, of course, about Dragonflight Academy- the "school in the sky" as it was called by some. Still, hearing the stories was completely different from actually seeing it. Riding in the private skimmer that the school had sent to pick her and a few other students up in, she had glanced out the window in awe as they approached. The flying island was huge, floating hundreds of feet over the sea. Most of the buildings were concentrated on the north end, and the labyrinth was on the south. The island also had gardens, small forests, ponds, and even a lake!

    I wonder what my friends back home would think of this place, she thought. Kenshen would probably love it here- she smiled, thinking of the captain of Corinth's kendo club. Kenshen- so spirited and easygoing. The only member of the club who she had never been able to defeat. I wonder what he's up to, now? I wonder... what all of my friends are doing back home?

     Chanse sighed. When she left Corinth behind, she really hadn't expected to be homesick.

     The path she was on passed by the temple. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a dark shape, and an odd feeling came over her. Before she even turned, she knew she would see the black-robed figure of Jacob Whitewind. Sure enough, he was sitting on a bench in the temple gardens, surrounded by a flock of crows. He reached into a bag, throwing out bits of dried corn. The crows devoured it, hungrily, their ebony wings shining in the sunlight.

     Chanse stopped walking and watched, curiously. What a mysterious guy, she thought. They hadn't really spoken to each other much. After the labyrinth, his cryptic words had remained in her mind. 'I won't underestimate you again,' he had told her. She wondered what he had meant by that. The strangest thing, though, was the feeling she got when he was nearby. Normally, she had to concentrate a bit in order to sense someone's power. With Jacob, however, it was different. She didn't need to concentrate at all, as if his power flared up, to meet her own. Weird.

     "Well, what are you staring at?" Jacob snapped. He hadn't even looked up at her.

     Maybe, he feels it too, Chanse thought. Suddenly, she was determined to find out. "Nothing..." She said, approaching him uncomfortably. "It's just that... do you notice it, too?"

     "Notice what?" Now he looked up, his stormy gray eyes meeting hers.

     "I... I'm not really sure what it is. Just a feeling." I probably sound like a total fruitcake, Chanse thought.

     Jacob stared at her a moment, regarding her coolly. "Yes..." He said finally. "It's almost like we're connected in some way." He threw another handful of corn at the crows. "Can't imagine how, I barely know you," he muttered.

     "You do feel it, then!" She sat down on the bench next to him, but not too close. "It... was how I was able to sense your presence in the temple a few days ago. I was just too mad to say anything, because I don't like it when people see me all upset like that."

     "I was curious," Jacob answered, neither denying nor apologizing for spying on her. "I felt your power nearby. I cast a spell to hide my presence. When you were able to sense me in the shadows, I was amazed. Only one other person has been able to detect me through that spell."

     They sat in silence, each unsure what to make of this strange occurrence.

     "Are you on your way to the kendo hall?" Jacob asked, suddenly changing the subject.

     "Yes. I've been meaning to join the club."

     Jacob gave her an odd look. "Good luck," he muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

     "What's that supposed to mean?" Chanse snapped.

     "You'll see... just give my regards to my dear older brother when you get there."

     "Hmmph... I'm perfectly capable of handling a sword. You said yourself that you wouldn't underestimate me again. So don't!"

     "Oh, I'm not... but he most certainly will." He stood up to leave. "He's usually pretty sharp, but when it comes to girls..." Jacob shrugged, and turned behind the side of the building, melting in with the shadows.

     "Hey, wait! I wasn't finished talking yet!" Chanse hollered, running after him. By the time she made it around the corner, he had already vanished.

     Chanse sighed. That went well, she thought, sarcastically. Not only did the mystery go unsolved, she now had about a dozen more questions floating through her head. Giving one last glance to the spot where Jacob had disappeared, she continued on to the kendo hall.


     A group of about a dozen girls were standing in the entryway when Chanse reached her destination. She noted that, oddly, they didn't look like they were dressed for sword fighting. They looked more like they were ready for a fashion show.

     "Hi," She greeted them, cheerfully. "My name's Chanse. I'm here to join the club. Do I need to sign up, or is there a tryout?"

     "Emerald decides who's in and who's out." One of the girls supplied, pointing across the room.

     "Hey Emerald! Someone wants to join!" Another girl called.

     A blonde haired girl, apparently the leader of the group, came forward. She looked like an upperclassman- probably a senior. Her hair was professionally styled, and her dress was an expensive designer brand. Her flawless face was coated with makeup. There was a haughty look in her eyes, as she noted Chanse's baggy, boyish clothes. Apparently, she didn't approve of what she saw. Chanse fought the urge to fidget under the uncomfortable gaze, sensing intuitively that if she showed any kind of weakness, this girl would pounce on it.

     "YOU, want to join?" Emerald snorted, having completed her evaluation. "A plain little tomboy like you? PUH-LEASE! Don't make me laugh!"

     A few of the other girls giggled.

     Chanse ignored the gigglers, focusing her eyes on Emerald. Stay calm. Stay rational, she thought. "I don't see what my appearance has to do with anything," she said, keeping her anger in check. She had dealt with people like this in the past, and knew she was being baited. Still, it didn't make it any more pleasant.

     Emerald laughed. It was a high pitched, cackling laugh that made Chanse think of a hyena.

     "How cute," Emerald said, derisively. "She thinks she can make into the club the way she is."

     Again, a few in the crowd giggled.

     "And why can't I?" Chanse demanded, her voice firm, but still calm.

     "Listen up, little girl," Emerald snorted. "With that kind of attitude, you'll never make it in."

     "Hmmph. Seems like YOU'RE the one with the attitude problem around here," Chanse retorted, barely containing the urge to slap Emerald across the face. Then, she had a sudden inspiration. "But I won't waste any more time with you," She waved her hand, dismissively, knowing the gesture would probably annoy her opponent. "From what I have heard, the captain of the kendo club is named Jerith Whitewind. The decision of whether or not I can join should be his, not yours. I'd like to see him, If I may." Her tone was cool and businesslike.

     As Chanse had hoped, Emerald's face was starting to turn an ugly shade of red.

     "How DARE you speak to me in that tone! Do you have any idea who I am?" She puffed herself up, proudly. "I am princess Emerald Vanderhouzer, the richest, most beautiful girl in the universe! My crystal magic is revered by many." She looked at Chanse as if she expected her to bow in reverence or something.

     "Uh... sure." Chanse said, a bead of sweat running down the side of her head. Definitely not the modest type.

     "Insolent girl!" Emerald sputtered, moving forward as if to slap Chanse.

     Chanse easily dodged the attack. Which only made Emerald even angrier. She screeched with rage, and her face turned from red to purple.

    "Say, 'princess', purple's a good color for you," Chanse joked, getting ready to dodge the charge she knew was coming.

     "What is the meaning of this outburst?" A commanding male voice asked, interrupting the skirmish.

     Emerald halted her attack, suddenly becoming all sugar and politeness.

     "Just girl talk, Jerith," she said, straightening her hair. "This little tomboy here wanted to join the club. Imagine that?" She giggled, sweetly, looking at Jerith with innocent eyes.

     Chanse sized up the white-cloaked kendo club captain. She could see a bit of the family resemblance to Jacob. Jerith was taller, however, and he showed off his lean figure with well tailored clothes, rather than hiding it under loose fitting robes. His dirty blonde hair reminded Chanse of pictures of rock stars she had seen in magazines. A pretty boy, for sure, she thought. Obviously he knows it, too, judging by the charming, yet slightly arrogant smile in his face.

     Jerith, in turn, looked Chanse over. Her skin crawled, and it didn't take much effort for her to sense his power. Illusion. And strong! She wondered, suddenly, how many secrets that smile held. Determined not to loose her cool, Chanse met his gaze levelly, refusing to be drawn in by his beautiful, hypnotic eyes.

     "Hmm... not the usual type," He said, thoughtfully. "But she seems spirited enough. I like that." He winked, causing Chanse to flush, whether from anger or embarrassment she wasn't sure.

     He nodded to himself, making his decision. "Let her join the fanclub, if she wants to, Emerald."

     Fanclub? Huh? Chanse wondered, suddenly confused.

     "But..." Emerald protested.

     Jerith raised his hand, silencing her. "I have made my decision. Perhaps you could give her a bit of a makeover? She's pretty, but in a rough way. Even diamonds need to be cut and polished to reveal their true beauty."

     Now Chanse was almost totally lost, but she was pretty sure she had just been insulted. "Umm... excuse me but... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She yelled, unable to keep her anger hidden any longer. "What fanclub? And why would I need a makeover? I like myself the way I am, thank you! Besides, I'll just get all sweaty and messed up again when we train."

     Jerith stared at her, his face briefly revealing a startled expression before the illusion slipped back in place.

    Emerald burst out laughing. "She... she doesn't mean she wants to join the kendo club, does she?"

     "Of course I want to join the kendo club. This is the kendo hall after all. Why else would I be here?" Chanse said, in an overly patient tone. Obviously, there had been some kind of communication problem.

     "I do not allow girls to be in my kendo club." Jerith said, eyeing her coolly.

     "What?! Why not?!" Chanse exclaimed. Then she remembered what Jacob had said outside of the temple. So this is what he had meant.

     "It would be dishonorable to fight someone so fragile and so fair." His hypnotic eyes looked into hers. "You may join the other lovely ladies in my fanclub, if you like. Emerald here is the president. But I do not normally fight women."

     This guy is nuts! Chanse thought. What a jerk! I can't believe he has his own personal fan club! As if I would ever join! It's insulting that he even suggested it!

     "Give me a break! I can handle a sword," she protested. "I was second captain at my old school, after all."

     "That may be, but my rule still stands." Jerith said, calmly.

     Chanse glared across the room at him, her green eyes meeting his blue-gray ones. Again, for a brief instant, she thought she saw the illusion surrounding him waver, but then the mask slipped back on so fast she wondered if she had imagined it.

     "Fine," she said, anger evident in her voice. "If you want to be that way... then I challenge you, Jerith Whitewind!"

     The others in the room gasped in surprise.

     Jerith continued to meet her gaze, calmly sizing her up. "If you insist... as captain, I cannot refuse your challenge. But don't think you can win." Jerith smiled, arrogantly. "As long as I have been at this school, have never been defeated. Still, I will try not to hurt you."

     "Don't underestimate me because I'm a girl!" Chanse retorted. "It's not like I'm gonna break or anything! I can handle being beaten, as long as I prove to you that I am capable of fighting!"

     He didn't even give me a chance to try, Chanse fumed.

     Jerith bowed his head. "Very well, then... Shall we enter?" He gestured inside, to the main room. "Ladies first," he smiled, charmingly.

     Grumbling, Chanse stalked by him. Jerith followed, and Emerald and the other girls tagged along. There were several boys training inside, but at the sight of their captain, they withdrew from the floor, bowing politely.

     "You may choose from any of the practice swords you see here," Jerith offered, waving his hands to a sword rack in the corner.

     Chanse looked the bamboo swords over, testing out a few until she found one that was the proper length and weight for her. Jerith selected one as well.

     "What about practice armor?" she asked.

     Jerith smirked. "Armor is for the weak. I never use it. You can if you like, but, as I said, I will try not to injure you."

     "Don't concern yourself," Chanse said, coolly. She could handle a few bruises. Just had to be extra alert for blows to the head.

     As they stood, facing off against each other, Chanse evaluated the situation carefully. He was almost a foot taller than her, but at five foot two, she was used to fighting people taller than herself. He was also, no doubt, physically stronger. She wasn't sure if she could win, but that wouldn't stop her form trying. Maybe she could use speed and endurance to her advantage. Many times, she had been able to wear out larger opponents by doing this. If she kept at it long enough, she hoped she could at least prove to him that she was skilled.

     Jerith was apparently confident of his superiority over her. His face held a cocky grin, as he removed his white cloak, handing it to Emerald. "Are you sure you want to do this? It's still not too late to beg me for forgiveness. I may even let you be my personal towel girl, since I like your spunk."

     "Yes, I still want to fight," Chanse nodded, keeping herself under control in spite of the insulting remark. She realized he was trying to rattle her. It was easier to make stupid mistakes if you lost your cool in a fight. She didn't want to be defeated before it even began. If anything, she was determined to wipe that grin off his face.

     "Then, before we start, I would know my opponent's name- since you obviously already know mine." He grinned, charmingly.

     "Chanse Melody. Former second captain of the Corinth Academy kendo club."

     "So you say," He said, skeptically. "We shall see how skilled you really are soon enough. Now, some rules. No magic. We will not keep score. First to disarm the other wins. Any questions?"


     "Good. Then, shall we?"

     The two of them moved onto the floor. As was customary, they bowed to each other. Then, each of them assumed the ready position, waiting for the first move to be made. The others watched them in silence.

     Jerith made the first move, streaking towards her with his sword raised. He moved so quickly that Chanse almost didn't have time to block it.

     He's fast! Chanse thought, amazed. She recovered from the shock quickly, however, making a move of her own. Jerith parried it, then made a counterattack, which Chanse blocked.

     Seeing an opening, Chanse lunged forward, but she stayed alert for a trick. Sure enough, Jerith's bamboo sword moved forward, swiping through the air and barely missing Chanse's torso as she dodged away. She twisted around to aim for his sword hand, but he was ready, countering her.

     Both of them paused, each of them calculating their next move. Chanse was gratified to see that Jerith's cocky smirk had been replaced by a look of concentration. At least he was starting to take her seriously, now.

     The others in the room were completely silent, their attention focused entirely on the battle.

     With a sudden flourish, Jerith attacked again. Chanse felt the air rush as his sword swiped by, barely missing her shoulder. Chanse recovered quickly. Using an advanced maneuver that Kenshen had taught her, she shot forward, attacking with a sudden burst of speed. Jerith brought his sword up just in time, and the two blades met with a wooden crack. The crowd gasped at the move.

     With their swords still crossed, Jerith's hypnotic gaze met hers between the wooden blades. Chanse was startled to see a mild look of appreciation in his eyes.

     Without warning, Jerith twisted his sword around, neatly wresting Chanse's own from her grip. Angry at herself for being distracted, she watched it fall to the ground with a final clatter. The crowd let out a sigh, realizing it was over, that their captain remained undefeated.

     "Not bad... for a girl." Jerith said, winking. "If you wanted to get my attention, you have succeeded in doing so. And to the victor, goes the spoils." Swooping her up in his arms, he kissed her, deeply.

     Chanse let out a muffled yell of outrage, struggling in his embrace. A few in the crowd cheered, and Emerald glowered with jealousy.

     "That's quite enough, Jerith!" someone yelled, suddenly.

     Fiore! Chanse thought, recognizing the voice. Using the distraction to her advantage, she brought her leg up, kneeing Jerith in a very sensitive area. Grimacing in pain, he released her. Her arms freed, Chanse socked him in the face, and stalked over to stand near Fiore.

     "Are you hurt?" Fiore asked, concern in his eyes. News of the duel had traveled rapidly across campus. Fearing the worst, Fiore had rushed to the kendo hall. He had arrived just in time to see Jerith disarm Chanse and swoop her into his arms.

     "No, not hurt. Just pissed!" Chanse answered, glaring at Jerith. Big pervert! How dare he kiss her like that!

     "So, Fiore..." Jerith said, calmly wiping a tiny trickle of blood from a cut on his lip. "I haven't seen you around much, lately. Do you challenge my authority?" He drew himself up to his full height, trying to recover his wounded dignity.

     Fiore remained silent, his golden eyes revealing nothing. He had good reasons for avoiding the kendo hall when Jerith was around. The captain's growing arrogance played a big role, but there were other reasons as well.

     "Nothing to say?" Jerith had completely regained his composure by now. The smirk returned to his face.

     Fiore bowed his head, knowing that sooner or later it would have come to this. He had hoped to put it off a while longer. "I challenge your judgment, captain." He said, calmly. "I challenge the deplorable way you run this dojo."

     A few in the crowd gasped.

     "Oh, really?" Jerith smirked. "And just what would you do to improve it?"

     "The purpose of this club should be to allow those who seek the knowledge of the sword to learn it." He glanced at Chanse. "Anyone who wants to learn it," He said meaningfully. "Yet, you, in all of your arrogance, have turned it into a mere farce of what it should be."

     "I see," Jerith said, the smile never leaving his mouth. "You disapprove of my tactics. Are you willing to duel over your beliefs?"

     "I will if necessary." Fiore nodded. "Although I was hoping I could reason with you first."

     "I doubt very seriously that your words will change my mind," Jerith smirked. "I'll waste no time talking."

     Fiore's golden eyes lowered. "That is regrettable." He looked up again, eyes on Jerith. "You leave me no alternative. I challenge you, Captain Whitewind, for the leadership of this club."

     "The crowd let out an "OOOooh" of surprise.

     Chanse regarded Fiore, realizing that he hadn't really wanted to fight. He didn't seem like someone who would start a serious duel for petty reasons. Obviously, the tension between the two of them went back a long way. Silently, she prayed he would win.

     "I accept your challenge," Jerith said calmly.

     Fiore selected a practice sword from the rack, and Jerith picked up the one he had discarded. The two faced off on the arena, giving the customary bow.

     "They're both so kawaii!" Chanse overheard a girl in Jerith's 'fanclub' whisper. "I'm so torn! Who do I root for?"

     "Jerith, of course! He'll win for sure!" Another whispered back.

     "Usual rules?" Jerith asked.

     "Agreed," Fiore nodded.

     They assumed the ready position. Each of them stood facing the other, unmoving. Then, suddenly, Jerith lunged, and the fight began.

     Fiore parried Jacob's thrust, taking the defensive. Jerith made another swipe, aiming for Fiore's throat, but he blocked that attack as well. He faked a lunge to the left, then aimed for Jerith's sword arm. Jerith was ready, however, blocking the move.

     They look about evenly matched, Chanse thought. Watching them, she realized that Jerith had been holding back when he fought her. Grudgingly, she admitted that his skill was far superior to her own.

     Fiore made an advanced maneuver, his raven hair swirling behind him its neat knot as he aimed for Jerith's torso. Jerith blocked it just in time.

     "Wow!" One of the 'fanclub' members whispered. "How does he do that?"

     "It takes years of practice and training to master a sword maneuver like that," Chanse said, impressed. Fiore had made it look so easy, moving gracefully as a dancer. She herself was still working on it.

     The girl looked at her, blankly. "That's not what I meant! I meant, how does he get his hair to be so shiny and bouncy? I'm so jealous! It's not fair that a guy has prettier hair than mine." She pouted, looking at her split ends.

     "Errr... nevermind." Chanse said, seeing it was a hopeless cause.

     The fight continued. The hall remained silent, except for the hollow cracking of the bamboo swords as they connected. Slowly, ever so slowly, Chanse noticed that Fiore was gaining ground. Then, one of his thrusts landed, grazing Jerith's shoulder.

     "Been practicing, I see." Jerith smirked. The blow had not connected hard enough to disarm him. The fighting resumed.

     Suddenly, Jerith stuck his foot out, tripping Fiore. Fiore turned the fall into a roll, however, righting himself quickly. His sword was still firmly in his grip.

     "Foul!!!" Chanse yelled, in protest.

     "I thought such a dishonorable move was beneath even you, captain," Fiore said, facing off against Jerith. "Now I see I was wrong."

     "My foot slipped," Jerith said, with mock innocence. Chanse could see beyond the illusion however. He's worried, she realized.

     Fiore lunged again, aiming for Jerith's torso. Jerith was ready to block it, but, at the last moment, Fiore reversed the direction of his blow, hitting Jerith's sword arm. The sword was wrested from Jerith's grip, landing on the floor with a clatter.

     The kendo hall was silent for a few tense seconds. Then, Emerald started crying.

     "WAAAHHH! He... he lost." She sniffed, using Jerith's cloak as a tissue.

     Jerith looked at the fallen blade, calmly. Beneath the mask, though, Chanse sensed a cold fury.

     "This isn't over, Fiore." He said, the smirk returning to his face. He grabbed Emerald by the arm, dragging her out the door with him. A few of the other girls followed, but most of them stayed. Some giggled, blushing in admiration of the victor.

     Fiore sighed, and the tenseness in his shoulders relaxed. He released the grip on his own sword, letting it fall to the ground.

     "Allow me to get that for you, Captain Fiore," One of the boys said, picking up the discarded blade.

     "Would you like some water, Captain?" Another asked him.

     "No, thank you," Fiore said. He looked up at Chanse. "Things are going to be a lot different around here from now on."


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