Realm of Secrets


Hee hee! I'm Kitsune, Keeper of Secrets.
     A fox-girl with sparkling green eyes and a wild tangle of orangy hair grins as you enter the Realm of Secrets. "Hyas, I'm Kitsune!" She says, cheerfully. "Guess what? I know something you don't know!" She teases, as she twirls a silver key around her finger. "But, I'll give you a hint." She looks from side to side, as if making sure no one else is around to hear. "This place has lots of secret spots. I know where they all are 'cause it's my job," she smiles, proudly. "But, I'm not telling! Ya just gotta find them by yourself. That's half the fun, right?" She giggles. "Well, gotta go, see yas!" She cries, streaking away. After she's left, you notice a gold coin on the ground.



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