Hasay Yo

Episode 1

Scene 1

Angela is rushing to get ready.

Angela: *fingers her necklace* why does this necklace seem so ubiquitous?

She runs downstairs.

Angela: *hastily* Good morning mom.

Mom: Good morning.

Angela rushes past headed out the door.

Mom: Don't you want any break-

Angela is out the door

Mom: fast

Scene 2

Evan is trying to get ready for school. He is eating breakfast. He grabs his backpack and runs out the door.

Scene 3

Josephine runs out the door.

Scene 4

Alex runs out the door.

Scene 5

All four are in the same classroom. A circle of friends is crowed around Josephine. Alex is sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on a desk. Evan is on his computer. Angela is just entering the room.

Josephine: *very loudly* I can't believe Angela is in this class, she's so annoying and what is up with here hair, since when is one pigtail in style.

Angela sees Josephine and sies. She takes a seat next to Evan. The teacher walks in.

Teacher: Hi. Please take a seat. I hope you enjoyed your summer vacation. My name is Ms. Dumbrowski. Please form a circle with your chairs; we are going to learn each other's names.

There are a number of groans and someone says: but we already know each other's names. But ms. Dumbrowski seems not to hear it. Show clock when hands reach 3:00 kids run out of the building. Angela runs up beside Evan.

Scene 6

Angela: I could not help but notice that we look a lot alike; I mean how many people have purple eyes.

Evan: You noticed that too!

Angela: Do your parents have purple eyes too?

Evan: I don't know, cuz i'm adopted.

Angela: really!? Me too!

Evan: Yea, my adopted parents tried everything they could to find who my real parents are but nothing came up.

Angela: I tried once too and I got the same results.

Evan: When is your Birthday?

Angela: September 13, 1987

Evan: Whoa! This is getting scary, that's my birthday too!

*Causally puts hands in pockets*

Evan:*sigh pulls on a pendent identical to Angela's*

*Angela's eyes bulge*

Evan: What?!

Angela: I have the same necklace and I can't seem to get rid of it.

Evan: Yea mine seems to follow me.

Angela: This is so weird!

*Everything goes black*

Scene 7

*Alex is behind Josephine*

Alex: Hey wait up!

*Josephine turns around*

Josephine:*rudely* What do you want?

Alex: *ignores Josephine's attitude* I was kinda think'n that it's weird that we both have orange eyes.

Josephine: If you're suggesting that I am in any way related to u, I'm afraid that you must be seriously mistaken, that's just imposable.

*Alex hurt starts to walk away

Everything goes black*

Scene 8

*The setting is a market place that looks like it's in medieval time except for the people's clothes. Angela and Evan suddenly appear out of nowhere. *

Angela: *looks around* Where are we?

Evan: I have no clue.

*Suddenly the crowd parts leaving Angela and Evan in the middle of a huge circle.*

Evan: *whispers* I think we should join this crowd. I don't feel comfortable like this.

Angela: k

*As they walk towards the crowd it continues to part leaving room for them to walk. Every member of the crowd has a look of fear and question on their faces as Angela and Evan walk towards them. Behind them they hear the sound of hoof beets. Angela and Evan turn around to see a boy (aka Chris) about their age on a horse. *

Chris: *to Evan and Angela* your highnesses!

Angela: *thinking* he's cute!

Evan: I'm afraid everyone here has mistaken us for someone else.

Chris: But you're both going to be 13 on September 13, right? You think that you were born in 1987 but you were actually born in 3053.

*Evan and Angela look at each other confused*

Angela: There is no way that we could have been born in 3053, because that would mean that it this the year *thinks for a moment* 3065.

Chris: I'll explain later but first you need to come with me.

*A rider (Ann) comes up behind them*

Ann: o Chris you found them!

*Angela and Evan are still very confused. Chris and Ann dismount and start walking toward the castle with Evan and Angela seeing no other option following them*

Scene 9

*Alex and Josephine appear in a hall of what looks like a palace*

Josephine: What did you do!?

Alex: I didn't do any thing!

Josephine: well how did I get here?! I didn't just fly here.

Alex: I don't know.

Josephine: Yea, I guess you're right.

Alex: This is weird, it's almost like magic brought us here.

Josephine: but that's imposable because magic doesn't exist.

Sam Uri: What gives you that idea your highnesses?

*Alex and Josephine turn around*

Sam Uri: Allow me to introduce your highnesses, my name is Sam Uri. Allow me to show you to his majesty, to let him know you have arrived.

*Alex and Josephine stare at each other confused*

Scene 10

*Evan, Angela, Ann, and Chris are walking toward the palace gates*

Chris: I apologize your highnesses; I don't believe we introduced ourselves. You can call me Chris and you can call my mother *motions to Ann* Ann.

*They stop in front of a guard*

Chris: I have their highnesses with me to see his majesty.

*The gates open and they walk in. *

Scene 11

*Angela and Evan study their new surroundings Angela is quite pleased but Evan could care less. *

Angela: It's beautiful! I wish I could live somewhere like this.

Chris: You will you're highness.

Angela: Could you please stop calling me your highness, it's making me uncomfortable.

Evan: the same goes for me.

Ann: What shall we call you then?

Evan: Evan

Angela: Angela

Chris: What ever you say your high- Angela and Evan.

*They approach the entrance to the throne room and enter*

Scene 12

*Chris and Ann kneel down*

Ann: Your Majesty my son and I have retrieved your children.

King of Hasay: *very happy* Great! I will see to them soon but first show them to their rooms and have them changed out of those rags. *Points to Evan and Angela's clothes*

*Angela and Evan look confused*

Ann: As you wish your majesty.

*Ann and Chris stand up and bow then leave with Angela and Evan*

Scene 13

Ann: Chris why don't you show Evan to his room.

Chris: ok

*Chris walks with Evan down the hallway*

To be continued…

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